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The American Revolution in the Civil War


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The American Revolution in the Civil War
Anderson, Fred. Crucible of war: the Seven Years’ War and the fate of empire in British North America, 1754-1766. Vintage, 2007.Anderson focuses on the history of conflict between the colonist and the Colonial government that exercised its rule in America. According to the author, the native had enough of the taxes imposed on them by Britain. The text is relevant to the subject matter of the research topic.
Bailyn, Bernard. The ideological origins of the American Revolution. Harvard University Press, 2017.Bernard Bailyn delves into the ideologies of the populace and the warring parties during the American Revolution. He gives the narrative form both perspective considering both Americans and British collaborators were victims of the war.
Blackmon, Douglas A. Slavery by another name: The re-enslavement of black Americans from the Civil War to World War II. Anchor, 2009.There has always been the argument that the civil war had a far-reaching impact on slavery and the First and Second World War. Some of the societal issue during these periods in history share similarities as evidenced by Blackmon.
Blight, David W. Beyond the battlefield: race, memory & the American Civil War. Univ of Massachusetts Press, 2002.Even after the civil war some of the underlying issues such as slave trade and racial discrimination remained part of the society. David Blight gives the audience a sneak peak of the community beyond the battlefield.

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Centeno, Miguel Angel. Blood and debt: War and the nation-state in Latin America. Penn State Press, 2002.The book discusses the different civil war that existed in the past centuries in the North American region. Centeno gives a different perspective of the civil wars adding to the credibility of the source.
Cutterham, Tom. “Was the American Revolution a Civil War?” The Junto, 18 Feb. 2014, earlyamericanists.com
Tom Cutterham sheds light on the debate centered on determining whether there American Revolution and the Civil war were connected. He addresses the misconception that the American Revolution was in itself a civil war.
Hummel, Jeffrey. Emancipating slaves, enslaving free men: a history of the American civil war. Open court, 2013.
The book delves into the influence of the institution of slavery on the civil war between the North and Southern states. It gives the arguments of both the abolitionists as well as slave owners during the 18th Century.
Kerber, Linda K. Women of the republic: Intellect and ideology in revolutionary America. UNC Press Books, 2000.Linda Kerber gives a female’s point of view of the revolutionary war that almost lasted a decade. Her primary concern is the role of women in the revolution. This is closely related to the research topic.
Shi, David E., and George Brown Tindall. America: A narrative history. WW Norton & Company, 2016.
The authors in their book have concentrated the entire American history from independence to the Civil War in the 18th Century. There is a narrative premised on America as implied by the title of the text. This is a credible source with not biasness it gives a count of the past.
Varon, Elizabeth R. Disunion!: The Coming of the American Civil War, 1789-1859. Univ of North Carolina Press, 2008.Elizabeth Varon describes America as a disunited society even after the nation had acquired its independence from the British. It is from this disunity that the country plunged into civil war affecting peace and stability. This would make a good source on a paper concerning the causes of the civil war.
Works Cited
Anderson, Fred. Crucible of war: the Seven Years’ War and the fate of empire in British North America, 1754-1766. Vintage, 2007.Bailyn, Bernard. The ideological origins of the American Revolution. Harvard University Press, 2017.Blackmon, Douglas A. Slavery by another name: The re-enslavement of black Americans from the Civil War to World War II. Anchor, 2009.Blight, David W. Beyond the battlefield: race, memory & the American Civil War. Univ of Massachusetts Press, 2002.Centeno, Miguel Angel. Blood and debt: War and the nation-state in Latin America. Penn State Press, 2002.Cutterham, Tom. “Was the American Revolution a Civil War?” The Junto, 18 Feb. 2014, earlyamericanists.com
Hummel, Jeffrey. Emancipating slaves, enslaving free men: a history of the American civil war. Open court, 2013.
Kerber, Linda K. Women of the republic: Intellect and ideology in revolutionary America. UNC Press Books, 2000.Shi, David E., and George Brown Tindall. America: A narrative history. WW Norton & Company, 2016.
Varon, Elizabeth R. Disunion!: The Coming of the American Civil War, 1789-1859. Univ of North Carolina Press, 2008.

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