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The Arrival Of Christ


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The arrival of Christ


Christ arrives in the world to appear before human beings so that they know that He is God for which we have expressed and analyzed the gift of faith presenting Christ and giving testimony of himself being a person in which we must follow the example, Since he left us more than one message, a fundamental message of Christ that provided to humanity is that there are necessary truths that are like that and cannot cease to be or can be otherwise for example the affirmation that God is Blessed Trinity Father Son and Holy Spirit. The humanism of Christ has two general and religious master lines.


But to know the humanistic dimension of Christ we must ask ourselves for its origin as Christ appears before humanity, Christian humanism is a set of values. The metaphysical line is the general guideline this refers to the ability of every human being to accept the thought of Christ and put into practice in itself metaphysical thinking are the great cultural and scientific centers of the world that allows us to open a conversation about the Metaphysical thinking. Christ appears before humanity as a thinker and philosopher. Mysticism is the religious line that is the statement I am God for which it tells us how is the relationship between humanity.

And God which Christ in His humanity reveals to us divine intimacy as no one has done so or can do it the real life of Christ is implicit in these two lines which did not have enough time and not alive in a proper time and environment To present himself as a philosopher, he lived from simple fields a town that was not characterized by philosophy was more dedicated to agriculture and livestock, but if Christ had been born in another era it could have given conferences in Ágora centers of Cutta and Politics where he would express his philosophical thoughts if Christ lived or came in our time would be a teacher who foster values ​​with the only mission of doing good and improving it to the whole society.

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The Gospel tells us the life of Christ and for what we see in the gospel the only thing they asked for was miracles so that God can cure them of some disease or to give them food, since Christ was surrounded by people of people who lived worried about His animal plants in the weather if it rains or makes that they cannot capture a deep thought, this also happens in a materialistic society that does not have an intellectual or moral thinking that dares people morally and intellectually so that Christ historically found himself in A closed religious environment full of people with primary needs.

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