The Auditory Deficiency In Television Media In Ecuador.
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Television media in Ecuador lack labor accessibility for people with some type of disability, those who have hearing impairment are also limited in these spaces by not having an environment familiar with sign language, in addition many of people with different abilities with different abilitiesThat they enter to work in these media, they do so only to meet demands of labor laws in this country.
Work is a human right, that every person of age to exercise economic activity possesses, by the simple fact of being a human person, however, there are limiting barriers in the work world for people with some type of disability or deficiency. In the case of people with hearing impairment, despite the fact that their situation does not fall on the physical or movement aspect, their opportunity to relate to others, with their environment, develops differently and is limited by the ignorance of theSign language, even in work and professional fields, where people around them do not have enough education in inclusion issues.
The television media at the national level, of course, are also a source of employment for many of the people who develop in communication, but here the research question enters: is the communication access to people with auditory deficiency with a hearing impairment.In national TV media?.
In the country there are laws for the owners of Emepreas, which establish parameters that must be met in the hiring of workers, such as having a certain percentage of people with some type of disability that have the card of the National Council for Equality of Disabilities Conadis.
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It is important to clarify whether they can meet a state requirement or if there really is a social and labor commitment that seeks the economic development of the country and its citizens.
Likewise, the issue of inclusion is often confused with integration, which is the most common practice in spaces where people with and without disabilities coexist.
Therefore, in this work, it is intended to investigate the country’s television media to understand whether in some way establishes conditions to people with auditory deficiency to work, either in their work environment or by the pre -established functions that are only given to cover thevacancies required by law.
- Labor access of people with auditory deficiency to television doctors from Ecuador
- Analysis of labor access conditions for people with auditory deficiency to television media in Ecuador
- Parameter analysis for the access of people with auditory deficiency to television media in Ecuador
- Analysis of the working conditions of workers with auditory deficiency in television media in Ecuador.
Art of art
It is important to understand that disability is still seen as a barrier to get a job in the world of work. “People with auditory deficiencies continue to encounter barriers that hinder their full access to television. This restricts being able to develop as a citizen, with their rights and freedoms, in a society created to be heard.”(Gómez, 2015). So it should be a requirement that all people know sign language to avoid exclusion.
Sign language or sign language should be another language, considering that the population that uses this media is colossal, thus social inclusion towards people with hearing impairment or with sensory disabilities problems feel more integrated into their environmentFrom his family, friends and acquaintances. (León, 2016)
So the media and communication should lead these practices for ethics and hmanity.“The media – as new social actors and meeting scenarios and public deliberation – have implemented the measures established in current regulations for the inclusion of people with hearing and visual disabilities."
To promote and educate society not only with truthful information, but with practices in inclusion and development issues.“In society there are cultural and physical barriers that limit the life of the population with disabilities. Barriers found in attitudes, languages, forms of organization, services, infrastructure."
The following work differs from others in which it seeks to reveal the conditions and context in which the television media of Ecuador are found, in termsThey fulfill and if they occur in an adequate environment.
Theoretical framework
Communication must be considered as a social work, since it is at the service of society, it must educate, inform and comment around a latent reality, a situation that transgresses the different populations in the world, however there are several means ofcommunication that have made communication an interest game.
In Ecuador there are national television media such as Teleamazonas, Ecuavisa, RTC, etc. The same that show the deontological and moral breach in regard to communicate, even more internally in the labor development of their workers who thanks to them day by day these chains are held.
The conceptual reference to be used in this work is based on the perspective that people have against those who have hearing impairment within the work in the media, since it is one of the factors that mark the development space for thepeople in general. In many cases, the unknown relating rests with not knowing adequate language, forcing the person with hearing deficiency to opt for “creative” measures to be able to express themselves, obviously interfering with their work in their work.
Although erroneously it is considered that the deaf read with total normality, reality and various studies find us that except for readings with short phrases of easy understanding and on topics widely experienced by Sordo himself, there are strong lagoons of domain of the grammatical structure of written written written.
Having a job goes beyond complying with laws or regulations, but through this right many others are guaranteed, for all persons. “In Ecuadorian society, employment constitutes a key element for the integration of the person. That is, the work allows the person to develop as a human being, something essential to achieve social integration."
As an example, in Colombia there is a case that, although it has nothing to do with the media, it serves a lot to more generally understand the situation of people with hearing impairment.
In McDonald’s, auditory disabilities employees perform in low interaction positions with the client, but when a situation requires them to interact with listeners they teach them a button that exposes “my name is __ I cannot hear it but I am here to attend it”.
This questions whether in this company there is an inclusion or simply a tolerance with this type of deficiency, because it highlights the disability of the person, as if that is the only thing that had or that represented it as such, also theHaving work that proposes little contact with customers, creates a reflection on the ignorance of societies to learn to live in diversity.
The impact on not guaranteeing a decent work environment brings consequences at the social level, as a consequence, since it creates increasingly large and difficult social gaps to sustain for the State, with social spending not always well directed, precisely because of the lackof research in these areas. “According to ILO, discrimination in employment is to treat people differently due to characteristics that are not related to their merits or the requirements of the job. This produces and strengthens social inequalities."
The general knowledge in our country about inclusion in the media is to see people communicating in sign language the news, at one end of the screen, but that does not mean that it is a person with hearing impairment or who haveEmployees with this condition, because there is neither a news or program in which its presenter or presenter is a person with auditory deficiency and that is transmitted in stellar schedule.
Politically in the government of Rafael Correa, certain programs were worked on for people with disabilities, however, they were measures to weak an existing problem weakly, since they did not provide permanent solutions such as having a worthy wake.
In Ecuador, 14.479 people are beneficiaries of the Joaquín Gallegos Lara program that consists in the delivery of an economic aid of 240 dollars to a family caregiver or person who is responsible for the care of a person suffering from severe physical or intellectual disability, said help is paid tothrough the National Development Bank.
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- Brito Chávez, A. M. (2017). The labor insertion of people in disabilities: a challenge for Ecuadorian society. Conrado Magazine, 13 (58), 113-119. Recovered from http: // conrado.UCF.Edu.Cu/Index.PHP/Conrado
- Meléndez-Labrador, Sandra Inclusive Internal Communication: Two Labor Inclusion Case Studies of Auditory Disabilities in Bogotá Research & Development, Vol. 24, no. 1, January-June, 2016, pp. 26-52 Universidad del Norte Barranquilla, Colombia.
- Available at https: // = 26846686002
- Forcada Rojkín, Cora Inés (2015). The insertion of people with disabilities in the private labor market. Invenio, ISSN: 0329-3475. Available in:
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