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The Auxiliary Elements In ‘Madame Bovary’ By Gustave Flaubert


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The auxiliary elements in ‘Madame Bovary’ by Gustave Flaubert


In the first instance, my knowledge before the interactive oral activity was less enriched than the currentColloquial language in "Madame Bovary", because the lexicon within realism characterizes the characters for their economic and social condition.

However, during the interactive oral activity I noticed that "Madame Bovary" was published in 1857 generating controversy for having certain prohibited contents for that time, such as infidelity, leading to trial to its author, I could recognize the descriptive style of Flaubert and give meAccount that many of his works are related to colloquial language.

In addition, I appreciated that his friendship with the novelist Víctor Hugo, was his inspiration to write his great classics, I also deduced that "Madame Bovary" as he was coming from France, in the nineteenth century was written in a society that governed peoplefor his social status and was identified by the stupidity that in his opinion characterized the bourgeoisie, giving it importance in this way to time and space.

I could say that I had difficulty identifying cultural contexts, due to the different interpretations of the definition of this context, however, by investigating I could clarify it and understand cultural aspects such as the passion for music and reading, in which it is recurringComparison in contrast to your own, since, this culture mentioned is scarce in my environment.

Wait! The Auxiliary Elements In ‘Madame Bovary’ By Gustave Flaubert paper is just an example!

On the other hand, it was simple.

I finally believe that the interactive oral activity was of great help, since, I understood certain ambiguous aspects about the author, such as his literary influence and his narrative style specified in the descriptions, with reference to his work I could understand the cultural contexts that beforeInteractive oral activity were ambiguous for me. Personally, I think that "Madame Bovary" is one of the revolutionary works that arouses the reader’s interest, in mediaAbout their lives.

How Gustave Flaubert through the heterodiegetic narrator makes use of the plot auxiliary elements to link with the subjective aspects of Emma in the work Madame Bovary?

In the stylistic elaboration of a literary work, the auxiliary elements of the plot are fundamental, taking into account that they are valued as technical resources, including;Direct discourse, indirect and indirect free discourse, soliloquy, and psychonarration, which on the textual reproduction of behavior supports the characterization of the characters, which is why it is very frequent in modern and classic novels. Madame Bovary is a realistic novel written by Gustave Flaubert recognized for her emphasis on the search for "the perfect word" during the writing of his novels. In the work, Emma Bovary is a woman who refuses to dive into the repetitive, thus yearning for the great adventures regardless of the immoral issues that her actions would cause. In the analysis of the auxiliary elements of the plot, it will be considered as Gustave Flaubert through the heterodiegetic narrator takes the speech of the characters in a narrative, giving an focus on the subjective aspects of Emma, among which the disagreement, repulsion ofThe monotonous, infidelity and hope for prosperity.

Before starting, it is noteworthy to mention that the auxiliary elements of the plot tend to vary according to the type of narrator, in Madame Bovary, Flaubert uses a zero narrator, hence the denomination of their stories as an "impersonal narrative" in whichThe narrator is not part of the events, therefore, the implementation of elements other than those of a homodiegetic narrator are characteristic in the work. From this conviction, it is considered that the direct reproduction of words being one of the auxiliary elements of the plot is implemented by Flaubert as a method to clearly emphasize Emma’s personality, so that his narrative is stripped of the narrator’s perspective andOpen step to the speech of the main character, directly exposing his behavior “sitting in the grass that hit with the contempra of his umbrella, repeated: my God! Why will I have married?”Specifically, direct discourse refers to the dissatisfaction of Emma, reaching the question of why your marriage, Flaubert uses verbs that indicate activity, in this way it is introduced before mentioning the textual words of the protagonist, a fundamental characteristic at the timeTo use direct discourse, for example, the verb “repeated”, predecessor to the exclamations cited, focusing the reader on the identification of a direct speech, for this reason it can be linked to indications that denote the insatiable behavior of Emma Bovary in front ofreality.

At the same time, indirect discourse can be considered as an element capable of reproducing the voice of the interpreter tacitly through the narrator. “Emma narrowed the eyelids to recognize his house and the humble town where he lived did not seem so small."Flaubert through the narrator seizes the matter by recouring the actions, making use of the subject" Emma "to occur who performs the event, and to adapt the speech of the main character in that of the narrator, linking indirect discourse with the discontent of Emma,who characterizes the people as humble and small. These statements denote how the interests of that woman went far beyond what her little world offered her in her tiny reality.

In the same circumstances, the free indirect discourse or flow of consciousness as it is normally called by Flaubert in order to capture Emma’s perspective before monotony. "He consumed him in the multiple adventures of his spirit […] in virginity, in love … he constantly losing him throughout life, as the traveler who leaves part of his wealth in the hosts of the road."Aising the situation, the narrator introduces typical characteristics of Emma’s language, in order to merge with the character, in this case the way he always referred to the mediocrity of his life is used, attributing to his marriage the breakdown From the freedom of his soul, in virginity and love as previously clarifies, therefore, the comparison of his misfortune with the detachment of the riches of a traveler, it is convenient to highlight the use of the rhetorical figure called formal image, ““ He consumed it in the multiple adventures of his spirit ”provoking in a sensitive and almost alive In view, producing the effect of being a single issuer, as a result, the appearance of a flow of consciousness in which the character is introduced into his ensar Then refer to the hopes and adventures Emma had forgotten over time with her husband.

Like the reproduction of words, the focus on Emma’s thoughts, achieve the understanding of their behavior and their version of reality, with this pretext is within these elements, the soliloquy, a cited monologue class, in theThat the Flaubert reflects Emma “-I have a lover! I have a lover!- It was repeated."Injigatically to monotony, infidelity occurred, in order to please her liberal spirit, the text cited textually shows the relationship between the auxiliary elements of the plot and the subjective aspects, particularly Flaubert resorts to this technique, to emphasize the stateEmma’s mood and postpone the narrator in the background in order to explicitly expose the character’s thoughts, so thanks to the use of the background narrator, the soliloquy manages to be expressed.

It is necessary to highlight that, in the reproduction of thoughts, Psychonarration can highlight Emma’s criteria and feelings."Also asked if I could not, through other chance combinations, stumble upon another man."Indicating Emma’s daily life in the face of her marriage, uncertainty occurs in the repetitive, in other words, through this psychonarration the narrator expresses with her own words the perspective of Emma, without even making alterations in her stories,Sometimes this type of narration is usually recognized as "omniscient description", as a result it reflects Emma’s psychic life.

These auxiliary elements lead to the subjective aspects in the protagonist, therefore, allow to represent their customs in a better way, on several occasions the narrator disappearing and giving way to the explicit reproduction of the character, however, in certain circumstances it isThe narrator who seizes the events “many of these facts are narrated from the emotion or memory of the character (…). That the thoughts and feelings in the novel seem made, that they could be seen and almost touched (…) discovered a deep predilection ”emphasizing the style of Flaubert, Mario Vargas Llosa issues his comment towards the stylistic form in which he makes use ofThe elements of the plot, with the aim of completely representing Emma’s actions through the narrator, to the point that he achieves the consistency in the subjective aspects. In addition to this, the narrator can position himself as an interlocutor between the auxiliary elements and the subjectivism, such as dissatisfaction, disagreement and the search desperate for happiness in the ephemeral.

Finally, Flaubert used the auxiliary elements of the plot directly or indirectly linking with the subjective aspects of Emma, ​​through the homodiegetic narrator achieved the understanding of Emma’s behavior and perspective, within these auxiliary aspects of the plot, Flaubert emphasized In the reproduction of words and thoughts specifically analyzing Emma’s behavior and feelings, that is, through direct discourse and soliloquy, Emma’s emotional state could be clearly understood, as they are auxiliary elements that cite her words textually, also Through indirect and indirect free discourse, Emma’s perspective was implicitly clarified in the face of reality, in addition to this, psychonarration contributed to the understanding of Emma’s subconscious, Flaubert managed to position the narrator at the exact time to give way to the use of said said elements, causing it to act as an intangible bridge between s Auxiliary elements of the plot and the subjective aspects of Emma, ​​in other words, Gustave Flaubert makes use of the auxiliary elements of the plot in order to make known, in the narrative of his novel the dissatisfaction of Emma, ​​of the hatred of The poor, the need to venture into debauchery, and the suffering in the miserable of its reality.

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