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The Best Sleeping Positions


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The best sleeping positions

 The dream is something that nobody can fight, the different day -to -day activities are overwhelming, and this gives way to a great tiredness, there are times when you just want to fall into Morpheus’s arms and forget everything, however, it is vital to distribute time and not stop doing any of the things that allow you to enjoy excellent health.

People need to sleep to recover energies, renew and rest to the body. It is important to know that not resting enough is a great enemy of your health. It is vital to sleep well and the right hours, to reinforce cognitive processes, such as learning, memory among other skills. It should be noted that, it is not just sleeping to rest but to maintain good health, in very different.com you can see various ways of sleeping, which you can implement so that your dream is more pleasant and healthier.

Sleeping implies certain factors, one of them is having an adequate posture, being something decisive also to benefit some vital functions and prevent muscle discomfort. This is closely related to the scientific bibliography that indicates that the incorrect positions at bedtime generate the presence of pain.

Over the years, infinities of studies try to clarify which are the most appropriate positions and which the most wrong. In this sense, a good part of the experts agrees that the perfect position is notbreathing, etc. However, in the following link you can know the best ways to sleep and educate yourself more and then put it into practice.

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It must be taken into account that the column and the vertebrae that form it has curvatures designed to distribute a certain load and pressure. As a general rule, the best position will be one that maintains these curvatures in their physiological position, this is stated by Fernando Ramos, physiotherapist.

On the other hand, Dr. Juan Pareja Grande, considers that in principle if he is healthy, it is best to follow the natural trend. In addition, it indicates that the most advisable positions are lateral (side) and supine position (upside down).

Something that cannot be overlooked, is the correct choice of matt.

It is not just sleeping for sleeping, it is going further in an area of health and good position, to avoid complications that can occur in the long term. Next, we will indicate the best sleeping positions:

  • Sideways
  • It is a position indicated as the healthiest, since sleeping on side prevents cervical and back pain, speeds up breathing, reduces snoring and decreases gatatroesophageal reflux. In this position the spine does not suffer, as long as you use the appropriate pillow. The pillow must have a greater thickness and density because this is the only way to ensure that your neck is aligned with the rest of the back. Sleeping sideways is the best position for pregnant women, especially if you are done on the left side. It should be noted that, in this posture the blood circulation towards the placenta is much better by avoiding the compression of the vena cava, and the contribution of oxygen to the baby is maximum. In addition to this, it is also important to sleep with a pillow between the legs, to prevent the curvature in the lower back and subsequent back pain.
  • Face up
    • This is one of the most neutral and second most recommended positions to rest. Prevents neck and back pain, thanks to the column resting straight and without forcing. In addition to this, since the face does not come into contact with the pillow minimizes wrinkles. Also, keep the woman’s chest firm. For this position it is recommended to use a fine pillow, which helps you maintain the straight position of the column in the cervical part. If you are going to have a baby or just have it, you should know that the only recommended position for them is upside down. In this sense, pediatric associations advise that the best posture for sleeping babies is lying on the back, because it guarantees maximum security for them, in this posture the risk of suffering sudden infant’s death syndrome is minimized,The first cause of death in children under one year. And they must sleep this position at least until the year of life, being essential during the first six months.
    • Face down
      • This is an uncomfortable posture, since it produces a lot of stress in the neck area, due to the excessive rotation of the column, this affects the muscles, joints and nerves that leave the different levels of the column. For this posture the pillow must be of little thickness to avoid stress in the neck and lumbar region. Most people get used to a way of sleeping and years go by ignoring the damage they are causing to their body, in this sense, we cannot overlook these details, because the ailments arise from bad positions. Although it looks insignificant it is something that has great weight, the good sleep depends your performance both at work, and in all the activities it carries out during the day. It is time to take every detail more seriously, and verify from now that so much favors you the position in which you sleep, this is also a way to consent and give pleasure to your body.

        Sleeping well is what everyone wants, since rest is essential to lead a healthier life, if you consider that you do not have the right equipment to sleep begins with looking for a better mattress and the appropriate pillow that adapts to the posture thatYou like it so much. Do not take this lightly, because it is necessary to get the rest you deserve every night. And do not forget to adopt the posture that provides you with the best relaxation to your muscles so that the next day it dawns and full of energy.  

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