The Bill of Rights
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In the U.S constitution, there is a fundamental component known as the bill of rights that was intended to safeguard the elementary civil liberties of the nation’s citizens. Formerly, it comprised ten amendments. Well along, a further seventeen adjustments were included in the constitution. Specific sections of these extra changes and the rights’ bill have had a fundamental effect on the system of criminal justice. These adjustments include the fourteenth, eighth, sixth, fifth, and fourth amendments. Their drive is destined to guarantee that persons are treated well if arrested or suspected of crimes.
The fourth amendment defends people from unreasonable seizures and searches devoid of a warrant. Therefore, if the forces suspect that an individual has been involved in, or committed delinquency, they should firstly legally acquire an order. The Fifth Amendment explains that an individual can’t be punished or prosecuted without being offered due process (Grabel, 2017). The Sixth Amendment provides rights in the modern court system. Under this power, a perpetrator should be tried and arbitrated by a judge of her or his peers. Throughout the trial, she or he furthermore has a provided entitlement to know the type of the concerns, have legal representative, and to meet any bystanders for the trial. The Eighth Adjustment provides rights for anyone to avoid jail after paying bail. Bail guarantees that a person will come back for her or his court date.
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I choose to discuss the Eighth Amendment and in what way it has impacted processes implemented in regulation enforcement. The amendment provides rights of getting out of jail by paying bail. The bail is meant to ensure that the suspect doesn’t flee. This reason has affected the implementation of the law enforcement. Any time a person is arrested having been suspected or committed a crime, he or she can stay in police custody. However, the person applies for a bail and eventually released pending the hearing of the case. Therefore, this right provides freedom to the suspects or offenders.
I agree with the manner the eighth amendment gets executed in the unlawful justice system. The right doesn’t allow any form of punishment and anything that violates primary human dignity could be deemed unusual and cruel. Thus giving suspects more comfort and a right to sue law enforcement officers whenever mistreated. For example, a federal law court in Massachusetts established that prisoners’ rights got dishonored following detention in a 150-year-old custodial that lacked lavatories and was tense with fire and vermin hazards (Reuters, 2016). Therefore, even if a person is a suspect, he or she must be treated with dignity and that is what the eighth amendment safeguards.
Grabel, S. (2017). Criminal Amendments in the Bill of Rights. Retrieved February 3, 2018, from
Reuters, T. (2016). Cruel and Unusual Punishment – FindLaw. Retrieved February 3, 2018, from
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