The Body As A Political Territory Of Dorotea Gómez
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The identity of each subject that was observed in Butler’s theory and Lugones is accompanied by characteristics that intersect and evidences the subjectivity of each human being. Some are accepted and dominate against others. As the case of Dorotea Gómez, being a woman, lesbian and Maya as it places it in a lower margin than other subjectivities within Guatemalan society.
She suffered the scrutiny of rejection not only of her relatives, but in all areas in which she developed due to being an indigenous woman and then proclaiming himself as a lesbian woman. He suffered multiple oppression, powerful marks of support or domination due to race, gender, class, sexuality, that act in such a way that none of them being oppressing, molds and reduces a person without being touched or separated from the other brandsthat being also oppressing mold and reduce that person. They placed it within the precarious and abject scope for the categorical differences that raise the ego of those who feel superior.
But Gomez proclaims his body as a political territory, since she understands it as historical and not biological, saying that it is a political territory refers to the fact that it has been "built from ideologies, speeches and ideas that have justified their oppression, its exploitation, its submission, its alienation and its devaluation ”(Gómez, 2001, p.265). It is a body with history, wisdom and hereditary and personal memory.
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Thus you can build it from your perspective and can come to light claiming your personal and social identity. In this is the wounds created by racism, the patriarchal system, homophobia, transphobia, poverty, etc. You can see the brands that are exercised by a system that oppresses and rejects some bodies that do not come into play within the social field.
Manifests the patriarchal structure in which he developed by evidencing his position of not serving men at home, as well as her friends in her homes. Men besieged and groped their bodies everywhere and were mostly educated to hide all evidence of their bodies (such as menstruation). The romance between people of the same sex was stigmatized, silenced and violated, and those who pronounced themselves with a different orientation of the hegemonic model manifested attitudes of this model.
The body is an entity that transmits a message, shows who are important and who vulnerable, is also the means by which the exercise of the power of a patriarchal conception is evidencethat sometimes he despises himself. But this can also be the one who claims his personality and identity. In spite of being deadly as others show that everyone can be damaged or accepted as humans and is through their conscious being where they can realize in the place where it is and how it can face reality to move forward and fight forhis rights and not be another puppet within the system, but a political discourse that is revealed against the system that oppresses it. But in order for these factors of oppression to be released, intersectionality must be analyzed asThe proposal of these three authors.
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