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The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)


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The British Broadcasting Corporation
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Executive Summary
People management techniques and diversity have been explored in the following paper through their applicability in the BBC. The act of people management is critical to any organization that wishes to achieve the full potential of its employees and enhances efficiency and productivity of the entire organization. The act can be dealt with through the application of people management models like Hard Vs Soft, Unitarism V Pluralism, and Asset V Costs approaches. Therefore, this will make employers understand the needs, weaknesses, strengths, talents, and the diverse abilities in decision-making among its employees and senior executives of the corporation. The problem of resistance and confrontation has been identified in the discussion of the ways of dealing with the conducts of employees. The act arises from autocratic methods of dealing with the behaviors of workforces by different management teams in various companies and corporations. The paper concluded through depicting the significance of employing people management techniques among the BBC and other corporations. The act assists companies to benefit from a reduction in costs and an increase in efficiency in their daily operations. On the same note, BBC’s diversity program has enabled it to provide a demographic picture and overall workforce diversity. However, the corporation needs to deal with its deleterious public relations that may play an acute role in jeopardizing its image across the globe.

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The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Part A
The term “people management” refers to the role carried out by a supervisor in training, developing, and inspiring workforces to execute and attain their full potential. The act is the most challenging and significant role undertaken by a manager, and it is distinct from other managerial functions like decision-making and administration. The reason behind this is because people are not machines; they are complicated and emotionally unstable. Therefore, a virtuous leader needs to overcome all the drawbacks that may click in their professional lives so as to uphold the steadiness of his team and a treasured equipoise amid their lives, dispositions, and enactment. The management of people requires that the staff must be recognized and rewarded for their contribution as a method of expressing gratitude to their efforts (Fleming, n.p). The reason behind this is because the aspect of appreciation is acted as a fundamental human need since workforces respond due to the recognition of their good work since it reflects that their work is valued. Therefore, in instances when the staff members together with their daily undertakings are valued, their job satisfaction and efficiency rise, and they are always inspired to uphold or improve their virtuous efforts.
A corporation can only realize the significance of people management if its management team depicts analytical thoughts in marketing, sales, office tasks, and problem-solving and the different methods of managing its workforces effectively (Patterson et al., 1998, 3). The manager has to understand a problem and be in a position to analyze it so as to find a solution that is beneficial to the employees, the company and the entire management team. On the same note, a manager needs to rely on the pillar of strong human relations so as to comprehend the activities of the company’s employees. The act calls for the management team to retain steadiness among the employees and inaugurate a healthy culture that will benefit the participants of the company and entrench a group essence to all employees. In the long run, the culture of the organization shall be grounded by its values, belief, principles, and ideologies. The aspect will make the workplace culture to control the manner in which workforces conduct among themselves together with the individuals who are not part of the establishment. Therefore, this will tend to create a way forward on the way the staff members interact within and outside the establishment.
Managers need to stipulate the steps that workforces need to follow so as to undertake a particular assignment. On the same note, they need to delineate the results that they are pursuing and allow every member to apply his distinct capacity to attain them. Great managers accentuate on the growth of their juniors’ inimitable strong points so as to enable them further their aptitudes while searching for stratagems to back their flaws (Warigon, n.d, n.p). The piece enables them to take a greater advantage of the tasks that workers do well on so as to upsurge the progression and yield of the company. People management theories address on the manner in which managers, organizational executives, and supervisors make a relation to their organization through the acquaintance of its targets, the execution of efficient means of accomplishing set goals, and the manner in which they should inspire workforces to perform to the highest ideals. In many cases, the people management theories act as ideas that deliver a structure for efficient management strategy, and they are always executed in the contemporary workstations so as to produce the bets outcomes from the staff members. Therefore, it is always expected that line managers of various establishments should apply the usage of more than one theory or model so as to attain productivity or the goal of the syndicate (Terhalle, 2009, 3).
People Management Approaches
Different fundamental approaches have been identified that may help one understand the concept of people management. Firstly, the Hard Vs Soft approach may be used so as to provide a better understanding of people management in the organization that managers need to comprehend. The soft model emphasizes on persons and their self-direction and locations that touch on the aspect of commitment, trust, and self-governed behavior at the central point of any strategic approach to employees (Gill, 1999, 3). On the other hand, the hard model touches on the rationality of strategic fitness and places through putting an emphasis on the aspect of performance management and the instrumental approach to the element of managing staff members. The soft and hard models are always characterized by certain tensions and conflicts between and within any contemporary establishments (Ihuah, 2014, 18). The act has led to the deduction that even if the rhetoric of the HR department tends to apply the usage of the soft model, the reality is always headed towards the hard approach since the interests of any establishment always prevail over those of individual employees. Therefore, line managers need to take into consideration on the application of the soft v hard model so as to be able to boast the daily operations and improve on the overall employee and employer welfares.
Secondly, the Unitarism V Pluralism approaches always touch on the sphere of the development of human resource. Unitarism holds on the belief that the management team and employees always work together so as to produce the best welfare for the establishment. Conversely, pluralism holds on the belief that the manner in which a company can attain good industrial affiliation is through the acknowledgment that diverse teams of workforces portray various necessities, and always come with different anxieties (Aron, 2011, n.p). Thus, the aspect views that it is vital for the management team to guarantee that the compromises are attained. It ought to be noted that unitarists are possessed with the perception that in an establishment, the managers and workforces share the same itinerary, an act that they refer to as a unitary viewpoint. Conversely, the supporters of pluralism do not believe in the power that is executed by managers within the company or any other establishment. They always encourage that a certain system should be followed through following the interests of the organization and opine that power is courteously disseminated instead of being concerted on the orchestras of few people. Alternatively, the proposers of unitarism hold on the viewpoint of perceiving the entire establishment as one big family. The aspect is through viewing managers and workforces as individuals who share common objectives, purposes, and interests through the application of its paternalistic tactic that calls for loyalty from employees (Potocki and Brocato, 1995, 405). Pluralism does not call for the loyalty of workforces to their managers since it does not hold the paternalistic approach.
Lastly, the Asset V Costs approach touches on the valuation of human capital through the expectations that an organization holds on its workforces. The cost approach is always applied in the valuation of an assembled employee. It touches on the reproduction cost that tends to estimate the current cost in creating an exact duplicate in conjunction with the involved workers (Cascio, n.d, n.p). Similarly, the replacement cost tends to contemplate on the charge of recreating the functionality and utility of the intangible asset. For instance, if the replacement of workforce portrays fewer workers in comparison to the existing workforce, then the act may make the present workforce to suffer from extra costs related operation activities. The extra costs will have a relation to the current extra employees and the capitalization labor costs that may be a method of quantifying functional obsolescence (Shapiro et al., 2013, 8). On the other hand, the asset approach is based on the collective sum of abilities, knowledge, life experiences, energy, innovativeness, and enthusiasm that employees choose to invest in their daily undertakings. The aspect calls for the application of aspects of training, education, motivation, an external and internal motivation that have been established as elements that play an important role in the element of human capital. Therefore, the asset approach tends to view how valuable employees are to the establishment through the application of HR identification and measuring process and the aspect of communication flanked by interested parties.
Part B
The BBC has developed an active and formidable approach to diversity due to its global structure. The organization identifies that the more they diverse their employees, the better they shall be able to respond to their watchers in their entire assortment. Thus, the management team has created an operational atmosphere that allows their employees to flourish and attain their full latent (Kreitz, 2007, 5). On the same note, they value and appreciate every character’s exceptional involvement to the Corporation and attempt to certify that no cluster or person is illegitimately underprivileged. The act can be noted on their diversity strategy objective that aims at advancing equal opportunities so as to develop their workforce and senior leaders to reflect the expectations of their audiences better.
BBC conforms to the decision-making and Entrepreneurial Orientation theories in the management its employees for them to be in a position of realizing their potential. The management team has achieved this through the different initiatives that support employee aspiration such as their “paid work placement scheme for talented disabled people, journalism training scheme, journalism talent pool and their production talent pool” (BBC, n.d, n.p).
Similarly, BBC applies the approaches in their operations so as to enable them to achieve their objective on employee diversity. The corporation plays a dynamic part in many national platforms that run through the reserved and unrestricted segments so as to uphold miscellany through bringing organizations together so as they can share on good working practices and make an evaluation of their progress (Shena et al., 2009, 245). Similarly, BBC is a participant of “Creative Diversity Network” that runs a yearly mentoring program across different races and populaces in the world. On the same note, they support “BECTU’s Move on up” event that aims at securing greater race diversity through supporting marginal indigenous workforces to attain healthier acquaintances with propagation administrators so as to help them with occupation advancement. Thus, this shows how BBC has applied the open systems theory so as to attain the diversity objective.
Correspondingly, BBC has used the soft and hard approaches in its recruitment process and its training and development program. The corporation has devised a website that where applicants can be able to view the vacancies offered by the company and the roles that suit their skills and needs. Therefore, this has enabled both applicants under the soft and hard approaches to viewing whether they are in a position to conform to the necessities of the vacancies that have been advertised. On the same note, the management team carries out training and development programs so as to entice employees in the two approaches so as they can produce good results. Therefore, these programs have proved to be useful for BBC as it has been able to enroll employees from diverse regions and with different characteristics and attitudes towards work.
BBC carries out diversity checking for its forces through requesting workforces to complete miscellany observing statistics when they enter the corporation voluntarily. Therefore, this helps in providing a demographic portrait and an overall depiction of employee multiplicity at the BBC. On the same note, the organization sets diversity targets based on all staff BME, senior manager grade BME, all staff disability, and senior manager grade disability.
The above discussion shows the significance of taking into consideration the act of people management in any organization or corporation that wishes to realize the potential of its employees. BBC has depicted various ways in which it has improvised people management in its structure through the application of Hard Vs Soft, Unitarism V Pluralism, and Asset V Costs approaches in its day to day undertakings. Therefore, this has enabled it to achieve its objective of portraying diversity among its workforces and its senior executives through its consideration of all races across the globe. On the same note, the above discussion has concurred that when proper management of people takes place in an organization, the corporation benefits from the reduction of costs and an increase in efficiency in its daily operations.
The BBC has done typically well in its role towards diversity as it tries to accommodate people from all backgrounds and senior roles to minority groups and races. The corporation always carries out miscellany observing for its employees through requesting them to ample multiplicity monitoring statistics when they enter their squad voluntarily. Therefore, this has enabled it to provide a demographic picture and overall workforce diversity. However, the corporation needs to deal with its negative publicity that may play an acute part in jeopardizing its image across the globe.
Based on the above discussion, I would recommend that BBC managers and other administrators in different corporations should categorize their employees as either Unitarism V Pluralism so as to understand their strengths and weaknesses. The approaches will make employees know how best their skills and talents can be utilized so as to achieve better productivity and efficiency (Cania, 2014, 375). On the same note, managers should rely on Unitarism V Pluralism approach so as to devise proper training schemes that can aid in improving their personality and work ethics. Similarly, BBC management board needs to take into consideration Asset V Costs approach so as to comprehend the needs of its employees and on how they can develop positive solutions. Equally, they should assist employees with mechanisms of goal achievement so as to upsurge their job satisfaction levels.
Equally, I would like to recommend BBC management team to ensure that people from all ethnic and racial backgrounds form part of their overall organizational strategy so as they can be able to realize diversity in its workforce. The act can be achieved through including them in programs and active participation in activities that may make them feel appreciated and not discriminated (Omotayo, 2015, 12). Therefore, this calls for BBC and other corporations to adopt affirmative action as well as equal job opportunity methods so as to strengthen on diversity.
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Bbc.co.uk. (n.d.). BBC – Our people – Diversity & Inclusion. [online] Available at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/diversity/workforce [Accessed 12 Apr. 2017].
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