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The Business process management is satisfying


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The Business process management is satisfying

Disagree Mendling, J. (2016). From Scientific Process Management to Process Science: Towards an Empirical Research Agenda for Business Process Management. In ZEUS (pp. 1-4).
Uncertain Agree Strongly agree The strategies used by the organization are satisfactory and pleasing Strongly
Disagree Disagree
Uncertain Agree Strongly agree The organization exudes a high level of satisfaction Not at all A little
Rather Much Very Strong The shared understanding of the goals of the business process management is very attractive. Not at all A little
Rather Much Very Strong You are very pleased with the performance of the organization’s current system.
Not at all A little
Rather Much Very Strong The business has a high level of success Not at all A little
Rather Much Very Strong Smart Technology You have a high level of acceptance of smart technology Not at all Schmidt, R., Möhring, M., Härting, R. C., Reichstein, C., Neumaier, P., & Jozinović, P. (2015, June). Industry 4.0-potentials for creating smart products: empirical research results. In International Conference on Business Information Systems (pp. 16-27). Springer, Cham.
A little
Rather Much Very Strong The success of the organization’s application of smart technology lies in its business structure. Strongly
Disagree Disagree
Uncertain Agree Strongly agree The company has high regard for the application of smart technologyStrongly
Disagree Disagree
Uncertain Agree Strongly agree Smart technology satisfies employee interest Strongly
Disagree Disagree
Uncertain Agree Strongly agree The company management is attracted to smart technology Not at all A little
Rather Much Very Strong The industry has a high level of acceptance of smart technology Not at all A little
Rather Much Very Strong Assets Managing The company has a high level of asset management Strongly
Disagree Campbell, J.

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D., Jardine, A. K., & McGlynn, J. (Eds.). (2016). Asset management excellence: optimizing equipment life-cycle decisions. CRC Press.
Uncertain Agree Strongly agree You are satisfied with the company asset management Not at all A little
Rather Much Very Strong What is the acceptance of your asset management skills Not at all A little
Rather Much Very Strong What is the efficiency level of the asset management in the company Very low Low
Normal High Very High The company responds well to asset management Strongly
Disagree Disagree
Uncertain Agree Strongly agree Asset management is inclusive of the company Strongly
Disagree Disagree
Uncertain Agree Strongly agree Managing relationships with Supplier Suppliers are satisfied with the business Strongly
Disagree Schiele, H., Ellis, S. C., Eßig, M., Henke, J. W., & Kull, T. J. (2015). Managing supplier satisfaction: Social capital and resource dependence frameworks. Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ), 23(2), 132-138.
Uncertain Agree Strongly agree How efficient is your relationship with the suppliers Very low Low
Normal High Very High Suppliers are satisfied with your relationship management Strongly
Disagree Disagree
Uncertain Agree Strongly agree The relationship management responds to supplier needs Not at all A little
Rather Much Very Strong The business identifies with the supplier needs through the relationship management model Strongly
Disagree Disagree
Uncertain Agree Strongly agree What is the effectiveness level of this model Very low Low
Normal High Very High Managing Financial Resources Your financial management satisfies the industry needs Strongly
Disagree Wei, S. J. (2018). Managing Financial Globalization: Insights from the Recent Literature (No. w24330). National Bureau of Economic Research.
Uncertain Agree Strongly agree Are you satisfied with the financial management model Not at all A little
Rather Much Very Strong The management model is efficient with the company needs Strongly
Disagree Disagree
Uncertain Agree Strongly agree The management process is cost-effective Strongly
Disagree Disagree
Uncertain Agree Strongly agree The management process is difficult Not at all A little
Rather Much Very Strong What is the level of adaptation to these management activities Very low Low
Normal High Very High Governance How pleased are you with the governance model of the company Not at all Mair, J., Mayer, J., & Lutz, E. (2015). Navigating institutional plurality: Organizational governance in hybrid organizations. Organization Studies, 36(6), 713-739.
A little
Rather Much Very Strong How satisfactory is the governance to the company objectives Not at all A little
Rather Much Very Strong What is the acceptance of the governance technique in the company Very low Low
Normal High Very High The company has efficient governance in the future Strongly
Disagree Disagree
Uncertain Agree Strongly agree The governance of changes in the company is considerable Strongly
Disagree Disagree
Uncertain Agree Strongly agree How adaptable to the changes presented is the governance model? Very low Low
Normal High Very High Risk Management The risk level of the company is relative Strongly
Disagree Bessis, J. (2015). Risk management in banking. John Wiley & Sons.
Uncertain Agree Strongly agree The risk management of the company satisfactory Strongly
Disagree Disagree
Uncertain Agree Strongly agree Employees are pleased with the risk management activities Strongly
Disagree Disagree
Uncertain Agree Strongly agree The risk management strategies of the company are informative Strongly
Disagree Disagree
Uncertain Agree Strongly agree How risk averse is the company Not at all A little
Rather Much Very Strong How efficient is the risk management of the company to cyber threats Not at all A little
Rather Much Very Strong Future Shaping The company is aligned with the future trends in the company Strongly
Disagree Szpunar, K. K., Spreng, R. N., & Schacter, D. L. (2014). A taxonomy of prospection: Introducing an organizational framework for future-oriented cognition. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(52), 18414-18421.
Uncertain Agree Strongly agree Is the company ready for the future Not at all A little
Rather Much Very Strong The future shaping strategy is relative Strongly
Disagree Disagree
Uncertain Agree Strongly agree Are employees satisfied with the future shaping strategy Not at all A little
Rather Much Very Strong The future strategies are effective Strongly
Disagree Disagree
Uncertain Agree Strongly agree Is the future shaping considerable of the goals of the company Not at all A little
Rather Much Very Strong

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