The Censorship And Ways In Which You Can Manifest
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This essay aims to explain censorship and ways in which it can be manifested, the book of Coetzee tries to explain the term of censorship, but it cannot be said that, as a historical review, but that an analysis of different topics , making a better compression of censorship. Different readings about censorship, such as the one that was exercised in the already disappeared Soviet Union, in those in which Stalin was imposed with a totalitarian power throughout the nation in the years that pretend from 1922-1952. Likewise, other readings of the Book of Coetzee examine a particular model of censorship that was implanted in the nation of South Africa, called as apartheid in the years from 1948 to 1992.
With different arguments and a deep analysis of the subject, the author has his idea that there should be no censorship in any circumstances, even in any position that seems justified by a common good. And to give foundations to his criticism about censorship he uses different examples from political realities, as well as in racist issues and other issues that are directly or indirectly relate to the porn industry.
It seems important to make it clear that the author’s essays are not to create a contempt for censorship, however, every time you finish reading a chapter of the book and move on to another, the subject of censorship and by that government or private companies can execute it, to the point that one comes to despise all kinds of censorship that can be imposed on any individual or work of public and social life.
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The author insists that in any way or means the censorship must also be justified, in his trials he shows us his analysis of why, of those who have the absolute power and control over their region or entity can fear so much to the Criticism of a position of a state. However, the fear they generate in a contradictory act of those who want to show strong and immune to the public
Censorship is an evil that can damage the fabric of an organization that is not stopped immediately, it can have no limits and that could operate in any branch of public life and also in private, such as for example In politics or journalism. It can have a dominant effect and can be extended by medium -communication teeth such as religion art or pornography. For co -icee, censorship considers it as the "passion to censor", as well as reasons as political, moral, as well as religious, the act of censorship is born of feeling offended and wanting to silence the voices of those who can try any type of offense does your person or your organization.
You can tell endless reasons that have their origin in the history of censorship, for which, from the invention of the printing press that revolutionizes the media dissemination capacity that allowed the rapid propagation of different ideas, the writers who openly express His ideas have always had a rather uncomfortable relationship with the authority of each time and government and state region. The confrontation between both parties that was established for years had years ago for the ideas and thoughts of a diversity of artists, which included in the last years of the 18th century. Which I propose a while ago John Milton
If we have to have competent and professional censors, says Milton, they need to be people ‘above the common, at a time suddenly, wise and sensible’. However, for those scholars, wise and sensible people ‘there can be no more tedious and unpleasant job (…) than to become perpetual reader of united books. (…) Seeing, then, that those who now have employment (…) want to get rid of it, and that (…) it is never likely to happen (…) No worth of worth, (…) we can easily foresee the class What can we expect in the future: or ignorant, imperative and negligent, or vilely greedy ‘
Affectively, in analysis that sketch coetzee in his book, is that he has broken and crumbled ‘the liberal consensus on freedom of expression ”, as well as every thinker opposed and detest censorship, now in the United States there are various institutions that teach And they have approved multiple prohibitions on some categories of freedom of expression and also on the fields of the porn industry are not limited only to the groups that make up the right, but some more feminist organizations from the left.
They are not really trying to establish different criteria when pursued for a reason such as political reasons, when a dissemination of images or videos considered ethically harmful or blasphemous, such as for example for a religious hidden creed or also when it comes to completely extinguish the expression or motivation of a subversive movement. As indicated in lines above "the passion to silence" has been developed and evolved when the years passed and has been expressed as a reaction to the undesirable, which has transformed into what should not even exist as a desire or said in other words what should be considered as disgusting universally.
From another perspective, on an individual level it has a very high probability index that the struggle of with the censor can acquire in the inner life of the writer an important factor in its environment, which as a consequence can be distracted from its true occupation and purpose, And in the worst case, he functions or perverts his imagination of the writer. On the other hand, the countries that are considered as the most respectful and strict with the law are not those that have the most overpopulated prisons in the world, but they have the lowest registered crime rates. The Censorship Law is said to have a dream. According to this dream, the daily routine of identifying and punishing the malefactors will decline; The law and their restrictions will be recorded so deeply in citizens that individuals will monitor themselves, censorship awaits with illusion the day the writers will censor themselves and the censor can withdraw. It can be said that for this reason the physical expulsion of the censor, vomiting as a denoma is made, possessed a symbolic value of a romantic genealogy: representing a rejection of the dream of reason, of a society that can be based on reason and that they are obey because they are reasonable. Thus, the censor is the one who arrogates this passion of silencing and makes it a way of life of his own. Speaking in the name of an institution, a common good, respect for law or moral hygiene.
Censorship can be believed that it belongs solely and exclusively to public life. Censor’s work is not an occupation that can attract intelligent minds, as well as subtle, the prohibitions established in practice are as complete as those applied by a type of organism or institution of censors that are always backed by certain laws that legally ampran them. But there should really be a big difference between what is known as censorship for the work of exercising a media supervision and another that monitors the arts. But the reality is another, censorship can control any objective or limit that is proposed, such as politics or any means.
Indicating the previously seen lines, we start from the possibility that censorship is born from the possibility of offending, Coetzee manages to understand and above all analyze that the interventions carried out by the State, about thought and in the different arts arise from a “mental construct And social ”whose behavior is very close to a paranoia, madness can have a place in life, as history also. Thus starting from the idea that the consent of freedom of expression has been broken. The author manages to point out the interventions carried out by institutions such as the debate on the pornography industry that he wanted to intervene, and in some cases that he could have a complete intervention in the domain of public expression. He also maintains that the effects that occur in today’s world are much contrary to those wanted. It is allowed to question the reasons and reasons why people separate their children from the images of naked adults and thus also maintains that the explanations given to children “full of lagoons” can cause children to deduce that they are not respected as moral representatives.
The establishment of censorship can bring many problems, such as a certain power to people who possess a supervisory mentality, as well as bureaucratic, which from the first moment can be harmful to cultural life, or can even affect The spiritual life, of a certain sector of some community. A sensor that has the power to dictate a prohibition towards obscene advertising is like a man who tries to do something that does not depend on his will, and yet he achieves the opposite ‘pornography needs censorship to increase its attraction, turn it into an object prohibited and desired and confer the condition of repressed truth ‘, instead of being seen as a reduction in erotic experience ”.
It is established that under censorship no kind of literature could flourish. This can mean that the figure of the censor is the only one that the writer can suffer. However, due to the common good of society as well as the State, it is considerable to establish regulation and control devices that grow and consolidate as bureaucracies do so when they grow and can consolidate.
"Negative freedom" is known by the simple fact of overcoming obstacles to reach an end, it is gradually turning them away from their way and finally eliminates them, in other terms, if the end for which it bets is the social community, the simple and brutal logic would be to eliminate the individual who can or violates the law of what is allowed to say or not to say. It can be exiled, you can be chased and you can finally be threatened with death or killing.
With the extreme historical precedent of the “Apartheid” censorship law, Coetzee tells us that in which it is necessary to remember the thesis of repressive tolerance as it was initially exposed by Marcuse or Foucault, in the name of an inviolable freedom. This freedom can only work in a society where the law can protect us as individuals- this law is what can be made evident in any administrative, economic and political process, which correctly govern a society in which everything can be guarded and controlled.
Undoubtedly, one of the currents of thought that most marked the history of censorship, was in recent years South Africa lived in the 60s and 70s, known as one of the greatest cultural and political repressions exercised by the leaders of the "Apartheid".
Each of the essays outlined by Coetzee of his book, can address the subject of censorship, talking about it at different stages of history, and together with his analysis he ends up giving us a panorama of clear examples in which the authors They were censored, and in the way in which it influenced the other authors of each era. It also addresses different South African writers Geoffrey Cronjé, who with his writings would end up bothering more than one of the censors with political changes with political changes. Alexander Solzhennitsyn Cuto Creation would not even exist with the intervention of their censors. And also two important South African writings by Andre Brink and Breyten Breytenbach.
Four chapters refer only to the theme of apartheid in South Africa that was established in 1960 and 1970, marking two characters, for their violent persecutions the writers Brink and Breytenbach.
Throughout his book, he leaves us to the imagination that the evils of censorship are embodied and in the way they are fostered are greater. To his analysis outlined, there is no opportunity to escape any type of censorship as a politics, sexual, – starting from the scandal that produced a book. In 1960, Penguin Books decided to publish the integration text of Lady Chatterlay’s lover–. Likewise, Coetzee is not convinced to protect childhood innocence.
We can deduce that censorship has not only been explained throughout its essays, it also gives us a clearer vision of where censorship can be applied, which can be both books, advertising, plays and even movies, also also in shirts or accessories used by society, and it makes it clear that those responsible for exercising censorship always have a common factor being the totalitarian governments that have most applied them.
- Coetzee, j.M., Against censorship: essays on the passion to silence, Mexico, D.F: Random House Mondadori: Debate, 2007.
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