The Characteristics Of The Differentiated Generations X, Y Y Z
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In this present work, relevant aspects will be addressed to deal with the different types of generations x, y y z, each generation arises in different areas, allowing a generation to have a greater advantage than the others, either by the introduction of new technology or For political conflicts. These generations have been forming over time and differ from the other generations by a series of unique characteristics that each one has, therefore, the different characteristics and relevant aspects that it covers from generation X to generation Z to generation is also included.
Generation x
Generation X is a term used to refer to the generation of people born, approximately, in the mid -1960s and 1980s. It is also known as the Peter Pan or MTV generation generation, by the television channel. Generation X is that whose parents are part of the Baby Boom generation, which are the people born at the end of World War II until the early 1960s, which are characterized by being conservative. (Generation X, 2018)
Likewise, they are the parents of the individuals who are part of the generation and O Millennials, who were born from the middle of the 1980s and are very accustomed to the use of technologies. The term generation X was used for the first time the photographer and journalists Robert Cap 1980. (Generation X, 2018)
Generation X has experienced a lot of important social, political and technological changes that marked the history of humanity, such as the creation of technological equipment, computers, the use of the Internet, the transition of the cassettes and video tonsles to the format in CD and, later, to MP3, MP4 and Ipod, among others.
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This generation also lived the transition from black and white television to color TV, and grew under the influence of audiovisual media, so they are more consumers and even developed a more critical and skeptical thought than previous generations. Generation X was the first to have mobile phones, use the chats and messaging of texts that subsequently included the sending and reception of images. (Generation X, 2018)
According to a study by the Michigan University in 2011, those who form even the X Generation are characterized by being happy, balanced and active people. The success in life for this generation is “having a happy family (85.3%), enjoy life (46.3%), living surrounded by good friends (37.8%) and not depending on money (37, 7%)- and dedicate their free time to culture, outdoor leisure or reading. It is also a generation that likes to devote part of its time to cultural and outdoor activities, do not want to repeat the previous patterns in which people dedicate a good part of their personal life to work. (Spain, 2019)
The members of generation X are more likely to be employed and have the tendency to spend working and traveling from home to work and vice versa more hours per week than the typical adult. Two thirds of the members of this generation in the United States are married and about 71% of them have children. Generation X is active and committed to professional, business or union organizations and have adapted, with considerable ease, to new technological trends and the use of social networks or smartphone types. (Sanz & Delgado, 2018)
Generation and
Generation and refers to the demographic group between generation X and generation Z. The generation and is also called ‘Millennium Generation’ or Millennial, and bears that name because it referred specifically to the generation that was going to graduate during and after the year of the millennium change: the year 2001. The generation and was first mentioned in an North American magazine in 1993 to differentiate the new generation of less than 11 years from generation X, which are those of the previous generation born between 1960 and 1979. The term millennial was first coined by demographers William Strauss and Neil Howe in his book published in 1991 called Generations: The History of America’s Future, 1584 to 2069, translated into Spanish as generations: the story of the future of America, 1584 to 2069. (Generation and 2018)
The millennium generation includes individuals born between 1980 and 2000, currently between approximately 18 and 38 years; For the purpose of this study, we observe the group between 18 and 34 years. Of this age group, a 29.7% is included in ASD, as nascent entrepreneurs mainly, although the proportion has been declining since 2015. The behavior of this group does not differ from the oldest ones in terms of perceptions and fear of failure. For this age group, there is a greater proportion of women undertaking. (Global Entrepreneurship, 2018)
In 2017, entrepreneurs of the millennium generation motivated by opportunity exceed entrepreneurs in the range of 35 to 64 years; The latter also undertake more by necessity. There is no greater difference for the millennium generation in the motivation of undertaking for more independence, but the proportion in this generation of entrepreneurs motivated to increase income is superior. Some differences are observed in the motivations of men and women of the millennium generation. As with entrepreneurs in general, the proportion of women who undertake for necessity is superior. There is almost a parity among those motivated by the opportunity of both sexes, as well as those motivated by the opportunity to increase income. However, the proportion of millennium women who undertakes in search of independence is greater. (Global Entrepreneurship, 2018)
The ‘millennials’ represent the new global workforce, at least half of them have their own business or plan labor and professionals among their circles. They have raised in a social, political and economic context that is increasingly mediated by technology and in this way they have generated the boom of an entrepreneurial attitude. (Álvarez, 2014)
Characteristics of the generation and
The generation and is distinguished because:
- They are idealistic: they are considered assets and critical against government decisions.
- They are optimistic: they are aware of the problems of their countries.
- They are competitive: they seek to keep their own lifestyle, this being their priority.
- They are cautious and curious with the decisions that may affect their future.
- They are pragmatic, restless and risky so they are always looking for better opportunities.
- They are prosumers, that is, in addition to consuming information on the web, they also produce contents of interest according to their tastes and affinity areas, sharing them in their personal networks.
- Internet in addition to being a tool for searching for information and exchange of experiences, it also works as a means of consultation before making any physical purchase.
- Mass use of social networks. In addition to exchange information with their friends and contacts, they are also permanently informed about trends and news of their interest. They share content, create new relationships, connections and circles. Online communities are part of their social life.
- Innate familiarization with communication, media and the digital universe.
- Full trust in their abilities and skills.
- Open to change.
- They want control between their working and personal life.
- They seek to develop new ideas and undertake projects.
- They get the best out of everything they do.
- They live for what they are passionate about
Gene generation
The Z generation is the demographic group born after 1995, human generation prior to that of the millennials. Generation Z is so called by being the next to the generation and, or millennial generation (or English). The Z generation is also called postmilenial or centenial, and is characterized by being the first generation considered digital native, that is, it was born immersed in digital culture. Centenial or centenials derives from English centennials. (Generation Z, 2018)
Characteristics of generation Z
Generation Z is known as the last generational jump of recent human history and has peculiar features due to the historical-cultural context in which it had to live. Technology is for them is something omnipresent in their relationships and essential part in their lives. The distinctive features of this generation are not yet known because they are still in development and have not been fully incorporated into the working world. (Generation Z, 2018)
- Digital natives: centenials are essentially a native generation of the digital world. Many of them are born using smart cell phones and everything around them is connected to the Internet. From their tastes to its interpersonal relationships, everything goes through the filter of what exists in the virtual world. Connectivity is the new way of socializing and fashion is governed by influencers of different digital platforms.
- self-taught: generation Z, when being immersed in a large amount of information and knowledge that is available on the network, does not expect to learn the things that interest you. Thanks to the growing high quality didactic material that is being developed at the digital level, the Z or Centenial generation have the advantage of being able to learn without leaving home or where and when they are convenient, being much better in self-discipline than the millennials.
- Pragmatic: the greatest knowledge about digital technologies makes generation Z have a special ability to find solutions with existing resources. Since childhood, they learn to manage their time between the platforms and applications in which they participate, providing them with a special capacity in the organization of times and spaces. In that sense, they can be more stubborn for the weight of knowledge, but that passion can lead them to create great things.
It can be concluded that something that characterizes these generations is that they have been deeply marked by the high relevance historical facts that occurred in their time, each generation is formed by the events, novelties and trends of their time, generation Z is That which has more benefits than generation X, because technology has been favorable and greatly influenced in several areas of life such as: health, education, knowledge, etc.
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