The Commitment Of Employees In The Private Sphere
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The employees of the institutions in the private or government have some rights cannot be violated, and there are laws that support the benefits. The Human Resources Department has the responsibility of monitoring because the rights of employees are offered and not violated thus guarantees that the treatment towards which works is a fair and reasonable one. When referring to labor-patronal relations, it is the relationship between the employee and the worker in the company or institution. This can be defined as established between the employer and the workers so that there is excellent functioning in the company or institution and the needs of the two parties are met, it is of the utmost importance that this relationship is a clear and effective, that the Patron has the ability to exchange ideas and communication is a clear without leaving behind the employee’s rights are clear and respected. The employer’s responsibility is to ensure the rights of employees and who know are their responsibilities and obligations within the institution or company. Sometimes the employer does not have the necessary knowledge that can guide employees about their rights and obligations, the worker commits a lack of knowledge and is admonished by his superior and it has been observed that this process has been one without taking action and violate the rights of the worker.
The main theme of this exhibition essay is on labor-patron relations.
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It is for this reason that the employer’s responsibility is to establish a comfortable environment and modify behaviors presented by employees and guarantee an environment where the worker can be beneficial. When it is observed that the work environment is not a profitable one, a production of the worker can be obtained a non -satisfactory.
The relationship of concepts with the processes of trade union organization, representation, collective bargaining, administration of the agreement, arbitration and strike within the educational scenario ”.It is observed that it is of the utmost importance for the development of workers and the company or institution, private or governmental. The Human Resources Department plays an importance in these concepts is the one that has the knowledge about the regulations and laws of the employees and those that compete with the company, its role is of referee between the employer and worker. The role of the Human Resources Department is to ensure the rights of employees, in shortage of these resource and violations of the rights of workers begins the movement of trade union organizations that represent employees and fight for employee rights are respected in institutions and companies.
The trade union organization is on the lookout for the rights of the employee and its benefits watches because the worker works in adequate conditions to perform his daily work. The union is a non -pleasant organization for patterns, companies and institutions, which are responsible for fighting for salary increase, promote the manifestation of workers for fair treatment, this in turn harms the function offered by the institution and companies both private and governmental. The union are a link between the employer and the worker, they are responsible for the collective bargaining of employees with employers. Negotiations are processes where working conditions and working conditions are raised in the different areas of the company and institution. Teaching unions are intertwined with the laws of the State, it is the employer in charge of employee regulations and ensure the conditions of the work environment.
The administration of agreements are agreements between the employer and the workers, they choose a representative who takes the information and helps the workers to make a decision that is favorable for all employees of the institution in the process where it takes to I finish the agreements on working conditions, pay and benefits. These agreements are informed to employees and not being in accordance with the decision that the employer takes at that time a negotiation begins, this conflict can propel a strike, to reach this decision, the employee representative meets with the part that They represent the employer to be able to arrive agreements that are beneficial for the worker, but also for the employer. Law 45, article 7, states that the employee or group cannot participate in strikes in work hours. In addition, before making the decision to strike the unions must have exhausted all the alternatives with the employer to be able to have different options to be able to clarify doubts or problems in the institution.
On the other hand, you cannot lose perspective that the Department of Education (DE) of Puerto Rico is a public sector, but people who work in the agency as public employees are not classified, they can do strikes without being sanctioned, Even so, these employees can participate in the strikes, although they may suffer other repercussions, such as dismissal or does not pay the activity day as the president determines. The employees of the of have manifested in recent years due to differences that have arrived with the former Secretary of Education and the current secretary. Employees of the Department of Education are governed by Law 184 of 2004. This states that the employee of the participation in demonstration has no right to represent a trustee and collective bargaining.
Arbitration is a form that is used to reach collective agreements with the employers towards employees. The referee is the one who is responsible for intervening the situation and mediating in decision making. The referee has the responsibility of helping to make the best decision for the employee without violating the rights of the workers and defends them of all action on the part of the employer. It is an action that tries to be helpful for the worker at a time that shows differences with the employer. Arbitration has characteristics, recognize the laws and responsibilities of employees and protocols of the company or educational institution.
Studies on the commitment in the unions have been carried out, in the institutions that play an important role in the working class, these investigations are aimed at the commitment of the unions due to the decrease of participants, (Putnam 2000; Verba, Schlozman and Brady 1995 ). According to Putnam (2000), he points out that unions get more attention because they are among the limited types of organizations that involve a significant number of working -class individuals and immigrants.
In addition, understanding school -based civic commitment is important because parents’ participation in schools can positively affect children’s learning (Henderson and MAPP 2002), improve the quality of school programming, and support the responsible schools against The families that serve (Marschall 2006; Oakes and Rogers 2006; Shirley1997; Warren 2005)
Workers-patron relationships are of importance in the work area to maintain a cozy work environment. A good relationship between the employer and the worker, allows the optimal functioning of the institution as long as a treatment of the employer permeates. The employee has responsibilities within the company that works and this must comply with them, the responsibility of the employer is to pay for the services offered by the worker, provide an adequate work environment and ensure that the goals and objectives are met of the company or institution.
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