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The Communication Process And How It Works In Society


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The communication process and how it works in society


In this essay we will talk about what people communicate, the processes to carry out this communication. We will talk about the papers that society performs when communicating and the language that each one has, both body and speech.

It is intended to inform society about correct communication, in order to have greater potential when wanting to hold a conversation, give a conference, give a class, etc.

With the passage of these leaves we will see different authors that will help us achieve the aforementioned, which will have a great influence regarding communication.

It is well known that we do not have good communication, we do not know how to express ourselves correctly and that affects a lot in the way other people look at us, it also affects the time we need to look for some work and we fail to give 100%of us.


Language is one of the ways in which we express ourselves, also the nonverbal language such as gestures, that these manifest most of the time, although one does not speak, although only one is listening. You can also use drawings as a form of expression, colors.

People communicate for many reasons, in different ways and with each person it is different.

It can be communicated with oneself, talking to another person, with several, in writing, in the form of drawings, for gestures, by actions, in a chemical way, for touch, symbols, for sounds, for materials, by images, bythe arts.

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The industry has contributed a lot in communication, provided books, magazines, television news, telephones, etc. Making us communicate is easier, more effective and fast, since it is known that society consumes a lot all these products.

One of the purposes that communication has is to persuade people until you reach the point where you can take everyone to the same point of view. Another purpose was intellectual or cognitive nature;The other emotional. One is informative and another persuasive. And another entertainment.

After understanding these purposes, they can perform in a way that the minimum effort is used and this is faster, so we can become more capable of writing, teaching, giving speeches, group talks, meetings. We can turn this into a habit, something normal in our life, as it is to bathe, put pajamas, socks.

There are occasions in which one communicates with himself, that one is the sender and receiver at the same time, others in which one issues and another person receives the message, as well as the writers who are those who issue a message and the readers areReceptors when reading the message.

The process is a set of phases of something that leads to a specific point. This is something that is in continuous change, a constant future, is something that may have no beginning or end.

All types of communication have a source, someone who aims to communicate, who at which time they are aware of their ideas, should be expressed in the form of a message.

The message is transmitted by the sound waves, until you reach the receiver correctly, it will be hearing that this will be the decoder that the source needs, the message can also be transmitted by these leaves, through the words that are written, hereThe eyes are the decoders.

All this represents the concept of the process, as one thing you get to another, this is how communication is reached, thanks to the source, decoder and receiver, that is to the components of the communication.

It is good to use these components when talking about communication in order to get used to doing it in a correct way, but it is not known in what order the components come, sometimes one can come before the other and this can cause confusion.

The attitudes of the source towards the receiver to affect communication, since, if you have some kind of affection, the receiver changes its attitude and is softer and less cold.

Other factors that can affect the loyalty of communication: the level of knowledge that the source has when wanting to communicate with the receiver, if this wants its communication to be better should have a good knowledge about the subject you want to express, do notYou can communicate a topic that is not known or not understood. Sociocultural System: It is necessaryWhat are the behaviors accepted in their culture. People do not communicate the same as being of different social classes, or of different cultures. It is not known what words they use, the reasons to communicate, or their word.

The message is what we want to express, when we talk is speech, write is written, when the image is drawn, when the picture is painted. The message has 3 factors to be correct: the code are symbols that have some meaning that, for someone, such as languages, colors, words, letters, etc. For example, paint has a code, which would be colors and shapes. The content is depending on the subject or material that the source chose to use, the statements, the information, the doubts, the criticisms;The content must have a good structure, which is understood. The message treatment The source can make the decision to select, you can handle your topic as you want, omit parts, say everything as you want, skip parts, repeat several times what you said, summarize everything at the end or at the beginning, ask for opinionof the receiver, all this is his way of expressing his message.


Communication is a somewhat extensive process and that most people are not correctly informed of how they should be, that ways can be presented and with whom we can manifest it;The communication is everywhere, as was present in this whole report, such as books, movie, songs, all those are messages that people wanted to communicate so that other people knew what they feel or simple information.

We can also communicate with ourselves mentally or so that we write something that only we understand, that it is only for us and no one else, communicate in groups such as when you need to give a class or a meeting, communicate massively as in amanifestation, in duo speaking only with another person we have aside.

All our messages must be well structured to be able to express correctly the idea or thought we have, we must meet the people we want to express ourselves to see how to do it.


  • Berlo, d. K. (1984). The communication process. The Athenaeum.

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