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The Concept Of Industry 4.0 And Its Factors


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The concept of industry 4.0 and its factors

Industry 4.0 is a term that encompasses a whole process of digitalization and automation of the processes that are carried out, the fourth industry came to unify digital technologies (software) with physical technology, creating what is known as cyberphisical systems, all united in aSymbiosis that allows a perfect union of machines and processes, which thanks to connectivity, together with humans, significantly facilitates the lives of the latter, assuming the risk that this means for the work of many people, especially the less qualified workthat can be replaced.

This concept of industry 4.0 that was coined in Germany, for the first time in a not so close 2011, to define what is understood today as a smart manufacturing, in Hannover, which made him gain a huge prominence, especially in governments such as German. "" Industry 4.0 ”arises in Germany at the beginning of the 2010, coined by a multidisciplinary group of specialists convened by the German government to design a program to improve the productivity of the manufacturing industry. The term was first presented at the Hannover Fair of 2011 and won prominence in a very short time ”(Basco, 2018, p. 25). At this time an acceleration of the race begins for being the first to achieve the goal of being the leader of the new industry. While today the concept of industry 4.0 refers not only to the digitalization and automation of manufacturing processes but also to intermediate, logistics, distribution etc.

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After reading various sources and listening to different conferences, (De la Fuente, Mazaeda, & University, 2015, p. 4), (gold, 2015), (Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, 2019, p. 7), I encourage me to synthesize by the difficulty of choosing one of them, a definition that adapts to the different definitions and encompasses all of them in a single trying not to give any more weight to any field, defining it as “Model of Management of Management ofProductive resource intelligently, semi-autonomously and efficiently capable of unifying the various technologies in a cyber-physical system, an adjustable author ”.

Once understood, the concept of industry 4.0 and its unquestionable importance in the modern world, due to the tremendous socio-economic impact that it is having and that will continue to have it is essential to understand, why we speak both of revolution and evolution, for this in turn it is essential to understand whatIt has passed in the previous industrial revolutions.

We must first understand that it is what an industrial revolution supposes for this in a summary way we will delve into the different industrial revolutions that history has had, being aware of the common denominator of all the revolutions we have had to date, and that is that all have meantA drastic change in the production capacity of society and a social change, which has forced the adaptation of the whole society to the changes of the productive model.

"Industrialization is the vector of successful modernization since the growing importance of the industrial sector in the economic product is what allows the durable increase in productivity" (Jean-Philippe, 1992, p. 16). This is one of the main common factors that has determined each of the different periods of industrial revolutions, modernization, but also others such as the accumulation of working capital in one of the sectors, which has moved the population of a placeto another and has forced her to renew and reinvent himself, losing numerous jobs, but allowing the creation of new ones, something that has always been seen with dread, the movement of human capital from one place to another.

As shown in Figure 1.0, industrializations since the 18th century have promoted numerous changes until we reach society that we know today, and that today they are giving again. The type of industry that is currently being developed comes to be defined due to a market in which the consumer has more and more strength that formerly occurred in reverse where force came from supply and not demand, consumersIncreasingly informed, more demanding, and with more variety of choice they advocate for the purchase of products as personalized and complete as possible, this occurs, a process by which a mixed economic model is reached (service, product)and that industries are forced to address to provide value due to market saturation and entry into the economies of developing countries that can produce at lower costs but still do not reach quality degrees in service issues since they requireof a higher training level. And customization, customization of products and services in a unique and instantaneous way, which adapt to an individual demand. As we mentioned above, industrial revolutions have as one of the main common factors the saturation of one of the sectors, markets or spaces. Although in the first revolution it was the saturation of the agrarian world and a great demand for industrial products and improvement of transport, in the second the industry itself with the incorporation of engines was satura, new industrial fields such as the chemical industry were opened,cars etc, or in the third where the saturation itself by the incorporation again of the inventions made labor to move to the services that today are the main item in the GDP of developed countries.

These saturations of the markets promote constant improvements to be able to give the demand, while the industry itself becomes more productive and efficient, since in most cases it ends up allowing an improvement large enough. This is something that only occurs out of monopolistic environments, these new technologies allow cost reduction and due to competition between offerings have improved and made more accessible numerous products that were previously only for upper class people, so thatThese revolutions to this day have always improved the quality of life of people, especially where these revolutions have had a strong evolution, as is the case of countries called first world. Example of this we have cars, international flights, appliances, food and endless improvements and accesses that would be impossible to think about past times.

What to say that, since 1977 as Figure 1 shows us.0 According to the World Bank, since this year they register official data poverty has been decreasing to great steps and part of this is thanks to the industrial revolutions that has allowed the development of the economy of different countries and their societies, changing aSocial graphics, flat for the center to one that is currently swelling in the middle class, we have currently gone to a population in extreme poverty worldwide (people who live with less than € 1.60 day) of 10%, which is significantly lower than that of 47% registered in the first study, as we can see in the figure. Along with this, there are studies that say that about 1820 almost 99% of the world’s population lived under these conditions of poverty, however, despite this social improvement there is still a sociological concept known as social pessimism in which citizensWe always have the feeling of having worse and worse social conditions, the feeling that technological innovations are going to take away jobs and that we are going worse, but we could say that as history has shown us, this is not true. On the contrary, to what has always been believed, the increase in productivity has done the most accessible products, and the development of new strategies by companies to increase their sales and reduce their costs has improved the global situation, policiesconcrete such as relocation, r.S.C, or the awareness of developed countries that have carried out policies for the fight against poverty.

And then to answer why, it has not been worse to replace work with machines?, And the answer is simple, because thanks to this replacement for machines work people have been able to devote themselves to the performance of tasks in which qualified humans are more productive and that the machines cannot do, since the machines, do work that works that work that works that work that works that work that works that work that works that work that works that work that works that work that works that work that works that work that works that work that works that work that works that work that works that work that works that work that works that work that works that work that works that work that works that work that works that work that works that work that works that work that works that work that works that work that works that work that works that work that works that work that works that work that works that work that works that work that works that work that worksThey meet the following characteristics mainly, perform tasks that require, 1) repetition, 2) specialization, and currently add the 3) data analysis characteristic. In this way, the concept of “virtuous circle” has been formed, this virtuous circle consists of several parts, 1) a reduction in production costs, 2) an increase in production, 3) an increase in wages, and theHiring 4) An increase in consumption, which is again together with the second point, now we must take into account the economic cycles that are inside, and cause a cut of this generating crisis, as well as keep in mind that each revolutionhas reduced the costs of some sector by promoting this circle. If we talk about this circle, to say that it was fragmented in the 3rd point since there was a relocation that was compensated by the need to cover stalls of high intellectual qualification, and services, which let us give off of works of less added value, by works of greater value, however, we will study later that is happening now and how the new jobs will be compensated and how we are going to prepare or do it. In addition, the continuous growth of the population has demanded the use of machines since historically the growth of the population is strongly linked to the ability to use the energy of the human being, the greater the most used energy population has the planet (Garrel Guiu Antoni, 2019, p. 140-144).

Today (2019) as these decisive factors are saying, the saturation of one of the sectors, 2) the displacement of human capital and 3) the development of new disruptive technologies. For the beginning of another revolution we are currently in the evolution phase in which numerous conditions of inventions and improvements are being given; Like 5G, the block chain, the cloud, the Internet of Things, the great advance of the sensors that allow the transmission and connectivity of industrial ecosystems. The current electronics and computer science is saturated and is becoming less and less efficient, it is necessary Capital working, but for the moment as the level of complexity is greater than ever, the passage of evolution is ever invest in continuing to improve the implementation of other complementary technologies.

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