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The Concept Of Personal Self – Esteem


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The concept of personal self – esteem

self – esteem concept

"Own love plays a primary function in the child’s development". This phrases refers to the prevailing need to provide greater attention to the subject of self – esteem, because it involves emotions, values ​​and behaviors that develop in infants from the family, since the family is presented as the first school that has The human being. Therefore there is a close relationship between self – esteem and attachments that occur in the family environment and that are impacting on the school and social fields.

According to Nathaniel Branden, a pioneer in studies on self – esteem, cited by Juan Fernando Gómez Ramírez, in the book "The healthy child", compares to self – esteem with the immune system of human consciousness, providing it with resistance, strength and regeneration capacity , because if any negative aspect affects the individual, self – esteem is therefore low his strength against the difficulties presented.

Starting from this premise, the development of self – esteem in infants has more relevance because the higher it is, the greater the ability to face the problems since they are not perceived as a threat. It is then imperative to promote and strengthen a child’s own love, a process in which the intervention of adults who make up their immediate means is vital, they have the duty to recognize, respect and accept that each child is a unique and unrepeatable being.

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"Children are not born with self – esteem but this will arise and grow constantly throughout their lives" (Feldman, 2005), and will depend on what has experienced, if he has successful experiences he will remember those moments with full satisfaction and his self – esteem angry, if On the contrary, it suffers failures and negative actions in which their parents or caregivers intervene, surely decreases.

Behind a child with a positive self – esteem, there are parents, sure of themselves, successful, demanding with their children, respectful, and above all they grant opportunities for infants to express their concerns; What leads to each day be loving, firm and democratic. The opposite happens when parents establish fixed rules with their children but with an autocratic and hostile methodology, they do not give opportunities for expression even ridicule them in front of their own and strangers, thus fostering fear, insecurity, dependence, predominant elements in a being with being with being low self-esteem.

It is then in childhood and adolescence where self – esteem becomes relieved importance since they are stages of vital importance and a positive or negative brand can be created in the life of the human being. In these stages the temperament is formed.

The family context in which a child depends on his success or the failure of it, a very permissive education and a disqualifying attitude by parents are the greatest grounds for low self – esteem. The self – esteem that a 5 -year -old has depends on a large scale on what he hears, how he is treated and emphatically on those repetitive phrases he receives, and that he will tell himself later. "The repetition of messages ends up making its own assessment". 

For Matti Hemmi, a leadership specialist, low self – esteem is related to the conjugation of the verb to be linked to a derogatory adjective, that is, when a child or adult observes an action he does not like, he usually tagged this person as useless, what It will have great incidence in its subsequent development, so it recommends that all actions must be aimed at promoting positivism in infants. 

From the above, it is inferred that self – esteem is affected by the experiences that we live in our environment and the demands we receive from abroad. The company demands that we continue standard behavior paradigms and if we do not meet such demands, our self – esteem, although positive, can be affected. So, the construction of positive self – esteem has to be compact in the life of a child, so, he will not feel uncomfortable by situations that could not please others.

When the child begins his school stage without having developed a positive self – esteem in the family, his learning becomes complicated, because he does not have the security to act in front of the other members of the group, they feel fear of being the subject of laughter, mockery or criticism , they even think they could receive some type of punishment if they do not requested correctly. It is then that the teacher must be attentive to certain behaviors that denote low self – esteem such as: they cannot verbally express their emotions, speak badly of itself, they are impulsive, aggressive, they do not integrate the group activities with ease and by the otherwise they are isolated, promoting the rejection of others; As indicated by the psychologist and author of the book "Happy children", Alicia Banderas, in her video called child self – esteem (Banderas, 2018)

Here is when the teacher faces a great challenge, helping children feel good about themselves, to make friends, to integrate spontaneously and voluntaryly into the daily activities of which she must enjoy. Instead of pointing out what she does bad.

There are a variety of activities aimed at achieving the development of self – esteem in infants of the initial level, which must be knowledge of the teacher and above all to implement them within the classroom, while offering guidance to Parents put that their participation in this stage of development is inexcusable. One of the proposals to achieve our goal is the use of children’s theater as a strategy to develop self – esteem in children of the initial level.  

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