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The Construction And Peace Process In Colombia


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This essay will consist of a reflection on the need and the proposal to take an arduous and different path framed in a process of justice, truth, communication and reconciliation that denotes mainly in non -violent act characterized by the defense of rights and ideals through thePassive resistance, dialogue, debate, overcoming injustices and the elimination of any type of discrimination.

Peace refers to the state of balance, tranquility and stability within a society and more than a slogan or overcoming a century of political violence in the country is a daily construction process that demands the tenacious and continuous effort of all actorsThrough the recognition of people, the eradication of violence in our lives and the absence of injustices against people. In turn, peace consolidation requires a set of actions designed for the prevention of violent conflicts and the implementation of political, social and economic measures necessary for sustainable and lasting peace.

To continue with the above, the consolidation of peace in Colombia must be oriented under a principle of governance which focuses on institutional strengthening, the articulation between the national and local level in peace construction strategies, as well as guaranteeingAccess to truth, justice and reparation, for which a policy of attention and repair to victims, reintegration and reconciliation is necessary.

All of the above with the purpose of reintegrating the actors of the armed conflict in Colombia, through the strengthening of their relationship with entities of the national and regional order, so that they can contribute to the historical memory of the country according to joint strategies of reconciliation andreparation, to obtain as main result the consolidation of peace in Colombia.

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By way of conclusion, the participation of the different actors, private, public and social allow the creation of consensus and territories of peace that contribute greatly to the reconstruction of the social, economic and political fabric for the projects that promote the construction of peace. At the same time that it is recognized that there are unsatisfied basic needs in the Colombian rural territory and actions that can generate stability to legitimize a process of completing the conflict are implemented. All this taking as a reference that negotiations are an essential component of a peace process, but a peace process is much more than a negotiating table. 

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