The Consumption Of Meat And Their Relationship With Cancer
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The general objective of this essay is, to provide a more complete image of the primordial diets in red, white and processed consumption covering the possible health effects of this lifestyle that is often partially perceived positively, throughof the analysis of studies, experiments and investigations in order to raise awareness of people to wisely choose the foods that enter their body.
Morbidity and mortality associated with cancer are an important health problem worldwide. Based on the work of Richard Doll and Richard Peto in 1981, it has been estimated that approximately 35% of cancer can be attributed to the diet. The consumption of meat in relation to the risk of cancer has been informed in more than one hundred epidemiological studies of many countries with diverse diets. The association between meat intake and the risk of cancer has been evaluated by observing both large groups of total meat intake, as well as finerst categories, particularly intakes of red meat and processed meat that refers to the meat that has been transformed toThrough salting, curing, fermentation, smoking or other processes to improve flavor or conservation and contain pork or beef, but processed meats can also contain other red meat, poultry, spoils or by -productsmeats like blood.
Recently, a working group from the International Agency for Cancer Research (IARC) concluded that there are enough epidemiological data to classify the meat processed as group 2 cancer since they contain compounds such as salts, nitrates, nitrites, hem iron, saturated fat, estradiol that increase the synthesis of DNA and cell proliferation, increasing the growth factors similar to insulin that affect hormonal metabolism, promote the damage of free radicals and produce carcinogenic heterocyclic amines, all which can promote cancer development.
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The fat that comes from animal sources as in this case meats, have a direct negative relationship in our body, more specifically cardiovascular structure. And not only can sprains cause the heart through fat deposits in the arteries, but it damages them and increases blood pressure, all this leading to a non -healthy weight gain. The type of meat consumed in day to day contains much more fat than previous years, due to the same fact that from their place of origin, the animals are unpleasant, do not carry proper growth due to the lack of exercises, nutrients, thebe locked in extremely busy places where diseases contract. All this results in even more harmful fat deposits than usual by increasing the possibilities of diseases to cells and tissues such as: colon cancer, breast, prostate, among others. All this happens since human beings do not instantly assimilate meat. That food feels on the gastrointestinal walls will make them more susceptible to any carcinogenic complex.
Today, there is excessive meat consumption to the point of becoming a problem that increases the irrigation of total mortality, getting cancer and obtaining diabetes. According to a study by the Harvard Public Health School (HSPH), when there is an intake gives higher meat than recommended daily, the risk of getting disease will increase by 50 percent. Which means that people who eat meat every day have almost three times more risk of colon cancer, compared to other people. The reason why these proteins are considered so harmful is that during the process of cooking meat, in especially roasting and frying, some gene mutate compounds occur and are very dangerous for our health. The amounts of these compounds vary according to the cooking technique, temperature, cooking time and type of meat. Sodium nitrites in processed meat become a compound called nitrosamines, which especially affect the intestine and stomach. Cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are another reason for cancer.
Which results in these chemicals penetrating our body through meat. "There are approximately 34,000 cancer deaths per year worldwide and the diet rich in processed meats is considered the most attributable cause". How could the diet cause or prevent these mutations and their consequences? Experimental studies show that, for example, heterocyclic amines in cooked meat are carcinogenic in the mammary gland and the colon of rodents;that several components of the diet induce apoptosis, which is one of the cancer protective mechanisms;that antioxidants in food can suppress spontaneous mutations;and that dietary factors can influence cell proliferation and DNA methylation. Although there is currently no direct evidence that relates the diet with the damage to the relevant DNA for current cancer genetic models, this is the issue of an emerging field of research.
Some of the types of cancer associated with meat consumption are:
Breast cancer
Breast cancer is the main cause of cancer death among women in developed countries. In Ecuador, breast cancer has an incidence of 31.8 per 100,000 inhabitants. According to a report, food and food groups that individually have shown potentially important associations with the risk of breast cancer include alcohol, fruits and vegetables, fats, red meat, sugar, low fat products in fat, fish and tea. The normal risk of breast cancer is 5 percent, but just with eating two bacon strips per day or half of a hotdog, that increases to 21% percent in women in women.
Red meat intake in an unbalanced diet has the hypothesis of increasing breast cancer risk. Case and control studies have supported a positive association, and a panel of experts described red meat intake as a possible cause of breast cancer. Mammary carcinogenesis has been demonstrated as a mode of ‘cell proliferation in which hormones, such as estrogens, induce and promote breast tumors. After menopause, adipose tissue is the site for estrogen synthesis, and women with a high body mass index have a high level of endogenous estrogen. Therefore, estrogens and estrogen -related factors, such as body mass index, can modify the association between the intake of carcinogens of cooked food at high temperature and the risk of breast ingestion.
Colon cancer is an abnormal malignant formation that begins in the colon or also called known as a large intestine. The large intestine is a long organ and has a tube shape near the end of the digestive system. After foods pass through the stomach and small intestine, the colon is responsible for eliminating fluids and vitamins/nutrients from ingested foods. Then, the colon pushes the remaining solid waste towards the rectum, where they can be expelled from the body. Colorectal cancer is another commonly used term but covers colon cancers and others formed in the rectum. The rectum is the last part of the large intestine where waste is expelled from the body, feces, through the anus.
Colorectal cancer is considered one of the main causes of morbidity and cancer mortality. It represents more than 9% of all cancer incidents;This makes it the third most common cancer cause with almost 1.4 million new cases diagnosed in a year and the fourth most common cause of death. According to official figures from the Cancer Fight Society (Solca), approximately 1.200 new cases of colon cancer are presented in Ecuador every year. Of these cases, if they are treated in a timely manner, 52% of people survive. Both men and women are affected almost equally by colorectal cancer;9.4% in men and 10.1% in women of all cancer incidents.
Several risk factors may be related to the incidence of colorectal cancer. Age and hereditary factors are the most important factors that the individual cannot handle. The probability of being affected by colorectal cancer increases after 40 years. More than 90% of colorectal cancer cases were notified among people over 50 years. In addition, a large number of environmental and behavioral risk factors can also contribute to the development of colorectal cancer;Among these dietary factors are the main.
With the help of different dietary evaluation methods, such as food withdrawal and food registration, a wide range of epidemiological studies revealed that diet can strongly influence the risk of colorectal cancer, and changes in eating habits could reduceup to 70% of this cancer load. High fat and calorie diets, especially animal fat, protein rich, low calcium and vitamin D level. They are some of the nutrients that can be a risk factor for colorectal cancer. The high consumption of meat, mainly red meat and processed meat, is mainly associated with the development of colorectal cancer.
For a person who lives in freedom, the precise estimate of routine dietary intake is very difficult in studying relationships between diet and disease. In addition, there is no unique evaluation method that is valid and optimal in all conditions to evaluate the usual dietary intake of the individual, but due to their ability to classify the subjects according to their intake and it is also relatively economic, the questionnairesFood frequency (FFQ) are often used in most epidemiological studies to assess habitual dietary intake and disease development. In addition, food frequency questionnaires (FFQ) have been used to evaluate long -term food intake and an important exposure factor for diseases. The effect of fat consumption as a possible etiological factor for colon cancer is linked to favor the development of a bacterial flora capable of degrading bile salts to potentially carcinogenic compounds. It is believed that the presence of Hemo Iron in red meat is the main mechanism for the positive association in the development of colorectal cancer.
Most colon cancers begin as benign polyps. These are flat growth or as knots in the coating of the large intestine. Occasionally, growths produce symptoms such as bleeding, constipation or blood in feces. But often, cells do not produce any symptoms, so it is possible that people do not know that they have them. The best way to detect the presence of polyps is with a procedure called colonoscopy, which is performed in a doctor’s office. While some polyps remain benign (non -cancerous), some can become evil (cancerous) over time. For this reason, when a doctor finds one or more polyps during a colonoscopy, they are usually removed during the procedure.
Carcinogens alter DNA, which can lead to two results, apoptosis or promotes inhibited cell growth. The two carcinogens that occur during this process are heterocyclic (HCA) amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (HAP). (‘Why carcinogens cause cancer’, without date). One way to reduce the formation of HCA and PAH in cooked meat is to reduce the amount of time that the meat is cooked over open fire. This can be done continuously turning meat or using a microwave to shorten the cooking time in the stove. Another carcinogen found in the flesh is the n-nitrous compound. This carcinogen is found in bacon, hot dogs and anything containing sodium nitrate. Sodium nitrate is a preservative added to food not only to preserve but also to add flavor. N-nitroso is formed when sodium nitrate is combined with the amines in the flesh to form this carcinogen. This n-nitroso compound attacks the cells and can cause mutation in the molecule DNA. In another study, there was evidence that a high fat diet contributes to prostate cancer. In this study, men who consume high types of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats significantly increase their chances of contracting prostate cancer. Men who consumed 45 grams of total fat in one day have a 10-20 percent risk of contracting cancer. In another study, there was a strong correlation between obesity and prostate cancer. In a study of eighty -seven men with prostate cancer, 89 percent of these men had overweight or obesity. Ninety -seven percent of them had a twenty -five or more body fat . Obesity increases the production of the body of IGF-1, which leads to the proliferation of cancer cells.
Other Conceres
Although pancreatic cancer represents only 2% of all cancer deaths worldwide, their incidence is increasing and perspectives remain bad. The dietary factors that are associated with higher risk are meat, red meat in particular and energy. Protection is provided by fruits and vegetables, which is probably the most consistent finding in general, and vitamin C and polysaccharides (fiber) without starch. A multifactorial model30 has been proposed in which endocrine, metabolic, dietary and other factors combine to produce pancreatic hyperplasia and eventually a evil change. Animal models suggest that chronic overestimulation with cholecystoquinine can be important.
Other cancers
The main risk factors in ovarian cancer are explained by low vegetable intake and a high intake of fats, dairy products (milk, yogurt cheese) and meat increases the risk. There are several studies on kidney, pancreatic cancer and other types of cancer. As mentioned endlessly, the main cause is excessive levels of fat. Otherwise, the same sources affirm that vegetarian diets protect us against cancer (meat consumption and cancer risk). Therefore, people should avoid meat consumption.
Heart disease
‘The intake of calories and fats of vegetarian people is less than that of non -vegetarians. Therefore, they have a lower risk of heart disease. Regular red meat consumption, especially those processed, increases the risk of mortality directly. Meat consumption clearly causes deaths ’. There are also other factors that together with this type of diet can reach mortality that would not be in shape with respect to age and contribute alcohol and smoking. These factors reduce the amount of life.
Comparison between a diet based on plants and one of meat
Most studies have demonstrated an inverse association between the consumption of fruits and vegetables and the risk of cancer. In a study by Paul T et. In 2001, it was tried to associate the role of the consumption of fruits and vegetables and colorectal cancer. In this study 61, 463 women were followed during an average of 9.6 years and 460 incident cases of colorectal cancer (291, 159 and 10 cases of colon, straight and both sites respectively) were observed). Throughout the population of this study, the total consumption of fruits and vegetables was inversely associated with the risk of colorectal cancer.
A vegetarian diet is considered as healthy as it has shown for the guards against diseases. According to new medical research, a person who adopts a plants -based diet has a third less likely to suffer from diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, such as heart disease and cerebral spills. People tend to have a better opportunity not to develop high blood pressure and bad cholesterol that could affect their health problem. According to a study by the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg, vegetarians have a more effective and stronger immune system to kill tumor cells in the body compared to those who eat meat. A British study indicates that a vegan diet reduces the risk of the greatest cause of death: heart disease and type 2 diabetes. On the other hand, according to the American Dietary Association, vegetarians tend to have a lower risk of having obesity, breast cancer and prostate cancer that are not cardiovascular and diabetes diseases. Obesity is very common, especially in the United States. As we know, processed foods are extremely bad for our health because it contains preservatives, toxins and unnatural fillings that will cause renal failure if we consume it in excess. Studies have shown that a diet rich in animal and dairy products that contains a large number of hormones and saturated fats can cause breast cancer. However, there is a great connection and relationship between vegetarian diet and breast cancer. A vegetarian diet can help prevent it and even reverse it, which consists of a low sugar diet, dairy products and meat, but rich in green leafy vegetables, fruits and vitamin D. Vitamin D is a reinforcement of the immune system that has the special ability to attack. breast cancer cells by preventing cancer cells from multiplying in more and more cancer cells in the body. ‘Vitamin D is a key component to help the body respond to many different types of assaults and stimuli,’ says Robert Heaney, pH.D., Professor of Medicine at Creighton University. Vitamin D can be obtained from natural foods such as fungi, soy milk and dark green leafy vegetables. The investigation found that the consumption of soy products containing isoflavona such as Tofu during childhood and adolescence protects women against the risk of breast cancer later in life. Vegetables and fruits also contain phytochemicals that help destroy the tumor in the body. A study by Harvard Medical School of more than 90,000 women revealed that women who often consume meat every day are twice as likely to develop breast cancer than those who do not consume meat frequently. (Sloan 2008). Excessive meat consumption will also lead to certain degenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, Huntington and Alzheimer’s when the human being begins to age. As the famous saying says, ‘you are what you eat’. Subsequently, vegetarian diets can reduce the risk of getting diseases that can affect body health and cause death.
Recommendations and prevention
The recommendations given below are focused on the common person who has meat as their main source of energy.
- Do not eat more than moderate amounts of red meat, such as beef, pork and lamb. Eat little or no processed meat red meat is a good source of nutrients, so it can be part of a healthy and balanced diet, but we do not need to eat it every day. If you eat red meat, reduce it can help protect diseases.
- Do not eat processed meat, since they have a high fat and salt content, and eat it is a cause of bowel cancer. If you eat meat, it is better to choose without processing meat.
- That any type of meat is accompanied by fiber, vegetables, healthy fats, etc. Will remain satiated for longer and consume less calories.
- Use alternatives to ham in your sandwiches. Try other types of proteins such as chicken, hard eggs, canned tuna (in spring water), etc.
- Maintain ideal body weight (body mass index 20-25);Avoid fatty foods.
- Avoid high doses of vitamin supplements.
Cancer is just one of the world’s main murderers. Will the diet for cancer prevention harm public health programs for the prevention of other diseases such as coronary heart disease, hypertension, obesity and diabetes? The answer is no, in fact, quite the opposite. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables and cereals and low in meat, fat and salt, but containing appropriate minerals and vitamins, is a good prophylactic to prevent many chronic diseases of lifestyle. In addition, plants -based food economy is much more sustainable than a cattle -based. Whenever other lifestyle factors are taken into account, the diet for cancer prevention can, based on current knowledge, form the basis of a rational public health policy.
This review has been promoted by the recent publication of two reports, one from the Committee of Medical Aspects of Food (COMA) of the main medical officer and another commissioner by the World Cancer Research Fund. Much of the evidence used in these reports is derived from epidemiological studies. Although food intake varies greatly throughout the world, raw methods are often used to evaluate diet and these methods incur large measurement errors that reduce relative risk estimates. In addition, mechanisms are needed to take into account genetic polymorphisms that can moderate the effects of a particular dietary factor in individuals in order to deduce that it leads to cancer development. This interaction between environmental, genetic and others, such as Helicobacter infection in gastric cancer, so far has not been largely investigated.
It is currently being tested in the European Cancer Prospective Research (EPIC), in which dietary and blood information of 400,000 people living in nine European countries, and in human experimental models, and both approaches need risk biomarkers validated for validated riskbe developed. Meat consumption is one of the oldest habits of human life. Therefore, cutting or even reducing meat consumption is a great mountain to climb.
To convince people not to eat meat, it is necessary to present certain reasons. Since it is about convincing;tax or, in other words, prohibit meat in some way, it is not a stable solution. Remove the extinction of your dish is a kind of limited movement. Many research shows that vegetarian diets or extremely low meat consumption are associated with less or no complication/ disease and higher life expectations. The use of meat has negative and positive results. The report that an individual is what they eat must make people change their opinion about eating a lot of meat if they need a healthy perspective. The processed meat, such as red meat that has a high content of n-nitrous compounds and food sources that have a high salt content in the diet, can prevent damage to the stomach mucosa and prevent mutations.
This highlights the variation of diet modification, since they can play a different role in different mechanistic pathways. Cancer is just one of the world’s main murderers. Will the diet for cancer prevention harm public health programs for the prevention of other diseases such as coronary heart disease, hypertension, obesity and diabetes? The answer is no, in fact, quite the opposite. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables and cereals and low in meat, fat and salt, but containing appropriate minerals and vitamins, is a good prophylactic to prevent many chronic diseases of lifestyle. Whenever other lifestyle factors are taken into account, the diet for cancer prevention can, based on current knowledge, form the basis of a rational public health policy. Consequently, diet modification can provide a strong support role in cancer prevention
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