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The Cost Of Education In Mexico


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The cost of education in Mexico

The research refers to the question of the obsolete in the Mexico’s teaching system, the students present a lag in their performance in relation to the teaching strategies with which they are trained;But an analysis of this problem cannot be initiated but we identify the immediate causes of this phenomenon.

From the social sense we can summarize as two of the triggers of this inadequacy is the work of the government in the education sector, where there is a lack of interest in the educational update and a bad administration in the designated resources to be able to carry it out.

Another of the main problems of our educational system is that it does not guarantee education to most citizens, this is the reason why there are communities that throughout their lives do not receive basic education, a fundamental human right,And much less they manage to have a baccalaureate certificate which is escontial to continue their studies or have some decent work.

The educational system in Mexico is not advancing around which society is evolving, this implies the destrotualization of our studies which generates that an individual is not up to date with what he studied or studied. Every day new information is discovered but what is taught in a classroom does not change again in several years. The most significant update was made in 2012 and since then it has evolved but without any transcendent update.

Mexican Educational System

“Article 3.

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Every individual has the right to receive education. The State – Federation, States, Federal District and Municipalities – will teach preschool, primary, secondary and upper secondary education.”The education offered by the Government is guided by democracy as a legal structure and political regime, founded for the economic, social and cultural good of Mexican and residents;Education must be alien to any religion and oriented by scientific progress, therefore, it must be secular. The Mexican education system is the set of standards, institutions, resources and technologies aimed at offering educational services to the Mexican population. This is divided into three:

Basic Education: It is mandatory and free for all Mexican citizens, it is made up of preschool (three courses for children 3, 4 and 5 years) whose objective is to promote their skills and knowledge and knowledge. Primary education is composed of six years (courses) focused on basic calculation, literacy and learning of elementary cultural concepts. There are schools that allow you to study these courses with a second language. At the end of these courses, a certificate is granted that will allow the secondary education to advance.

Secondary education is three courses that shaped the student helping to expand their knowledge about subjects. As in primary education, a certificate is granted that will give access to the next level.

Higher secondary education: last mandatory section in education, divided into three years of six semesters. It usually leads to training with scientific, technical and humanistic content.

Higher education: composed of universities and technological institutions. These tend to follow a model quite similar to the Americans where three titles are derived: the bachelor’s degree, training in a specific matter. (Four years) The Master’s Degree, in order to do it, it is essential that you find a degree. (Two years) Finally, the doctorate, you cannot be taken without having done a master’s degree and is focused on a research project. (three years) These courses can be done at an institution or public or private university. The public are financed by the State, but still you have to pay something, which leads us to our first problem.

Government financing

In the last four decades public spending on education has grown aggressively. The amount of resources used, from 230 billion pesos to 700 billion pesos. With this, it was possible to expand the coverage of the courses in the levels of basic education, even so this has not been enough to do the same at the other levels where the coverage is low and the costs by students are much higher. Mexico has managed to spend more money than more OECD countries that implied 17 percent of the total budget, even thus focused 551,285 pesos per student, less than a third than the average of the OECD (1.719,804 pesos per student). It is indicated by specialists that the distribution of public resources is the origin of the lack of infrastructure of teachers, since 85 percent is aimed at payroll. The CIEP also conducted a study where it is demonstrated that 36 programs present on spending of more than 3000 percent in 2016. This implies that the Government of Mexico prioritizes other things over the formation of its inhabitants, which in the future will return to affect the country’s economy.

The State has a limited vision of the right to education that all Mexicans have.

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