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Journal Article 1 Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Title Date of Submission Crusades are regarded as a series of the military expeditions that were made by Europeans in e...

Professor’s Name: Student Name: Course Title: Date: The Crusade On 27th November 1095 Pope Urban II called for the first crusade to reclaim the holy land (History.com). In his sp...

Cross of Templars: Hispanic warriors The Templar Cross encloses a controversy as many have wanted to end. The meaning this cross comes from the Middle Ages. It is the templar......

Name: Instructor: Course: Date: First and Second Crusades critic comparison and contrasting The crusades are holy wars that were fought between Christians in Europe and the non-Chr...

Crusaders and Saracens Comparison. Saracen was a general term used extensively by later medieval era Christian writers for refer to Muslims. It should be emphasized that even thoug...

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