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The Culture Of Peace And Nonviolence


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The culture of peace and nonviolence

According to these postulates, the culture of peace must be based on the understanding of the co -responsibility that education has regarding the enrichment of knowledge about the environment to which it is signed, from a symbiosis that promotes cooperation, participation and respectof human rights as axis that guarantees security and peace, also strengthens the coexistence harmony in all spaces where the educational fact occurs.

In this sense, the 2000 manifesto for a culture of peace and non -violence, written by a group of novel awards, contains the six key principles that define the culture of peace and that summarizes the minimum values to create spaces of peace in educational centers;The manifesto declares the following: 

  • Respect the life and dignity of each person, without discrimination or prejudices. 
  • Reject violence in any of its manifestations: practice active non -violence, rejecting violence in all its forms: physical, sexual, psychological, economic and social, in particular towards the weakest and most vulnerable, such as children and adolescents;

Likewise, in its literal C describes:

  • Share with others, a culture of cooperation, a requirement about the double role of school the educational and as an instrument for social change, in order to end exclusion, injustice and political and economic oppression;
  • Listen to understand, that is, defend freedom of expression and cultural diversity, promote dialogue and generate a climate of sincere reflection and debate.

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  •  Preserve the planet, respect and care for all living beings as an ethical foundation. 
  •  Reinvent solidarity, which designates the conviction that each person must feel responsible for all others as a requirement that helps us live better with each other.

Therefore, the culture of peace in the school environment is closely linked to education for peace, human rights, democracy and tolerance that currently constitutes the conductive thread of many of the current educational reforms, such isThe case of our country, the parliamentarians, within the framework of the celebration of a new Constitution, and the promulgation of the international year for a culture of peace introduces the term in the preamble of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (1999),where the bases of the Bolivarian School were summarized: the space space for peace (MECD. 2004), from this perspective the school guides the values of peace, tolerance, dialogue, coexistence and solidarity in school spaces and their surroundings.

It is of special significance that to achieve this, preventive and security actions are proposed that promote strategies that promote peace, tolerance, coexistence and respect for rights, and guarantees of all, which, in the contribution of the researcher, have beenBe overlapped in events alluding to dates or celebrations referring to the subject, which prevents an approach to the culture of real peace, it is necessary, administrative, workers, that is, the determined participation of the different sectors of society.

In this order of ideas, it becomes special relevance to highlight that one of the many preventive strategies and actions in terms of healthy coexistence in educational spaces of peace, assumed by the Ministry of Popular Power for Education, was the creation of educational defenders, educational defenders,which find their legal support in documents such as the International Convention of the Child, the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the Organic Law for the Protection of Children, Girl and Adolescents, and Resolution 447 of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, published in Official Gazette No. 37.324 dated November 14, 2001, and in accordance with the provisions of the Organic Law for the Protection of Children, Girl and Adolescents.

The defenders of children and adolescents is a public interest service that in each municipality must be organized by the Mayor’s Office and, according to its population, must have more than one Ombudsman. Likewise, the defenders of children and adolescents can be organized by society, namely: Community Councils, Protection Committee, Associations, Foundations, Social Organizations or for any other form of citizen participation. The State must adopt the necessary measures to strengthen the defenders of children and adolescents created by society. The defenders of children and adolescents are intended to promote the rights and guarantees of children and adolescents. 

In the same way, the importance within the services provided by the defenders, according to article 202, literal F Ácusdem, the stimulus to the strengthening of family ties, through non -judicial processes, for which they will be able to propose conciliations between thefamily members, and even transcend the family plan and address educational and community aspects. This aspect, from my perspective is the beginning of the culture of peace in educational centers, since it encourages participation, to be heard, as a right established in the norm, and the maximum of experiences indicates that the power to dialogue inAs for the situations that arise in the institution addressed, it generates the possibility of resolving conflicts peacefully.

In this sense, it is imperative to sponsor these spaces for defense and guarantee of the rights of children and adolescents, by virtue that give access to ways of turning the conflict into an opportunity for personal, group and even familiar growth, moving away all verticalityOf the educational structures, that is, it places the student in the position of being able to exercise their defense in situations that could be adverse and that in many opportunities we observe how teachers, family and society do not promote those dialogic, reflective meetings, of autoDefense as a strategy for life, it also favors the management of emotions and the knowledge of their response ability to highlights that deserve self-control.

It is important to note that, the fundamental function of educational defenders, in response to what is referred to above, is to promote duties, defend the rights of children and adolescents, and within their specific objectives proposes to promote peace and healthySchool coexistence in the educational center and the community, that is, delegates to this service of public interest the foundations enshrined in the preamble of our Magna Carta: establish a democratic society that consolidates the values of freedom, independence, peace, solidarity, the common good, territorial integrity, coexistence and the empire of the law for this and future generations ..

UndoubtedOnly of governments, but also of all the people who make up human society, because postmodern times demand the participation of each of us, so that the author of this investigation, from their perspective, and in accordance with the above, urges to assume the responsibility that each human being must appropriate to become the values, attitudes, the forging behaviors of a culture of peace a reality.

However, despite all these initiatives, and deployment by international, national and local organizations, in the establishment of a culture of peace and for peace, inside and outside school, the results have been few durable, no It has been enough with only the enthusiastic desire to participate in the promotion of lasting and consonance peace, there are many activities that are carried out from school environments as a network of actions, sometimes imposed, sometimes impossible to carry out, in other cases, They are executed without the intentionality of the learning purpose that pursues, isolated and decontextualized situations of reality, in addition the few encounters for the dialogue for understanding, mediation, negotiation and conciliation, alternative means for the peaceful resolution of conflicts and consensus of ideas for the proposal of projects in favor of peace, which from the classrooms has not received the appropriate treatment for T finally.

Faced with this panorama, it would be interested in then is the educational culture a culture for peace? Can a culture of peace be implemented in educational spaces?, What is required for the peace culture to transcend the enthusiastic intentions of participating in a knowledge of peace? And, finally the questioning that becomes more strength in my reflections regarding the topic is it possible to educate in a peace culture before a environment that due to its nature and functionality is violent?

Interesting to approach an answer by stating that if we are formed for the culture of peace, in fact it is only enough to review the extensive bibliography that refers to the deployments that are carried out in terms of this subject, and on the other hand see the attitudes and aptitudes that we haveFaced with the subject object of study, then, as Oñate (2015) states, La Paz cannot be built leaving the culture aside, which molds our relationship with the other, it is not built lastly around a table, only in the fieldof ideas. 

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