The Day Pictures Were Born
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The Day Pictures Were Born
From the video, the caveman is thought to have created the paintings of animals they hunted. The idea of survival, therefore, was hunting to feed themselves and their families. Theorists thought that painting the animals gave them the motivation to go hunting or was a celebration of having haunted. The pictures were painted thousands of years old, and the paintings were perfection showing that the Bushmen had skills like the modern artists. A Frenchman also explained that painting animals to improve their chances of successful hunting (Voluspa/Astrid “Prehistoric Europeans. People Who Invented Art”). Hunting, therefore, was the main source of food for the caveman through the killing of gazelles, antelopes, and other animals.
Hunting was difficult in the ancient years as the tools used were brittle. However, the caveman discovered new weapons which were a stepping stone to being civilized. The video also suggests that the man is the person who hunted the animals. It is an indication that even in the ancient days; the man was the provider of his family. Hunting the animals was a difficult task, and the man had to be quiet while approaching his prey so as not to alert it. The fact that the man was the hunter meant that he would be the one to decide how the meal would be served to the family members. Being the man, he had priority to get a bigger portion and also due to the fact that he needed the energy to go hunting again.
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In South Africa, the Khoisans were the ones painting and the ones hunting. Hunting still takes place to-date, but the community lives away from the caves, so they no longer draw paintings. It is intriguing that the Khoisan remains loyal to their ancestors compared to everyone else who has evolved making the Stone Age extinct.
Work Cited
Voluspa/Astrid. “Prehistoric Europeans. People Who Invented Art.” YouTube, Uploaded by Voluspa/Astrid, 17 July 2016,
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