The Disintegration Of The Family In Ecuador And The Impact On Children’S Emotional Development
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“I do not believe that God wants exactly that we are happy, he wants us to be able to love and be loved, he wants us to mature, and I suggest that precisely because God loves us, he gave us the gift of suffering;or to put it in another way: pain is the megaphone that God uses to awaken a world of deaf;Because we are like stone blocks, from which the sculptor is gradually forming the figure of a man, the blows of his chisel that make so much damage also make us more perfect.
This essay aims to generate spaces for reflection on family disintegration and the impact on the emotional development of children, aimsBy different factors, when the behavior of children is altered as there is no orientation that helps normalize the problem. Family disintegration causes psychological problems of emotional and affective order, which affect their school performance: low self – esteem, repeat academic degrees, low performance, school dropout, social behavior alterations, learning problems and interpersonal relationships are affected inside and outsideclassroom;In these cases there are emotional risks, childhood rights are not respected. Emotional changes are a symptom that something happens abnormal, they are reflected through attitudes and feelings. Concluding that in the causes of family disorganization, addictions prevail by one of their parents, due to extreme poverty and family violence;and that there is a high coincidence between the causes that cause aggressiveness and behavioral manifestations, observing impulsive behavior, low self – esteem and aggressiveness.
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The disintegration of the family in Ecuador is something that we should all know and be aware of it in recent years, this alarm levels generates that;Boys/girls and adolescents who run out of the love of their parents for multiple reasons, either because of the migratory effect or abandonment, many marriages in Ecuador end up in divorce according to data from (INEC)
“Between 2006 and 2016, divorces increased by 83.45% after 25.468, while marriages fell by 22.01% when registering 74.036 nuptials in 2016 compared to 57.738 of 2016 "
However, having stepfather or stepmother is not one of the best solutions for the education of adolescents and children;Even so, nearby relatives are responsible for relieving their pain.
The family as a primary society of social organization, and from all social institutions, is distinguished and differs from other societies in case nature and purpose “It is necessary to consider marriage and family as a civil contract or a religious sacrament, previousand decisive to these realities are in their nature and their purpose, which are the expression of the deepest and most authentic impulses of the human being: love "
The family as a social unit or as primary social organization is characterized by links and emotional relationships, constituting a social organization subsystem. The members of the family group fulfill roles and functions within it, which allow to relate to the neighborhood, work, school.
Within the family group, values are learned, culture is transmitted and the way of life is oriented to each group, geographically rural or urban, the same that determines certain organization characteristics and the roles of each group.
It is mentioned that the family “influences the children in two ways: the first as an interpersonal force field, demonstrating quality so that it does not affect the stability and homely feeling, the comfort, heat, safety of the child;and the second aspect the teaching of the form of life "
In the interpersonal family, it plays an important role in the development of the individual, such as relationships, ways of life, feelings where the pattern of these relationships is typical of each family, towards each child they vary, as a single case.
On this aspect the following is explained:
“When we take the family with a systemic approach, this perspective makes it necessaryIt is more than the sum of each one as an individual, which a development process is generated, which allows its growth in complexity and organization;"This situation will affect the members of the family system, to a different degree, but in the end all will be modified by this situation" (Hernández, 2009)
Family classification
The family constitutes the core of society, represents the type of perfect community, aspects of society: economic, legal, sociocultural, etc.
- Rigid or authoritarian family.- It is characterized by parents’ behavior by not assuming their children’s changes, they always treat them as children, try to control their children’s behavior and attitudes and adjust them to a standard of behavior, demonstrating authoritarianism and stiffness.
- OVER-PROTECTORA FAMILY.- They have a strong concern to exaggerated their children exaggerated, thus managing to delay their development and independence, children are assimilating a devaluation of themselves and can present a infantilism in their personality.
- Permissive family.- All members lose their roles since it can be the case that it is the children who dominate and order the parents and are unable to discipline the children, they are not demanding, or controllers, they are relatively affectionate or almost never punish it andThey allow it.
- Democratic family.- They direct their children’s activities in a rational way, pay attention to their problems;Always based on mutual respect, parents exhibit confidence in themselves as parents and as people, they are demanding, but loving correct when necessary.
- Family centered on children.- The parents are the center of the family, using them as a means of defense, they do not talk about the couple, simply because their children occupy all their space and time.
- Unstable family.- It is identified because the family fails to unify as it does not have common goals, so it is obstructed in the education, parenting and well -being of the children, they fail to determine the principles to be accused, resulting in insecurity and distrust and in the future they will be adults incapable ofcommunicate your needs, feelings.
- Stable family.- The roles are correct of each member, the love and respect for each one flow.
Family disintegration
By disintegra it is manifested:
It is included not only that the parents are divorced, but living under the same roof, are in constant conflict and do not share the same goals, and where the primordial functions of the family that are food, care, affection, affection are not fulfilledSocialization, education, and where the fulfillment of grandparents, older brothers, some relative and people outside the family is delegated.
In family violence, its most visible and aberrant manifestations physical punishment and sexual abuse, it has more subtle ways, such as psychological abuse, rejection, isolation and abandonment, these do not leave material brand, but their impact is very strongand lasting for those who suffer from it.
From the psychological point of view, it is defined as the "distortion or malfunction of the assigned roles, creating an inadequate situation, an atmosphere of dissatisfaction, anguish, depression, discomfort in general and therefore little communication between its members"
Factors that influence family disintegration
In any marriage, in those who seem more serene and balanced, there are difficult times in their coexistence. (Gonzales, 1983) There are "small crises that are normal because man is a being that grows and matures constantly and, often, individual growth itself tends to cause sometimes made adjustment mechanisms without leaving traumas"
The factors in our country have contributed to the family breakdown are:
- In the economic: when the role of the father, changes occurring that results in helplessness, abandonment;Critical periods occur during which the woman is seen in the pressing need to provide help to her family having to work outside the home.
- In the affective: this may be due to the lack of love between the couple or any of their members, poor communication, etc.
- In the social: there are several factors such as: alcohol, it is a social evil that contributes to the abandonment of the home, misuse of economic resources;Machismo where man believes he is above his partner.
- Culturally: low school instruction that parents possess, low society where they live;They give rise to family disintegration and inability to solve problems for ignorance.
Emotional development
In emotional development which the child builds his identity, his self – esteem, his security and self-confidence. He affirms that through the interactions he establishes with his significant peers, placing himself as a unique and different person "
With this, it could be demonstrated that the child, from his birth he has the fundamental ability to relate socially, he can develop it, as long as there is someone, the primary caregiver, available to establish this social relationship.
It is also a manifestation where it is “thinking part of the brain, alluding to the bark (or neo-cortex) differentiating it from the emotional part of the brain for which they indicate the limbic system;But what defines emotional intelligence is the interaction and relationship between bark and limbic system ”
It is estimated that the cerebral cortex constitutes the thinking part of the brain, "plays an important role in understanding emotional intelligence, allows you to have feelings about our feelings, we can discern, analyze why we feel what we feel and then act on respect"
The limbic system, which is very often considered as the emotional part of the brain, is located between the two cerebral hemispheres and has the task of regulating our emotions and impulse. This limbic system includes the hippocampus and this is where emotional learning occurs and emotional memories are stored, in the brain tonsil conceived as the Emotional Control Center of the brain
Considers as a "process where the child builds his identity (his self), his self – esteem, his security and self-confidence and the world that surrounds him, through the interactions he establishes with his peers as an unique person”
The emotional impact
The human being lives situations that as it develops through its life cycle becomes more complex, which makes their behavior in turn more differentiated, varies from person to person according to the interests, abilities and vital circumstances of their own vital circumstances. This is the learning spring to develop in the context of each person in the humanistic perspective.
Emotional regulation
In this aspect, "emotional regulation refers to the intention and ability to modify the components of emotional experience (subjective experience, physiological responses, verbal and nonverbal expression, manifest behaviors) at their frequency, form, duration and intensity"
In conclusion, family disintegration arises from various very important causes from which they will mention below: divorce, physical and psychological abuse, machismo, alcoholism, drugs, unemployment, effective communication, distrust, among others.
The lack of responsibility and obligations of the parents, also does not make good family communication and in this way it can be said exactly that of every ten families, seven have maternal figure and children, this is not equitable for any memberof the family since at the same time we observe that most families dedicate very little or null for coexistence and communication.
Another factor causing family disintegration is poverty, since it forces many parents to leave their homes and their family in general taking more into account children, who tend to keep the grandmothers,aunts or some other relative.
It is affirmed that the division of labor between both sexes exerts an enormous influence to preserve the unity of the family, since in this way the parents are not much with their children and vice versa because they enter early and leave late, and with thisProblem everyone arrives tired and nobody talks to anyone and there is no good communication.
At the end of this work of family disintegration and its impact on the emotional development of children, it reaches the following conclusions:
- Parents have to be the model of their children, through their actions, they must set an example of responsibility, tenderness, kindness, love, etc., It depends on the chiefs of the home the harmony of the family.
- Parents should help their children accept themselves, their family and others.
- A good orientation to children, allows it to learn to accept the opinions of their classmates, race, economic condition, respect others and that others respect them.
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