The Duel Of Masculinity In Men In A Smeared World
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The ideals in which the years of transformation of childhood to the adult stage are a conflictive and saturated pressure period composes one of the most long and strongly fixed stereotypes in our cultural context in our cultural context.
In the adolescence work (1904) written by G.Stanley Hall one of the main ones in detailing adolescence as a stormy and turbulent stage;A time of disorder and tension, in which the adolescent’s emotional state swings between energy and lethargy, joy and depression, selfishness and self-depreciation.
Already long before, J. J. Rousseau (1762) had used the storm analogy to refer to adolescence: as the roar of the waves precedes the storm, thus the lifting of the passions announces a tumultuous change … keep his hand on the helm or everything will be lost.
A. Freud (1958) had other types of observations in which its determinants are directed to the psychoanalytic conception of adolescence as a period of psychological instability, emotional disputes and erratic behavior, contradictory and unbalanced.
According to Cook and Cussak (2010), gender stereotypes are causing the way in which people are categorized, that is, in which female sex is degraded, so that women are established submissive roles that cause disrespect anddevaluation in all the roles of society.
Stereotyped sex is present from birth, belonging to one or the other will determine different social realities and this difference of being a man and being a woman will influence the elections that the individual will perform throughout his life both inThe study, work and leisure activities.
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As for example, girls from their childhood teach them to clean the home and care for others with the aim of doing it in their adult life and boys are taught to repress feelings and be strong of nature by making it impossible to beweak against others.
So, according to stereotypes in male adolescents, it is opening to the grieving process in which it is observed that emotional stereotypes related to man are clearly inferior to those related to women. What could be interpreted as a decrease in the beliefs of the hardness associated with man and a high consolidation of the female stereotype in the emotional dimension. This tendency seems to show that the belief in innate hardness or aggressive.
According to Leonardo Zaldumbide, it indicates that, in general, today’s society is not prepared to face death. Moreover, it is often not to talk about her, because it is something that is rejected and hides. It also states that sharing with others allows to express emotions and with it a more adapted construction of the loss history is facilitated. Unpatiented pain hurts, even physically the person is consumed.
- The loss of a loved one can generate a symptomatology very similar to that of depressive episodes.
- Duel can cause disorders in the sleep sphere, in appetite, loss of interest in the things we liked to perform. There is also demotivation and reluct.
Adolescence is a stage of biological and psychosocial changes. It implies a complex and variable process of transformations, within which the "search for an identity" occupies a central place, as well as the resignification of the image that the subject has of himself and the collective in which he is referenced.
Possibly, as Moreno and the neighborhood (2000) explain to us, adolescence is “a cycle of life that nobody leaves indifferent”, parents tend to see a problem in their children, adult society relates it to various “evils"And adolescents themselves detail it as a moment where a series of" disorders "or at least certain difficulties appear.
A study that was conducted using middle -class teenagers where banduras based on interviews concluded that most of them are going through the stage with a minimum of emotional problems or traumas, accepts the values of their parents and relates to them without major problemsand without rebellion samples.
In a study conducted with a sample of male adolescents, they found that less than a third of the sample experienced crisis and conflicts positions. The majority were confident, maintained good relations with the parents and did not felt subject to crisis of anguish or sudden humor changes. Many authors have long pointed out that the greatest or lower difficulties and conflicts of adolescence are closely related to the family, school and social context. The adolescent’s attitudes are reactive phenomena, originated by the environment and especially for parents’ attitudes. Adults have a hard time accepting and adapting to the new role and characteristics of adolescents.
Perhaps, many of the conflictive features of adolescents are more in the expectations and conceptions of adults than in adolescents themselves.
Research data indicate that the changes experienced by children cannot be attributed to hormones when they reach puberty: the tensions and difficulties that appear at the beginning of the stage can be due more to environmental influences than tophysiological changes. Adults grow and become a specific cultural context, which greatly determines their development.
In line with the above and according to many research on broad signs of adolescents, many authors have concluded that the majority, rather than being tormented, disoriented and lost, normally enjoys emotional tranquility, shows predictable behaviors and pursues reasonable objectives;Adolescence, therefore, is not an especially more complicated and conflicting stage than others.
Psychological stability is improving over the years. Serious and durable problems are the exception more than the rule. While a teenage minority can present psychiatric disorders and serious adaptation and behavior problems, the vast majority seems to adapt well and does not show signs of disturbance or tension that deserves special treatment.
At present, stereotypes about adolescence are described ‘as a storm time and drama’ does not respond to reality. ‘If our diagnosis is correct – they said – it may be necessary in the future to describe a adolescence with much less negative dyes’.
Seriously affected teenagers are a minor.
Even psychological theories have contributed to the construction of a negative image, that is, in terms of threat and danger where adolescence has been thought of as a moment of “storm and stress” according to Stanley Hall and where there is a need to go through a crisisimportant subjective that is to say a psychological imbalance according to Ana Freud and whose resolution contributes to the emergence of a new subjective positioning. In this theoretical perspective, the classical idea that "the normal thing in adolescence is the normal" has an impact Ana Freud who also gave rise to developments such as the "normal adolescence syndrome" (Knobel), highlighting the presence of quasi features-Pre transitory patological at this stage (Griffa and Moreno, 2005).
Gender stereotypes
According to Del Valle et al. These are transmitted to all its members through different sociocultural mechanisms. Gender is a cultural exhibition, which contains ideas, prejudices, values, interpretations, norms, duties, mandates and prohibitions on the lives of women and men.
This is how it is considered that the male and female gender are not equal, because each one has their own function in life, “according to the ideal type historically gestated, the woman, every authentic woman, is adorned with characteristics that theThey distinguish the male: it is sweet and tender, gossip and cunning, concerned about the concrete, unable to be interested in universal, sentimental, intuitive, thoughtless and visceral issues ”(Fisas, 1998 :). Freixas (2001) also establishes an affinity to the characteristics imposedof the woman as a caregiver and responsible for the well -being of others.
On the other hand, masculinity prepares men to face life with strength, knowledge, power, conceit and ability, in addition to teaching them to reject their feelings thus covering themselves with an insensitive mask that is to say without the expression of an emotion.
In this same line Bonino (2000) points out that the hegemonic masculinity model implies lacking all those characteristics that culture attributes to women, is built regarding power and power and is measured by success, competitiveness, status,The ability to be a supplier, the property of reason and the admiration that is achieved from others.Masculinity is deciphered in self-confidence, resistance and self-sufficiency, strength and risk as priority forms of conflict resolution.
People transform into men and women based on the learning of gender cultural representations that govern not only their generic constitution, but also the character of relationships that, both, maintain in different social spheres, in areas such asThe family, the school, the group unequal, etc.). Thus, gender, as a cultural system, is provided with different cultures that are recognized and assumed by people.
Lagarde (1996), considers that gender stereotypes are illustrated from childhood and do not have a random temper, on the contrary they are components of the same being, archaic subjective dimensions and in permanent renewal, therefore, they are founding. Therefore stereotypes constitute the origin of gender identity construction. "They generate an internalized gender perception that guides and guides both the representation of reality and the actions, thoughts and behaviors of the subjects" (Jiménez, 2005).
Ortega (1998) provides us with a structure, in our view, clarification to identify gender stereotypes in precise and crisp:
- First, the body is organized in reference on which to articulate differential qualities granted to men and women. Body denotations expressed socially through art and the media, among others, are internalized by individuals forming the model of the male body around force and vigor, and the image of the female body around delicacyand weakness.
- Secondly, intellectual abilities are considered conventionally topics of gender is assigned a better male performance in technical, mechanical and manual areas;while the female gender is attributed greater organizational and cooperative skills.
- Thirdly, the affective and emotional dimension is included, giving greater affectivity and emotionality to the female gender and greater emotional control to the male gender. And finally, social relationships and interactions are incorporated, that is, interpersonal communication modes. The female gender is assigned greater communicative competence than the male. Remember in this sense the research focused on exploring gender differences in verbal skills and language fluidity that in most cases falls on the female gender. The male gender is assigned greater introspection and rationality, with avoidance of personal and vital manifestations.
Stereotypes in the male adolescent
In this sense, a new methodological space opens, challenging educational researchers to build and valid.
Men to the textual that wives are pressed to stick to attitude entrepreneurs expected by imperialist science. Also possibility, then every more wealthy occasion work separate the bird, that the stallions are full and inevitable suppliers. Males are frequently wrapped in judgments, criminal strokes and turn to the rag. The advertising civilization continues to show them as dominant, warlike, hypersexual and squaming of exciting duty. The universe of men is a rather warrior universe, in which the self-affirmation of the genre continues to reinforce violent attitudes. Each more male opportunity talk about the desire to get better with their sentimentalisms, to control their sintegration olfates, to take care of the aristocrats dependencies of maximum line and contribution. Many begin to lead their fate of being virile, which can mix being exciteable, calm, delegates, indolent, sullen with the parietas, tender – very far since the eccentricity of a cold and sexual machinery-. All the journeys listen to how the viriles live a divorce or unemployment, the weight of social hopes and some parietas who expect them to always be strong. They have been standard as unfaithful just for being men. The orb of street bands, drug trafficking, cogorzas, are pitiful patterns of male prototypes. The stallions are afraid of being loved women for their twins. The worst vilified throughout the country are to look like a virile with a courtesan, which is devaluation for the wives and reflective of the fear that the stallions of not acting with the possibilities of manhood of their culture have. The indisputable historical land of the Viriles about the ladies makes feminism a current and still necessary revolution. It is plausible that the stallions are also urgently needing the occasion to be multiple, to fix more egalitarian peas to let off steam, not to be labeof being different even if they are not very clear how.
Consequences of stereotypes in the grieving process:
- Problems after duel
- Family and friendship intervention
There are several general concepts to take into account:
Let your teenage son react to the loss in his own way. Some teenagers are silent need to express their pain in private. Some teenagers feel frustrated and that can have a very strong reaction, even show an intense fury. This can be understood since it is the result to something stressful.
Allow your child to ask questions. Teenagers who usually have losses usually question life, what happens after death, why tragedies occur and why bad things happen to good people. The best thing you can do for your child is to allow you to ask questions, so you can learn.
Give your teenage son to adapt to a loss. Teenagers vary in their ability to adjust to great changes, even losses in their lives. It is possible that your teenage child is not ready to respond to a loss at the same time as you or other people. Do not force your teenage child to make your duel according to the time you consider reasonable.
Make your teenage son to make duel is normal. Make sure your child understands that the pain caused by losses will pass over time. He resorts to caresses and hugs of comfort to help communicate his compression and love.
Set reasonable limits in the behavior of your teenage son. When a great loss occurs in the life of a teenager, rebel behaviors can become more dramatic. This is usually a sign that a teenager has intense feelings for what just happened. Teenagers generally feel more comfortable when they are clear how far they can come with their behavior. Be firm with your child and be clear about the expectations you have of it.
Teach your teenage son about the normal grief process. As teenagers normally have changes in their mood and feelings, they may need help to distinguish between normal feelings and feelings of pain. Talk to your child about the grieving process.
Listen to your Son. Be prepared to put aside what he is doing and listen to him when he is ready to talk about the loss. Often, adults want to help a teenager or relieve the pain of a teenager. Resist the desire to help your child speaking, offering advice or solving their problems. Let your teenage child use your own problems to solve problems. Listen and respond in a way to prove that you are trying to understand what is being said. This could stimulate your child to speak more.
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