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The Educational Pact, One Of The Most Important Sectors Of Society


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The Educational Pact, one of the most important sectors of society


Education is one of the most important sectors for society, since it is essential for the correct development and growth of the same. However, despite being a very relevant sector in our growth, it is also the most neglected, to which the least attention pays all the reforms we make in our country, and which is most renewed by a renewal. In this work I will talk about two of the most important points of the educational pact, giving my opinion on some topics, with the ultimate goal of trying to obtain the best version of the possible educational system.

In the first place, I would like to clarify that I consider important all the points that appear in the educational pact, since all are necessary to have a stable educational system, but I am going to focus only on two that I see quite interesting.

Quality and equity: complementary relationship between both points

The first topic I have selected is the one that refers to the "quality and equity". As it appears in the book, quality and equity are two different points, but in my opinion they must present themselves in a complementary way to be able to understand them more easily.

Both concepts must be present at any educational center, since the main objective of schools today must be the continuous search for quality and improvement. As well as the educational pact, there is no school that seeks quality and not equity, and vice versa.

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Equity refers to the need to guarantee the opportunity to access the education of all people, as well as the possibility of staying in it and receiving it with a level of quality similar to all, attending to all the characteristics of the diversity that there arein the system;On the other hand, this equitable education must be within minimal performance quality, which seek to improve the institutional level, and focuses on the increase in knowledge and abilities of students. (Pascual, 2006)

However, equity and quality are two very complicated concepts to maintain in an educational center, especially under the current current system in our country. This system is first careless by the authorities, due to the lack of resources invested in it. To this is added the responsibility that this system has to favor social equality, within a country full of inequalities;This responsibility becomes impossible to carry out due to the insufficiency of methods to face the different requirements that society screams.(Pascual, 2006)

In reference to the measurement of the quality of education, there are indicators that provide us with information about what is the reality of our system. These indicators are mostly used to make a comparison of quality between different territories.(Torres, 2019) The indicators used to inform us of the quality and equity of our system are those of the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), in addition to using comparative documents of the European Union. Unfortunately, due to the aforementioned facts, Spain is in a very improvable position in these indicators. (Torres, 2019)

For example, the last diagnosis of the OECD in the PISA tests of 2018 (which are tests that measure the competences of students with fifteen years in certain areas of knowledge) brought to light a reality for nothing positive. Spain has obtained its worst results since this test began in 2000, being among the 13 countries that has not shown any kind of change, staying in the middle of the ranking over 79 countries (Torres, 2019).

As this diagnosis has shown us, the average of the countries remains but does not improve;The Pisa report measures areas of knowledge that are not covered with the existing educational model. Our system (which comes from the industrial revolution) has always focused on working memorization, instead of developing other aspects such as critical capacity, creativity, and above all, promoting collective work, since it is a good technique to learnand contribute mutually knowledge.

It is evident that this is one of the main problems of our country;the validity of a system with archaic measures regarding the times in which we live.

One of the main objectives of Spain with respect to the results of the OECD tests, is to place in the average of the countries of this test (since except in 2015, it has always been below this average). To do this, it is also necessary to take into account, factors such as the percentages of people with post-object studies, with the aim of increasing them at least up to 80% between children under 34 years. In the European Union, there are 55% on average of students who follow professional training studies, while in Spain it is only 36%;In this way, through the search for good improvement plans, they intend to match the EU average.

In reference to equity, the need for the centers to consist of the organization and the necessary resources to meet all the needs that may arise to each of its students are established, providing the necessary measures for their free development of the competences, to access a fully human life and participating as an active citizen, with their basic rights.

The main function of the education system is to pay attention especially to cases of social exclusion, since it is one of the main problems that appear in schools and can lead to greater abandonment or school failure. In these abandonment or failure rates, psychological aspects of students have a great influence, if they have any kind of problem at home or with their classmates, this will lead to less performance, or to develop an attitude of rejection towards teaching, and it isFor that reason why these situations have to be controlled very well.

One of the main objectives that our country should have is to try to reduce these abandonment and school failure rates, trying to reduce the difference, or match the rest of the countries of the European Union. In these indices many other factors come into play, such as the shortage of economic resources of families or even personal reasons.

Above we can see the representation of school abandonment rates, both in Spain and in the European Union, in men and women. As we can see in the graph, the percentages of school abandonment in Spain (yellow), are much higher than in the EU (orange). In addition, you can see how school abandonment index are much higher in men than in women. It is true, that since 2013, the percentage of abandonment has been reduced in Spain, but it is also true that it is still an index too high with respect to the European average, and the less there are school abandonment, the better.

In short, the function of education in attention to diversity to achieve equity is to consist of the necessary resources and means to help their students, attending to the different capacities and needs they may present, as well as having a goodorganization of the center and its activities, and having a better orientation department of the students, well prepared to collaborate with them.

Teacher dignification

Teaching dignification is the second point I have selected, because I consider that it is one of the most important to be able to carry out the system. In addition, this point is closely related to the previous ones, since the good selection of teachers helps ensure educational quality.

To understand this concept, you must first know that "dignify" is to value the dignity of a person, action, or in this case, of the teaching profession. Within the valuation of this profession, points such as the recognition of their functions and respect for their work, with their rights and duties are included.

The teaching dignification that is being claimed in recent years mentions various aspects to improve with respect to the teaching work, which I am going to deal with one by one:

In the first place, the selection of the best template of possible teachers is sought, choosing the most prepared for the function, who have the necessary skills to establish a quality and effective education, in addition to being based, as we have mentioned above, previously,in values that attend to diversity.

Another point to improve to achieve teaching dignification is the improvement of teachers. The main problem of this is that most teachers have received an education from the traditional model;giving priority to memorization, treating students as a homogeneous set in classes, based on classes on listening to the long explanations of teachers. We can also find the typical elderly teachers, who after many years working in an educational center, under a teaching model, does not want to change and innovate when teaching classes (although not all are like that,But a large majority unfortunately, yes) which makes it very difficult for an innovative system.

Traditional Model Current Model

In the 21st century a change in this model is necessary. As we have seen in the subject of organization of the center and the classroom, students cannot be treated as a homogeneous set, but must be met to the different individual characteristics of each one;They cannot be treated as mannequins without feelings. Each child is a world, and in that world there are a lot of factors that influence the personality of each student, from the socio-economic environment, families, as well as the different special needs that each may present. In addition, special attention should be paid to the way of teaching;You have to leave behind the typical traditional classes, and foster cooperative work (which as I mentioned before, has great benefits for students, since it helps to develop their way of thinking by opening new areas of knowledge) allowing children to speakAmong them, things are questioned and questioned, as well as encourage activities such as the debate to help them develop critical vision. All this is ideal to be able to adapt to the times in which we are, to get future entrepreneurs.

Another point to highlight to achieve teaching dignification is the need to strengthen their authority and strengthen support towards teaching work. On many occasions, especially in recent years, family members and people close to the students’ circle have questioned the value of the teaching function, even doubting the initiatives or capacities to educate students;underestimating his authority, or taking it as a secondary figure in children’s education.

Years ago, the teacher’s figure was highly respected by all, both parents and students, however over the years, that respect has been disappearing.

One of the main objectives that education should have is to strengthen the figure of teachers, not as someone superior to students as if it were a mandate under what they are, but as a reference figure, of help, but without losing theRespect, and without hesitation of their work, since although many people have primary school knowledge, there is no one better prepared than teachers to teach, because for that they are "professionals of their work".

By getting that authority and respect for teachers, greater satisfaction would be obtained from them, and surely a greater motivation when working. In my opinion, parents and families greatly influence this aspect, since if they instill in children the idea of respect for teachers, a good percentage of problems that may arise in the classroom in the teaching relationship would be reduced-pupil;In addition, collaborating and supporting the initiatives proposed by teachers show their respect for the profession.

Finally, I consider that teachers must have continuous training;By dedicating themselves to the teaching sector, they must be constant learning, to be informed of the news that occurs every day, updating their knowledge, and expanding their areas of intellectual development, so that they can give it a much more complete and current educationto the students. Learn never further.


In conclusion, we can see that the exposed points of the educational pact are widely related, in one way and another. In addition, we conclude that Spain needs an improvement of many of its aspects of the education sector, and that it is influenced by many factors (abandonment rates, students and their circle, etc.) So the change is quite complex. It is necessary to search for a system that gives the same opportunities to all students and also guarantees a performance quality;On the other hand, to achieve the above, you have to start changing the means to obtain quality, which is the preparation of teachers and their continuous intellectual enrichment, as well as a reinforcement of their authority.


  • Pascual Barrio, B. (2006). Quality, equity and indicators in the Spanish education system.Pulse, 29. 43-58. Retrieved from: https: // dialnet.united.is/servlet/article?CODE = 2200891
  • Torres Menárguez, to. (2019). PISA Report: Spain obtains its worst results in science and stagnates in mathematics. The country. Recovered from: https: // www.Knowledge.com/investigation/as-citar-un-articulo-de-reevista-second-la-normative-in/

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