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The Educational Significance Of The Movement


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The educational significance of the movement

To understand the references and paradigms, we must first establish what are compounds, the hypothesis sets establish the theories and the set of these compose paradigms. The paradigms on which the understanding of physical education in the West has been based are, traditionally the change in customs have always contributed with the alignment of the body and essentially the sport and work have affirmed that this results in a deserted body and itsmechanistic conception. The driving need of people gives way to having a specific level of vigil, an self-perception or an adaptation to the environment in which it is located, for some this would be an approach to happiness, which would intervene behavior, experiences or experiences orexperiences. In this way, there are some paradigms that demonstrate the development of the educational understanding of the movement and express it as: “the practical convenience of as many motor manifestations institutionalizes society and its use as a didactic and socializing resource” (Pastor, 2001, p. 5).

The significance of movement according to Jean Le Boulch (1992), is divided into three parts, the first that is determined as biological significance and is that mainly certifies the existence of life in an organism, and also the realization of organic activities (defense,protection, satisfaction). The second that is the psychological significance;Thanks to the immaturity of the nervous system of the human being, you can make elections with free willThe sensory information that defines the stimulus, contains certain patterns of behavior that triggers according to concrete sensory information.

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Filtra analyzes and integrates the sensory information to build with it a coherent image that represents a world adapted to the particular skills of each organism ”(Pastor, 2001, P. 6).

Movement is a consequence of knowing or knowledge is a consequence of movement. José Antonio Marina (1993) raises the stimulus and response in which he talks about how many psychological and social traits differentiate the immediacy between the two members of the behavior scheme. These not only change knowledge but also guide the answer, in this way they condition its effects, and thus, it would impose the morphological modification of the body and demand an absence of specialization called plasticity. Piaget (1969) establishes that thought is based on experience and intelligence is the result of birth abilities in relation to their environment. And finally J. Bruner (1989), emphasizes social intervention, explains that the development that human has achieved through education is a process that is directed externally inward as a result of the culture of society.

Generally, motivation is ordered in order of importance, in this way we give priority to needs and so these are solving shortcomings that lead to prioritized form. This prioritizes physiological needs, then those related to security, followed by those related to love, possession and then affected the attention and correspondence and finally the estimate, desire for strength, success and self – esteem. (Pastor, 2001)

Experience and Holistic approaches

Gestalt defines body experience as that is based on each person’s awareness and as a result of what is fed to develop their own structuring. Feldenkrais’s method This method is made up of the following elements: movement, sensation, feeling and thought. The order and understanding of the universe needs the person to have the main reference that the self-image represents. Eutony proposes to achieve an awareness of the individual’s psychophysical unity. Biogenetics states that organic energy occurs through different sources such as metabolism, breathing, friction of two bodies, etc. The basic energy movement that occurs through two opposite functions: expansion and contraction.

The understanding of education has been changing and evolving through the passing of the years, the concept movement does not have only one meaning, since it introduces different approaches from the most technical to the most expressive. It can be affirmed that in the entire process that intervenes with physical education and human motor skills, it has been transformed from being something motor and sensory to which all its dimensions are taken into account which cover the entire individual which focuses on an adaptive process.


  1. Pastor, j. P. (2001, August). The educational significance of the movement. Ibero -American Magazine of Psychomotor and Body Techniques, 3 (3), 5–20. 

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