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The evidence based practice project


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The evidence-based practice project is about starting a community resource center in partnership with a local school to help children with anxiety disorder. Children with anxiety disorders such as social phobia, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder normally experience anxiety as a tenacious problem which affects their daily activities.
Bandelow, Borwin, Sophie Michaelis, and Dirk Wedekind. “Treatment of Anxiety Disorders.” NCBI 19.2 (2017): 93-107. Web. 23 July 2018.
Based on this article, anxiety disorders are the “most prevalent psychiatric disorders.” They are often associated with high burdens of illness. The recommended treatments in this article are based on systematic reviews of controlled studies, guidelines, and meta-analysis. The article suggests that anxiety disorders can be treated with pharmacotherapy, psychological therapy or the combination of both. According to this article, cognitive therapy may be considered as the psychotherapy with the greatest level of evidence.
Thibaut, Florence. “Anxiety Disorders: A Review of Current Literature.” NCBI 19.2 (2017): 87-88. Web. 23 July 2018.
The above article claims that there’s a high comorbidity between anxiety disorders and depressive disorders which makes treatment more complex. The current guidelines don’t recommend benzodiazepines as the primary treatments because of their potential side effects. The article recommends selective serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors and Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors as first-line treatment.

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The article also associates Psychotherapy with better efficacy.
Fatori, Daniel, Fernando Asbahr, and Roseli Shavitt. “Adaptive Treatment Strategies for Children and Adolescents with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.” Journal of Anxiety Disorders 58 (2018): 42-50. Web. 23 July 2018.
The article presents a quantitative study aimed at testing the effects of starting treatments of childhood Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder with group cognitive-behavioral therapy (GCBT) or fluoxetine, considering their treatment failures over time. The study concluded that GCBT and fluoxetine are effective initial treatments for childhood OCD as well regardless of treatment failures over time. According to this article, treatment provisions for childhood Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder should be tailored according to local resource availability.
Norton, Peter. “Transdiagnostic Approaches to the Understanding and Treatment of Anxiety and Related Disorders.” Journal of Anxiety Disorders 46 (2017): 1-3. Web.
Based on this article, there are various anxiety-disorder diagnoses with over twenty-five categories and subtypes, having specific treatments. Studies have indicated that these treatments, especially cognitive behavioral ones help many people recover from anxiety disorders. The article gives a detailed discussion of treatment approaches of anxiety disorders. The article also suggests that factors which are common in anxiety disorders may also be common to emotional disorders like depressive disorders.
Contractor, Ateka A., Lily Brown, and Tracie Shea. “Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Positive Memories: Clinical Considerations.” Journal of Anxiety Disorders 58 (2018): 23-32. Web. 23 July 2018.
The above article gives a comprehensive discussion of Positive Memories and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. The article examines theories and evidence on the relations between PTSD, trauma, and memory processes. The article also proposes a conceptual model which integrates evidence from positive/memory-based and experimental intervention research. The article proposes that these should be integrated effectively to enhance the effects of trauma-focused interventions.

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