The Family System And The Role In The Society
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To begin the family, we could distinguish as the basic unit of society, which gives us protection, love, values among other characteristics that help us develop as human beings and adapt to the environment to which we are inserted, however the family many times They are exceeded by those demands which exceed their coping capabilities and generates an environment of stress and crisis within the family system these situations are often not given in isolation but that they are the cumulus of factors that abruptly affect the nucleus of this and go hand in hand with the life cycle in which the family is .
The family of which he will be recounted is composed of a 54 -year -old father, a 50 -year -old mother, the older than 34 years male, the 32 -year -old male and the child under 22 years old woman. This family group is characterized by the early union of the parents contracting marriage when one of these two was still a minor in 1985 the same year of the arrival of their first child, thus causing regulatory events in the family system As reported in Herrera Santini such as pregnancy, the birth of the first child, the entrance to the educational system, adolescence etc. The family evolutionary process was lived normally within what are the expected regulatory crises both individually and group In the family a rearrangement of both the roles and the dynamics of this same.
Currently the family system is in the stage of its life cycle that could be characterized according to Olson et al.
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Cited in Cracco and Larrieux by the process of emancipation of the children since two of them have already lived the process of independence and training of their own family and the minor is in the process of this same purpose, causing in the parents a meeting face to face and thus resume some customs that because they are dedicated in the performance of this role, they have put aside. This normative stage, through the family an imbalance especially in the parents who for years only exercised a role of caregivers and neglect their relationship, resulting in the lack of communication, weak affective ties, distrust and producing and producing Thus a period of contraction in the family, as explained in Pérez Cárdenas and López Mejías, where the family contracts by the emancipation of their children.
The family crises that have presented this family have been several and according to their evolutionary process, but the way of facing those crises has encouraged the accumulation of stressful situations that have not been well addressed or faced by the family, having as a result in In 2019, the separation of the parents, as Ortiz states in González Benítez, the dismemberment or distancing event of the parents causes a family crisis of a paranormative type, which is defined according to Gonzales Benítez as the changes or transformations experienced by the family in Any of its development stages, which are not related to the periods of the life cycle, but to situational or accidental facts, which usually have a more unfavorable impact on the family and a higher cost for health.
Now, as Amarís, Senior, Sales, Lora, cited in Jiménez, Macías and Valle, says. Separation or divorce is an issue that not only compensates for spouses, but also affects their children and their respective families, perceiving thus affected by the entire family group. Bringing entropy and wanting to seek mechanisms to face that situation that is causing psychological discomfort to each of the members of that family system although they are already outside this .
Family coping strategies are defined according to Lazarus and Folkman cited in Jiménez, Macías, and Valle as all those thoughts, reinterpretations, behaviors, etc., That the individual unfolds in search of obtaining better results in a stress generating situation, the way of confrontation will depend on each individual and the psychological resources with what is counted in order to return to family homeostasis, with a new conformation of roles, dynamics and dynamics Interactions within this "new family group", since in their sience and ties it remains the same, but not in material composition since when the mother leaves the home and the father and the minor remain at home which They must adapt to this new dynamic, creating new limits, rules and roles thus showing that divorce means a crisis for both parents and Petit children cited in Jiménez, Macías, and valley not ruling out that this situation can become a traumatic fact If it is not known to handle correctly.
Finally, it should be noted that the family is always in constant evolution and as Minuchín states, 1986, Andolfi, 1993; Musitu et al., 1994, Rodrigo and Palacios, 1998 cited in Espinal and Gonzalez “The family is an organized and interdependent set of people in constant interaction, which is regulated by rules and dynamic functions that exist with each other and abroad”, therefore, therefore, therefore, therefore, And as defined by the general theory of systems, the family would be an open system in which energy enters and comes out, therefore it is very likely that this will pass through both regulatory and paranormative crises, the important thing is that this link, consanguinity, kinship or whatever you want to call, it is strengthened and be able to face any type of crisis in a psychologically healthy way either seeking help, social support or of the internal tools themselves .
- Cracco, c., & Blanco Larrieux, M. L. (2015). Stressors and coping strategies in families in the early stages of the life cycle and socioeconomic context. Psychological Sciences 9 (2): 129 – 140.
- Pérez Cárdenas, C., & López Mejías, M. T. (2000). Family and independence of children. Cuban Magazine of Integral Medicine, 16 (4), 370-374.
- Herrera Santi, P. M. (2012). Family health risk factors: significant events. Medical Humanities, 12 (2), 184-191.
- Jimenez, m. M., You love macías, m., & Valle Amaris, M. (2012). Coping in family crisis: the case of divorce when they have teenage children. Scientific Journal of Health Uninorte, 28 (1).
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