The Family Visit As Integration In Urban Communities
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The family visit is a process of integration of health personnel with the families of urban and rural communities for the identification and transformation of determinants of health, conditions and triggers of the disease, in order to contribute to achieve healthy families throughof the prevention of diseases and complications and health promotion.
The objective of this activity is to ensure that families can generate self-care processes of their physical, mental, spiritual health and the care of their environment through the integration of health personnel to the family, with this visit that is provided by theNursing personnel are intended to consult the data collection of families in order to detect, support, value and follow up these people covering the type of housing, accessible resources, health status among others that will allow powerdetect different situations or problems that occur in the home core.
The points to be taken into account are: clarify the reason, collect background, have an observation guideline where both individual and social and social aspects are included, as well as selecting the instruments and strategies to classify thefamily (familiogram, eComapa). For all this it is important to know what is the family? What makes this visit necessary?
The family is a group of people who share links of coexistence, consanguinity, kinship and affection;It must be integrated by at least two people, who live in a home and share economic resources, food and/or services, where family members share their experiences, way of being, learning, thinking, acting and feeling on the other hand isnecessary to carry out this process, since in the field of health, the family is the basic and elementary unit of insertion, monitoring, integration and intervention of the health team, since its functionality determines the health and development of its members, andIt is reflected towards the community.
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The types of family visit are divided into four, which are domiciliary visit to the rescue which is done to “rescue“ at their home to health -control users and their treatments, epidemiological domiciliary visit that is a prepared or spontaneous activitywhere an epidemiological investigation is carried out to an index case of a disease under surveillance or an event that constitutes a health risk or problem, care at home is the care delivered by health team professionals at home, a memberof a family for the purpose of providing diagnostic support, treatment, recovery and rehabilitation. Finally, integral home visit is made by one or more members of the health team, where an interaction with family members and its environment where the objective is allowed to establish where the objectiveIt is to improve knowledge regarding the confrontation of bio-social-psychic health problems.
Universities and the Primary Health Care model have been necessary to consider the family, the community and the sociocultural environment as validated sources of information for the training of health personnel. The family visiting health model seeks to approach the problems of the community to respond to the problems of patients and their families, in chronic conditions or terminal states;Although it is also considered that it is valid to approach families in promotion and accompaniment during their hospital stay.
The home visit, despite having been thought more as a strategy of attention, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation, has not been recognized as a pedagogical strategy that contributes to integral training, being a more used evaluation instrument by social work professionals, nursing and therapeutics, than by doctors and doctors.
For these family visits they are used as strategies: pedagogical principles: integral training and research. Curricular principles: interdisciplinarity, flexibility and relevance. Didactic principles: cognitive paradigm and active learning. These strategies with the end of a search for a more comprehensive training model and more open to practice, given the reality of people and in which they do not feel so alone both patient and family, since the accompaniment by the personnel ofHealth turns out to be one of the fundamental principles in a service.
Many times the strategies of family visits are not taken into account, which is why a reality must be sought that confronts the subjectivity of the student or the student, so that it can be practice, “see otherwise, act otherwise, think otherwise, form otherwise ”, and thus transform and become a more integrative being.
In this way, the family home visit becomes a scenario of inclusion and meaningful learning that complements and promotes an active teaching paradigm, facilitating the processes of human thinking and development, which make sense in medical training. This is how this research provides another didactic strategy for learning medicine from a biopsychosocial approach.
In the family visit, it stands out mainly for the need to identify the different social determinants of health that each family has to address factors that influence the daily life of these people and achieve the total understanding of health-disease as a socio-socio-Biological through domains in particular so that each person enjoys a mainly healthy quality of life, comprehensive care seeks a primary approach to people in their homes, the detection of people who are at risk such as problem solvingof health found taking into account factors such as risk and population that allows a timely diagnosis to identify what circumstances are affecting the family nucleus and individual health allowing a better life of these families.
The visit has a social susceptibility in students that allows to build reality from their active relationships with families, looking from a different perspective for situations that are lived in the daily environment, allowing to see beyond whatIt is commonly seen within the area of nursing and care realizing the circumstances that influence the health and quality of life of these people causing them to change the accompaniment panorama, so the joint work that families and students do allowThey can know each other achieving assertive communication so we must bear in mind that health is not only a responsibility of the individual, or health sector, requires multisectoral participation.
The above is important that home visits become a didactic strategy from their approach to the offer of different spaces that allow the construction of strategies that verify an interventions plan according to the needs of each family, strategies that not onlyThey will help to have a better quality of life, but also achieve integral training imposing health-disease promotion and prevention without leaving aside the attention, treatment and rehabilitation of these
In conclusion as the years pass it has been demonstrated that family visits by members of primary health care has become a strategy that allows to improve and know families in different fields and it is suggested to continue investigating the development of the developmentOf this type of visits, considering that it is a didactic strategy that leads to health personnel in particular nursing to integrate the care process into the real conditions in which families are both in their homes and in the context, in orderto raise awareness with the reality in which they live and conditions with which they develop, thus promoting attention and care practices according to needs and in general having a social commitment to each family.
Domestic violence has been addressed as one of the main problems of public health that has tried to alert all people in different levels in search of well -being and ensure that victims denounce and can end the cycle of violence, among theMain subjects victims of these abuse we find women and children although with greater incidence older adults due to the progressive dependence situation in which they are becoming the most vulnerable people.
Therefore we also apply the home visit with health professionals in this case “nursing” taking advantage of the instance of these staff to reduce the abuse index by carrying out interventions that may end this type of violence and their rights are not violated, allowingGenerate changes that improve the quality of life of these people in their last stage, with this we conclude the influence of nursing both the components of the home visit and of ethical and bioethics aspects that must be taken into account to develop with it andthus in the process of application of the Primary Nursing Care process.
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