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The Female Role In The Workplace


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The female role in the workplace

The female presence in the workplace has given much to speak. They abound in qualified positions of assistance or middle managers, but do not stand out by number in senior management. At the beginning of last year, The Economist magazine released an article on female participation in the management councils judging by the implementation of the quotas. One of The most notorious points of The Economist is that the European Union has tried since 2012 to establish necessary quotas, but that, definitely, they were not accepted in 2016. However, despite the lack of acceptance, there has been a significant advance in female compensation in the councils in some European countries.

The consequence of the quotas instituted since 2008 in Norway is remarkable, forced companies paid in the stock market to treasure at least 40% of jobs in women’s advice, under penalty of disunity. In the successive five years, more than twelve countries established quotas equivalent to levels of 30% and 40%. In France, Belgium and Italy, companies that violate the fees can be disintegrated, sanctioned or the remuneration of the other advisors retained. Spain, Holland and Germany have shown predilection to quotas without penalty. In the United Kingdom alone, guidelines were established that, with only the threat of imposing a installment law with associated fines, large corporations were provided to appoint administrators promptly.

Although it seems that the results of the quotas are visible, they seem to function, they have brought some sequels, such as Norwegian companies choose not to quote on the stock market so as not to have to fulfill the quota, they fear sacrificing the talent for the quota, that some companiesThey reduce the number of men to not have to add women, because there is a risk of hiring women without profile or talent just because the requirement must be met, even other companies choose to hire foreign women because (they said that) there were no trained national.

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There were no talk of some of the negative outcome that the detractors claimed that there was limitation of women and, consequently, the same women would be in various advice. Nor has the economic benefit of companies with more women in the council be superior. The director Juan Ignacio Pérez de Heidrick & Stuggles ensures that this can become a manipulation if the required places do not fill, as a vicious circle by not generating female talent. A study by Mandatory Gender Balance and Board Independence analyzes the case of Norway, where mandatory quotas concluded that forcing the appointment of women in the Council increases independence, since these are usually appointed as independent counselors representing a group of shareholders. This effect has been spoken in smaller companies, which do not quote on a stock market and are relatively young and tend to reduce the value of the company.

For the director of the Women & Management program, Carmen García Ribas, by Aden Business School, says that this would be resolved if companies fixed minimal participation quotas to women to management positions, accompanied by the awareness, giving more resources to the position to the positionfragile or host, it is a normally reserved situation for executives, due to the notions that women should adapt to a male medium. Camelia Illie, dean and president of the Center for Collaborative Leadership and the Woman of the Incae, says they are a good tool to force diversity in companies or countries that do not believe in equality.

This leads us to the roles awarded to women by society and the appearance of greater charge of responsibilities as they ascend professionally. According to the “Women in Business 2015” survey of the World Labor Organization, we must overcome the idea that, for continuing to see women dedicated to reproduction, they cannot occupy positions of responsibility. The European Commission states that, at this step, it would take long to achieve gender equality, so “active political initiatives to accelerate progress” are needed ”.

In conclusion, quotas are unavoidable to invest the current situation, but also a deep cultural change is needed that modifies stereotypes that affect female role in family and at work.   

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