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The Female Venture In Latin America Of The 21st Century, Fiction Or Reality?


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The female venture in Latin America of the 21st century, fiction or reality?


An entrepreneur is one who has the ability to detect some type of business opportunity and from this organizes a series of resources in order to start a business project, however the amount of articles, magazines, essays, etc. that when they talk about entrepreneurship or undertake they do so referring to the entrepreneurEmploying and creating a gender stereotype that in the end negatively affects entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs. All this leads us to ask ourselves, what is the current situation of female entrepreneurship in Latin America?


The great increase of women leaders in the 21st century has been massive, in the article women entrepreneurs in Latin America: realities, obstacles and challenge written by Lidia Hellen and a study conducted by ECLAC in 2005 women had 56% of Participation and men had one of 81%, this difference has increasingly decreased more especially in countries such as Colombia, Brazil and Bolivia, however, although these types of figures have increased not everything is pink, as Power shows and Magnoni (2010) In a study they did, they found that in which women are most concentrated that companies are smaller in terms of monthly sales than industrial companies, but are larger with respect to companies of the services sector, this is mainly due to the lack of capital that they handle, it should also be noted that the commercial sector is less profitable than others and that one of the causes for which Women concentrate on this sector is due to the fact that in the other sectors they put many limitations, so much capital is needed for the business compared to the other sectors and the connection between the sector, the dominant prevalence of men in the same and that generally these types of sectors are intensive in capital and technology that by x o y reason is not allowed to access so easy to women.

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Thanks to all these imposed obstacles, women have not been left with a crossed arms and have shown that not everything is negative, for example, it has been shown that women entrepreneurs prioritize the quality of life on the profitability of their company and although their progress is progressive,This is also due to their modest investments and that do not usually have an important capital, which leads them to resort to their own resources. Studies conducted by "Venezuelan Magazine of Women’s Studies" in Argentina, Venezuela and Chile demonstrate several positive aspects on the work of women such as the achievement of satisfying autonomy, assessment of family and others, increases their self – esteem, makes themfeel empowered, you have more control over themselves and your finances.

Another study that was conducted by the ILO (2001) shows several common characteristics of female ventures such as that they are established with the resources they have, they are not economically structured, in some cases they try to fit with the role of a woman imposed by society Machista and carry out ventures around activities that within this society a woman should do, it depends a lot on the economic or emotional support of the family, they are all in entrepreneurship and finally, but not least is the little visibility of their companies, Although it is not always the case, a clear example is crepes & waffles that is led by a woman and only women who are head of the family work here, but it is not the only one like this type of business there is millions the problem is that there is not enough support For this, it is necessary to develop programs that focus on entrepreneurs led by women and women, and thus finally achieve the EQ Gender, which implies the progress of women in participation through positive actions that contribute to reducing inequalities between genres, which in these cases are very noticeable.

It should be clarified that all of the above tries to dismerit the work of entrepreneurs in Latin America, since for several centuries we have seen the fruits of this and how good that they will despite the obstacles that can also be faced, but it is more than more thanShow that women have many more obstacles than men and therefore their potential is affected, this can be seen in an ILO study (2014), which shows us that 50 percent of women’s potential is underutilized, that in the case of men (without taking the seriousness of this figure) it is located in 22 percent and in another study also conducted by the ILO in 83 countries, the gap in the proportion of men and women with stage venturesInitial is approximately 7 to 10, which shows us that we still have a lot to make this number the same and more and more women who take the reins of successful ventures.


In Latin America, it is stylistically demonstrated that access to the market is more difficult for women than for men and that women are quite frequently denied the possibilities of undertaking and either because they are simply women, family responsibilities, their lack of qualifications, infrautilization of potential, social and cultural barriers, this type of barriers are either economic, logistics, support, etc. In conclusion, the previous obstacles lead to entrepreneurial women and their structured microenterprises to be a critical situation and this leads them not to have sufficient resources to have normal development and be able to succeed with their ventures, however not everything is everything isBad, since this gender gap has decreased along the century and this says that making this gap 0 is not impossible and gives a motivation to women in Latin America to undertake.


  • Buendía-Martínez, i. & Carrasco, I.(2013). Woman, entrepreneurial activity and rural development in Latin America and the Caribbean. Rural Development Notebooks, 10 (72), 21-45.
  • Carosio, a. (2004). "Women and the entrepreneurial option: considerations on management". In: Venezuelan Magazine of Women’s Studies, 9 (23): 79-112.
  • Gerhard Reinecke and Simon White: Policies for Small Enterprises – Creating the Right Environment for Good Jobs, ILO, Geneva, 2004.
  • Heller, l. (2019). Entrepreneurs in Latin America: realities, obstacles and challenges [article] (1st ed., pp. 11-35). Santiago de Chile: Santiago ECLAC. Recovered from https: // repository.ECLAC.org/handle/11362/5818
  • ILO. (2017, January 4). Women at work, trends 2016. Retrieved October 10, 2019, from https: // www.ilo.org/Wcmsp5/Groups/Public/—Dreports/—Dcomm/—Publ/Documents/Publication/WCMS_483214.PDF
  • Powers, j. And Magnoni, B. (2010). Owner of your own company: identification, analysis and overcoming the limitations to the small companies of women in Latin America and the Caribbean. Washington, d.C.: Multilateral Investment Fund, IDB
  • Saavedra García, María L.;Camarena a., Mary and., (2015). Challenges for female entrepreneurship in Latin America. Free Criteria 13 (22), 129-152 ISSN 1900-0642.

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