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The five senses


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The Five Senses
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When tissues of the hand are stimulated the nociceptors activate muscles due to pain. Taking place in two stages that is in the first phase which is not intense but comes immediately, the painful stimulus has been triggered known as the fast pain while in the second stage which is referred as the slow pain, very unpleasant which is less localized discretely occurring after a long delay. Nociceptors are activated and move through the peripheral nerves by axons which terminate at the spine. Massages are then relayed to the thalamus through the spinothalamic tract of the spinal cord. The brain acts as a relay station for the sensory information transmitted in the cerebral cortex (Ahmed, Silpasuwanchai, Niksirat, Ren, 2017).
When food is chewed, aroma of food is sent to the nasal region where part holding the hair cells that helps in detection by carrying smell related signals to the brain referred to as olfactory bulb for interpretation of information. The brain then provides both information that combines giving us a flavor sense (Ahmed, Silpasuwanchai, Niksirat, Ren, 2017). Due to this region mixing said to be orbitofrontal region thus when affected by cold, the opposite occurs and the buds sensing taste cease to function.
Our vision will require more light conditions coming from the parts of the eye that is for the pupil will open wide to receive more light. Then the rod and cone cells with the help of photopigments will perceive fine detail and color but need bright light to do so Rod cells can only see black and white and have poor resolution, but remain sensitive even in the very low light.

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When rod increased brightness cone picked it up for vision (Ahmed, Silpasuwanchai, Niksirat, Ren, 2017).
Hussien Ahmed, M. M., Silpasuwanchai, C., Salehzadeh Niksirat, K., & Ren, X. (2017, May). Understanding the Role of Human Senses in Interactive Meditation. In Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 4960-4965). ACM.

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