The Four Types Of Evil
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Are all human beings evil? From the beginning, the human being has had to live with the fact that evil exists in the world regardless of time, place or social status in which you are, all at some point we have seen the consequences of evil, it isTherefore, that all cultures have graphic representations of how evil looks, because the human being is easier to understand having an entity that represents this concept.
The philosophical theory of the four types of evil comes from the philosophy book "Philosophy of Evil" written by the philosopher Lars Svedsen who precisely states that all human beings have committed evil acts, but not all are motivated by the same things, that is,It is not the same person who murders millions of people to try to save humanity than another who only does it for looking for a personal benefit.
Demoniac evil: This type of evil corresponds to those who perform evil acts without seeking a personal benefit, committing perverse acts simply because this causes them pleasure, when we think of evil people we tend to think about this type of evil, that is, we think aboutPeople who enjoy being evil, however Svenssen says that it is very likely that this type of pure evil is only in fiction where it is quite popular and even since very old times where pure evil was represented throughdemons or evil beings.
People who suffer from a mental illness make us ask oursMoral evil does not simply exist, which reinforces the idea that this type of evil may not exist in the world.
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Instrumental evil: In this type there are all those who perform an evil act knowing that it is a bad thing, but they do it with the intention of achieving a different objective, meaning that if these people could achieve their objectives in another way surely whatThey would do.
Idealistic evil: This is the type of evil that is committed thinking that it is correct and precisely lies its danger, because these are people who do not realize that it is committing a ruin act. Examples have existed many, such as: the hunt for witchs in Salem, Hitler’s crimes against the Jews, pagan massacres by the Church and other extremely violent acts throughout history have been committed thinking aboutthat the right thing was being done.
People with this type of evil make decisions to reach their objective and not because they believe it is the right thing, that is the main difference between idealistic evil and instrumental, the fact that idealists do not realize that they are walked, this type of evil is very interesting but they are not the only ones who do not realize that they are being wicked.
Stupid evil: These people do not stop to think if what they are doing is right or badly act and do not think about moral consequences and if these actions are perverse or not, which characterizes stupid evil is the absence of anytype of reflection and act convulsively.
In conclusion, each person can be in more than one category of evil, and throughout history human beings have assigned a face to evil because in this way we make an abstract concept become a little more understandable and we feel comfortableThinking that evil people are monsters or demons so that we somehow feel that we move as much as possible from the perversity of the world. However, evil is an extremely human concept that we have all committed at some point in our life and the only difference is the motivations of each one.
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