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The Fundamental Sodium For The Formation Of Living Beings


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The fundamental sodium for the formation of living beings


The sodium cycle is essential for the formation and development of living beings, since it consists of several factors which we can make the most. A clear example in construction, the use of limestone rock helps us to have full control in buildings by has high weather resistance. In agriculture it benefits a lot since it is replaced

Calcium depends mainly on parental material, clay and organic matter of soils, on the other hand, in plants it is an important nutrient, we can locate it in plant tissues with 2% of dry matter. Calcium forms the large part of the cell wall, controls their permeability

It is important for the distension of cells and fulfills osmotic functions. Depending on CA absorption, it makes a passive process means it does not need energy. CA translocation helps to handle xilematic flow

It presents deficiencies in crops, when the absorption capacity is greater than the requirements of plants, since it is not always due to lack of ground, in situations we have the accelerated growth of flowering, fruiting. The solution for this is to apply quelates

Sodium cycle

He was obtained in a state of purity for the first time in 1807. It is soft of silver color very abundant in nature being in the sea salt. Sodium is present in large quantities in the ocean in ionic form, it is also a component of many minerals and an essential element for life.

It is very reactive with the yellow flame oxidized in the presence of oxygen and reacts violently like water.

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It is an element that is fundamental in cell metabolism, it is not free in nature, we can find it in combination of other elements such as bicarbonate, salt and sodium nitrate.

Main characteristics

Its main characteristic is that this element is in constant transformation as well as exchange with other organisms. Unlike alkaline metals, this element is soft, its weight is light compared to others and its silver color is not easy to find in the environment. Its reaction with water is that the sodium does not descend only floats, where hydrogen emerges and thus compose hydroxide.

We can differentiate with the naked eye, as a pink glass for consumption must first be ground and recommended unlike table salt.

Sodium functions

  1. Acid-base balance
  2. Sodium is necessary for the transmission and generation of nerve impulse
  3. Help the action or movement of the muscles
  4. The stage in the water cycle, the greatest influential are the fish. Since when consumed they transport sodium in other necessary molecules for our system.
  5. Its function in the atmosphere, with the help of the water cycle, travels in solid, liquid and soda form. Participate in evaporation, rain and condensation. This process is necessary the fluidity of the sodium in the atmosphere.


Organisms such as fish can flow sodium since they are in contact with water obtain sodium and how they can transport it through their flesh to more large humans and animals such as bears, birds or felines can cause more to reach more evenOn the floor and rocks thus causing a continuous cycle of the sodium

This chemical compound is not mobile in its solid form, although it absorbs moisture very easily, once the hydroxide is liquid it is quickly filtered into the ground with the possibility of contaminating the three layers of water. The sodium has detached from rocks and soils to go to the oceans. Seawater contains approximately 11 parts per million sodium while rivers only contain an average concentration of 9 parts per million

Drinking water also has sodium, but the quantity depends on the source, sodium is an essential element for life, help in the conduct of nerve impulse Sodium is added to fatty acids to do sodium health, these salts aremuch harder with fusion points higher than potassium soaps.


It is the component of most of the meals in which it is used as common salt, it is present in the human body in amounts around 100 grams and is necessary for humans to maintain the balance of physical studies systems.

Sodium is an electrolyte that plays a fundamental role in hydration, it is necessary for muscle function and the maintenance of cell blood pressure. Sodium salts meet a very important neurological level function as a neurotransmitter where sodium can be found in the body is in extracellular space especially in the Potassium Sodium pump

Sodium excess causes high blood pressure, is a heart disease. A solution to that is to reduce salty foods, but neither does it decrease to the point that it is necessary, it means that we must have a balance due to the consumption of Na that at low levels we will have a malfunction of the body, a clear example of athletes. They must have a clear balance of Na consumption because if you could not present fatigue, muscle cramps, feel weak and have a high dehydration