The Game As A Didactic Strategy In The Child’S Cognitive Development
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The game is indispensable in the development of children, for this reason it must be implemented as a methodological strategy within the classroom helping to understand in a more fun way all subjects and achieve the future to acquire new learning, it is important that each teacherDo not see the game as just a distraction to keep the infant busy but how doors towards new adventures, called knowledge.
The objective of this research is to describe the importance of the game as a didactic strategy in the child’s cognitive development through the scientific bibliographic review. Within the didactic strategies, the game is the main element that helps to make the class more dynamic in order to provide stimulation and develop skills in students, in terms of cognitive development, it includes the evolution of one of the 4 areas of developmentof the infant, which are: cognitive, motor, social and emotional, early stimulation mustface, all this with the intervention of the game-work methodology The infant will achieve its maximum potential.
The following work is done according to the UTMach’s research lines, based on the domain: "Education, Justice and Citizenship", which their inquiry are educational processes and human formation, simultaneously the qualitative methodology will be implemented, this consists of In the collection of bibliographic data of scientific pages, with the purpose of reaching an inductive analysis, taking into account that it goes from the search for particular facts towards the general, it must be added that it is flexible, in other words, which can modify with the purpose of acquiring the desired results; It will work using the hermeneutical paradigm, pretending to respond to various issues such as what or for whom the study or research is carried out, helping to answer the unknown on how the game influences the cognitive development of children, which will allow us to know how can develop in any environment that is found.
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Cognitive development is the process by which every human being will develop during their childhood, adolescence and adulthood, it is one of the most relevant stages in the course of life, it must be added that it is the desire to discover the new environmentThat the baby is belonging, since it is born, it is exposed to stimulate all its senses how the vision, heard, touch and smell;All this includes a cognitive event that must develop as the infant grows, learning consecutively to enhance the intellectual and motor skills of it based on experience. Jean Piaget is the precursor of the cognitive development approach whose interest is qualitatively in the study of the person’s mental formation from birth to the stage of maturity, Parrat-Dayan, Silvia (2012) refers that for Piaget the knowledgethat the child acquires in the learning period does not come from outside or inside but rather that it is a process of interactionism and constructivism.
Piaget in the mid -twentieth century in his theory about human intelligence raises cognitive development as the innate ability of the human being to be able to adjust and express what happens around him, being a principle of each nature, in his writingsWrite the child’s evolutionary stages causing many comments about their conjecture, classifying according to the ages that include from the or months to 6 years, with cognitive development new sensory schemes arise in the child thus achieving a restructuring in certain sequences thatThey are progressing over time causing the infant to go through a series of stages.
Stages of cognitive development
Its first stage of development includes the ages from the or months to the child’s 2 years, it is of vital importance because it is where its sensory-motor capacity develops, in other words, through this stage the infant will experience the environment to which Face, through touch, smell and view when exploring various objects that are still unknown, you must learn to assimilate the variety of stimuli that arise in the senses, this is the period where the child not only sees and listens to what happens to His around but also learns to coordinate motor sequences to solve simple problems which are a huge challenge for those who are developing sensory skills, the permanence of objects is carried out, which is meant with this, as an example the game that the game that They do parents or people close to the child who consists of covering the face and then discovering it, this helps the child learn to differentiate that when the Mom leaves or leaves the room she will return, managing to create security in the infant. (Saldarriaga-Zambrano, Bravo-Cedeño and Lor-Rivadeneira, 2016)
The second stage is called pre-operative, it begins from 2 to 6 years, this consists of the child failing to develop its concrete logic, manipulation and imaginary game are implemented;It brings an essential ingredient to knowledge since from this period the child passes from practical intelligence to the ability to manipulate reality through internal and significant action schemes, in turn it is divided into two sub -sections: symbolic functions, these lie in that theChild learns to recognize images or objects that are not in front of them, on the other hand intuitive thinking is one where the child does not stop asking why things reaching a vast knowledge, in this phase the infants develop certainskills which allows you to manage situations through representations encouraging them to develop the ability to imagine. The characteristics of this stage are classified as transductive reasoning, inductive reasoning, deductive reasoning, syncretism, egocentrism, animism, centering, conservation and irreversibility, so that it begins to discover and learn by linking ideas that are not always related to reality.
Albornoz, e. J. And Guzmán, M. C. (2016) mention that human development can be described according to the cognitive functions and progress of their structures, in order to demonstrate that they work with each other and that there was no possibility of a structure without function and not a function of a functionWithout structure, so it was evolving continuously from the beginning to the progress of mental structures. Through the organization, adaptation and balance, the functions that are essential and egalitarian biological methods are developed in charge of building internal cognitive combinations, therefore, it is where the child when the child comes into contact with the surrounding environment a perspective is formedclearer in the world and learn new skills that will develop more easily.
Adaptation: Development of the infant’s ability to capture new knowledge in relation to the information that she has previously achieved, it is necessary to emphasly emphasize complementary processes such as assimilation and accommodation. The assimilation consists in the incorporation of new learning to pre -existing mental schemes, in other words, it is the predisposition of perceiving new experiences around existing knowledge and accommodation manifests itself when it fits cognitive structures by accepting new information, it issay new experiences based on new schemes are acquired.
Importance of cognitive development in education
Cognitive development plays a very important role in early childhood since this indicates greater success in the following years of study, for this reason children who achieve proper cognitive development in their first years of life will more easily attend primary. Initial and preparatory education are the main axes in cognitive development that helps prepare the infant to face new challenges in the future, through logic-mathematics, reading, critical reflection and problem solving, in preschool children learnThe basic functions to assimilate the numbers, letters, new vocabulary and language which are of vital importance to start reading in later years. (Villalta, Assael and Martinic, 2013).
It must be taken into account that every child is a different world and everyone learns at their own pace, in their own way and the facilities with which they can develop in the school environment, therefore, the teacher is the one who helps a better performance ofHis students through several methodologies implemented in the classroom.
Cognitive Development Games
Ospina and Restrepo (2013) refers that to achieve more interactive learning between teacher and student they are necessaryLearn to respect the rules of each game. Symbolic games are responsible for developing their imagination through objects to which they themselves give meaning, example: they can use a cardboard box as if it were a car and get inside it or a wooden stick that can use it as a sword, simultaneously create their fictitious friends who act as their playmates.
On the other hand, there are games by rules that allow the child to be able to relate to their peers, a strategic and planned thought is encouraged, learn simple patterns by not leaving the line, respecting their turn, raising their hand when asked, among others;These are all rules that do not need much concentration and are consistent with their age. Now, as cognitive development and learning increasing, they will be suitable to raise strategies, and maintain their concentration for a longer.
The game
When talking about the game we must refer since ancient times, where due to the excavations materials were found and subsequently recognized how toys that allowed the population to entertain, in the stages of human being will always be present the game, the same one that will beconsidered as a pleasant action;Naturally the game has no race distinction, times or beliefs, only the human being will enjoy it at all times of his life. (Delgado, 2011)
The importance attributed to the game is not something new, the first story about the games comes from the year 3000 to. of c. These are considered as a fundamental part of human development and has been present in all cultures, example in ancient Greece the game contributed to the teaching of the citizen, advancing to the twentieth century and starting from the theories of Piaget, several authors studied the game asA fundamental mechanism for the child’s cognitive development.
The human being since the dawn of its existence, the game has always been a peculiarity of its nature and has helped it in the course of its survival. The game is considered an entertainment that helps the progress of knowledge, which at the same time causes joy which can be pleased for a break after a long day of study or work, for this reason the game is defined as a form offree and spontaneous distraction.
Positive aspects of the game
As the child grows, through the game it will be constantly stimulating learning to share, to increase their concept of participation and work in teams;In the same way, he learns to keep his own and protect his rights, the infant likes to run, jump, pursue, these and other skills that are used thanks to the game, entertain and strengthen his muscles;For this reason, when he manages to kick, drag, stretch or reach objects, he is exploring with his body and learning to place it discreetly in the environment that is found. One of the main reasons why children should play is to favor their physical development, since when executing some movement they repeat it several times without taking a break to achieve it and that this is perfect, reaffirming an attitude in the childjust for the satisfaction of having done it correctly. (Tamayo and Restrepo, 2017)
The game to more than favor in physical development, in the same way contributes to its emotional and cultural aspect, taking into account that children with inappropriate behavior and attitudes such as anger, frustration or despair, through the game will be a viable form ofrelease these emotions;There are various games for anywhere and every corner is good to play, but this does not prevent a specific space, special and respected by adults, their decoration has to be consistent with the age and interests of children, togetherGo grow, the place must be broader in order to play without danger or fear, allowing you to make various movements by leaving your imagination and fantasies.
Didactic strategy
The 21st century educator must be in charge of achieving progress in the learning-teaching process of his students, becoming a professional with skills suitable to critically reflect his pedagogical activities, so important becomes the role of the teacher in the teacher in thethat its function is not only to guide your students, but it allows you to insert in the knowledge society to access all the information you require;The most important thing is to develop a praxis where it develops intellectual skills so that it finally assumes an analytical-critical positioning and promoting new forms of understanding and explanation of the school world.
Now, Moreno and Velázquez (2017) propose that didactic strategy is a guide that allows teachers to guide the results they want to obtain during the development of learning and thus make sense of everything that is projected in the classroom,This involves an activity that starts from the information that can be new or one that is already previously acquired, and then concluded whether or not it became real objective.
The game has been implemented as a didactic strategy for student learning, this allows themObsolescence and ignore the didactic progress.
The implementation of the game in the classroom must meet the objectives and activities that are to be carried out for each subject, with the purpose of perfecting their academic performance, it is a methodology that allows teachers to motivate and conserve for longer concentrationof his students, with the intention of generating their aspiration by participating in the development of the class helping to create their meaningful learning. (Montero, 2017)
Immersed in the educational field, games should not be taken as just a recreation space or a waste of time for children, but rather the most effective way to attract their attention;In other words, the game benefits and encourages many positive aspects, among these are the following: learn to be more independent, honesty, security, active their concentration, are reflective beings, respect rules, look for ways that lead to the success ofactivity, imagination, and fellowship with their peers.
The game today is one of the most pleasant activities when educating, it works in order to create a good amount of energy, attention, time, trust, etc., For these reasons, the importance of this methodology in the implementation of a class should not be set aside, it is recommended that the educator propose their activities and they are changing for more interesting ones as the school year progresses;Thus, the multidisciplinary environment includes from these sciences: philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, sociology and anthropology by which they have tended or have as its object of study the child, in pedagogy and psychology their primary qualities have been students and students have been students andThe learning that in turn are connected to their didactic contribution, is constantly changing thanks to the update of science and technology. (Melo and Hernández, 2014).
- In initial education, didactic strategies are essential for the development of a class, one of the main ones is the game-work methodology, in this it is projected according to the age, interest and learning process of each student, thus awakening the interest in followingLearning, the development of these recreational activities helps in the process of creating new knowledge in the child, helping him to solve possible difficulties while interacting with his peers, that is why the game fulfills a fundamental role in the development of the cognitive area of being of beinghuman.
- The game is a recreational and natural activity of the human being, helps to obtain a better cognitive development, being useful and necessary in the course of its growth, through the game it is stimulated and the child’s cognitive skills are encouraged, whichIt will help in the development of the unknown environment that will be faced with the purpose of creating new mental schemes, these newly discovered abilities will encourage the infant to control and understand the reality of things, how characteristics that the game is aImportant contribution to the child’s cognitive development highlights the following: stimulates his ability to reasoning, his critical-reflective thinking, thanks to the stimuli that are used manages to increase their attention and memory, its creative and imaginary capacity is increased;Learning to distinguish between what is real and what is fantasy, strengthens its language and abstract reasoning.
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