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The Ghost of Emmett Till


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The Ghost of Emmet Till
The magazine, video, and song explore the murder of Emmet Till. The murder of Emmet Till brought tension in the nation as a whole on racial wars and social injustice happening in America especially that one which took place in Mississipi.
Emmet went to visit the grandfather in Money Mississipi, and allegedly spoke to the white woman. Then later her husband and brother went and abducted him at night from the house. They beat him up and killed him. Three days later his body was discovered at Tallahatchie river, disfigured and could only be identified by initials in the ring (Harold, Christine & Kevin, 264). After seeing the remains the mother decided on an open casket. After two weeks the trial was held, the jury who consisted of whites ruled that Roy and John are innocent, despite the evidence proving otherwise and confessing that they are guilty (Harold, Christine & Kevin, 265). The three articles present the idea of racial violence like the black Americans had no right even to vote. However, the magazine is too detailed and providing more information. The video show pictures of how Till’s death triggered civil rights war which had many black casualties (Harold, Christine & Kevin, 265). It explores how Emmet related well with his relatives. The song shows pictures that confirm the events that took place. After the civil war, the institutes and sectors set aside for colored were fought.

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The death of Emmet Till brought civil rights movement and impacted many lives. The three media explains how the death of Till illustrated the darkness and inequality that dominated the south. This showed that all are equal, and if given a chance can succeed. Emmet freely interacted with all regardless of the color and that is why it was not an issue whistling at a white woman.
The media pass information on how the death of fourteen years old boy catalyzed the end of racial segregation in public. The whites wanted him to be buried in Mississipi. Mamie Till refused so as to expose that brutality to the whole world. Emmet became the martyr who launched the civil right movement and liberating the blacks.
Work cited
Harold, Christine, and Kevin Michael DeLuca. “Behold the corpse: Violent images and the case of Emmett Till.” Rhetoric & Public Affairs 8.2 (2005): 263-286.

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