The Global Harassment And Gender Violence Problem
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In this work we start from a count, focusing on gender aggression, a general approach is made to the problem of the problem, it is shown differently both worldwide and local and local. First, the analysis of aggression towards women is focused, which are often caused by the couple and then investigate the magnitude and particularities of gender aggression exercised by different people. In both cases the magnitude of the different types of aggressions is determined.
National studies talk about 70%. With regard to gender aggression. In many cases the ill -treatment are inflicted by their cohabiting or former cohabiting; However, it is sexual violence by a person other than his sentimental partner. Often these macho aggressions occur within their own environment. In fact, in many countries men cannot be prosecuted for violations or abuse.
In South America, until the 1990s, aggression against women, mainly, what happened in the family, was considered a private issue in which the State should not intervene. In our country it was not an exception, so that no woman who suffered aggression by her cohabitant, had the possibility of denouncing her or demanding a sanction for the aggressor, since a provision of the Code of Criminal Procedure prohibited the complaint between spouses or between ascendants or descendants.
The magnitude of aggression against female sex also has to do with the different ethnic-cultural groups, and presents changes according to the type of aggression.
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It is found that physical violence is greater among indigenous women with 52.2% and Afro -descendants with 47.3%; While white women have a lower rate. The reasons for these differences would be explained, to some extent, because women who identify themselves as white are of the highest socio -economic strata.
The results included in the family relationship survey show that the percentages of physical aggression are 39.1% and psychological with 48.2% are higher in the Sierra region, although followed closely by the Amazon, where These forms of aggression reach 38% and 46.2% respectively. On the other hand, if we analyze the sexual aggression is that the percentage is higher in the Amazon region with 15.9% and that slightly below is the Sierra with 15.3%. The coast is the region with lower rates of physical aggressions.
Nowadays this problem is very worrying for which society is going through worldwide, according to statistics we can say: for this affecting many factors (drugs, alcohol, family, economic problems, etc.), make individuals acquire violent behaviors and use them against their partners and ex -partners or the people around them causing physical and psychological damage that are irreversible in some cases.
Finally, it is concluded that given the aggressions that many women have suffered today, the authorities have not given the necessary importance to stop said fateful event, since being often of many times, the aggressions are by relatives or spouses, violent people do not make the decision to make the corresponding complaint so the authorities cannot proceed to apply the Organic Integral Code Code.
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