The Great Social Movement Called Feminism
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Feminism originates in society with a classification called. "Three great waves: enlightened feminism, suffragist feminism and contemporary feminism". Enlightened feminism is generated by the works of the authors who begin the debates and arguments with the subject that had never been carried out, thanks to the triumph of enlightened ideas allowed enlightened feminism to generate a critical point, where fate between menand women will take a different destination.
Sufragist feminism looks like that today we know since educational, political rights and much of civilians for women are achieved. "Sufragism wins most of the pillars of shared freedom of which they extend to our environment".
Contemporary feminism or rather. Illustrated and contemporary feminism faced the most complicated and deep tasks. The enlightened made a change of perspective and the contemporary consisted of gaining objectives that are not yet common sense.
Concept of feminism lies in the equality of women both in rights and opportunities. "Feminism is the set of beliefs and ideas of social and political field that seeks equality for women, with the ideology that gives shape and direction by women". Feminism is handled in books that are written by women, where they explain and relate their experiences, this provides the issues addressed and justify the rejection they suffer. "It establishes an equivalence between the concerns of feminism and social strategies"
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Feminism reflects on the difference in genres in the societies known so far, a process that shows the question of generic inequality that has been assigned as a construction (political and social) is observed, to which they do not want to be subject and of thewhich are not identified. Not only gender is involved if not the race or class, implying a critical capacity and is carried out so that human beings transform the constituted meanings.
It is found that parity is a democratic principle in the deficit of representation and power to endure a woman;It is a condition for democracy to deserve that name. Pluralism needs separation of powers, an example of this is the first meeting in 2000, proclaimed as the Millennium Summit.
The meeting held by the United Nations, where 152 presidents of the regions met, from which the keys to the peace and well -being of the world had to leave;The photo they took from the summit can be seen the influence of information technologies with the dissemination of a photo that was spectacular, showing that in the midst of the 152 world leaders there were only seven women among the countries of which they hadgathered.
The development experienced by computer and communications technologies has caused various theoretical debates of which the gender perspective has remained. Where they are scarce in the work or ethical field of computing, as consequently the criteria for the understanding of the phenomenon as social and scientific have been created. On the contrary, classical sociological theories reduce their study to external structure and social relationships, therefore the technological environment is linked to develop technological artifacts. Which refers to cyberfeminism.
The cyberfeminism movement arises from the 1990s in the case of information and communications technologies, is the approach it has and the reason that feminists have welcomed due to their importance, benefiting from hopes for new policies. Cyberfeminism is a current of work and reflection within the sciences of research and communication, in which cyberfeminism is supposed to be a declared attack on basic pillars of modern patriarchy. The actions they take are displayed in such a way that they follow the order of objective and cause. They can be found in the artistic facilities of the network that destroy stereotypes. Even supposed oppression videos.
In the possible solution that the author proposed, a planning is proposed, in which a different organization would be carried out, that is, with postures and speeches;where the position of a look at what seems simplified until the complexity of technological development and the interventions that women will have in it.
Cyberfeminism has focused on exploring the possibilities offered by ICTs for the construction of genders;How it has ventured into cyberspace and artistic production of the Internet, its objective is the aesthetic aspect about political and technological aspects. Of which the criticism is originated according to cyberfeminism.
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