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The History Of Administration From Ancient Civilizations


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What would have been from Egypt, Romas, from the Chinese Empire etc. If new administration methods had not applied and developed? Today would we remember the great civilizations that built great monuments in honor of their deities, which conquered vast territories and that developed new sciences thus giving man a new perspective of the mute? These are the question that will be treated throughout this text with the purpose of determining how fundamental the administration in the development of ancient civilizations. Since children society has been responsible for illustrating us about the great civilizations of the ancient mute, of its achievements in architecture, science, medicine, the great war machines and the splendid art that occurred in those times, but what neverThey have shown in depth is how did they do it? And that is the purpose of this text to demonstrate that the administration is the fundamental basis of the great old civilizations.

The first men who stepped on the earth realized the need to organize in productive groups in order to meet their most basic needs (food, sex, housing, security and etc.) In the same way “little is known, however, about these truly primitive men. Everything they left is reduced to a few bones, traces of fires, simple tools and some drawings on the walls of the caves ”. In view of little information it is difficult to determine how humanity was developed, granting that the only thing that can be done is speculate.

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These primitive cultures were replaced by others that in a rudimentary way implemented agriculture and domestication of animals, hence the man went from being nomad to be sedentary and to establish himself in one place since he did not need to go from a place to a place toanother in search of food.

At the same time that the man had so decisive transformation in his way of acquiring resources, the first villages began to takeThey had to have certain characteristics that allowed him to perform his work efficiently, among them we can observe the following: leadership, initiative, pation, ambition and etc. As the villages grew and the peoples were civilizing the administrators were occupying very favorable positions within their societies, becoming kings, priests and prosperous merchants. "The most typical problems for these administrators of the primitive prominent societies were surely taxation, efficient use of resources, division of labor, arrangements and commercial agreements and the conduct of war and peace.".

"In some of the oldest documents in the world, we find in the Sumerian civilization of five thousand years ago, there is evidence of administrative control practices" Childe. In Sumerian success a vast taxation system and those responsible for collecting these taxes were the priests, which in turn had to account for their superiors, which establishes a form of archaic administration. In view of the great magnitude and diversity of the taxes that were given, the priests when paying accounts of the taxes paid and to pay, could not trust their memoirs, and it was more complicated even more if the priest died, soThey saw the need to create a writing or registration system. Claude states:

It is very likely that the administrative needs of these ancient civilizations have concluded the invention of writing. He stimulated, of course he was economical;And although developed by priests, the first use of writing was for administrative control purposes and not for liturgical purposes.

"With writing the history of man begins properly, because through it you can know the ways of life, the characteristics of societies, their rules of behavior and, among these characteristics, those that refer to their administrative practices". That is, if man had not had the need to administer, something as fundamental and necessary for the development of human life as writing is, it would probably not be able to gestate, generating a great delay in the intellectual evolution of man of man.

When talking about the ancient cultures that contributed to the administration unquestionably we have to talk about Egypt who, with their architecture, government and writings made a great contribution.

Certain historical references about the magnificent constructions erected during ancient times in Egypt, (…) attest to existence, in remote times, of leaders capable of planning and guiding the efforts of thousands of workers in monumental works that still last, such as the pyramids ofEgypt.

That is, the pyramids are a living testimony of the various administrative techniques that the Egyptians possessed.

"For the construction of a single pyramid, the work of one hundred thousand men was needed for 20 years". A true administrative azaña, this is buyable with the management and direction of a modern city.      

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