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The History Of The Nazi Swastika And Its Meaning


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The history of the Nazi swastika and its meaning

This research will explore the issue of Nazi swastika creation, this as the main objective. Taking into account that the Nazi party founded by Adolf Hitler February 24, 1920, and that the swastikWhat is the origin of this symbol and the meaning it is in the party? The meanings that it is possessed will also be determined.

This issue was selected in order to explore the symbol that represents the Nazi party. Whenever there is talk about World War II, and focus mainly on the history of the party and other aspects, of the issue that almost nobody wonders why it is so and how to become like that, is the swastika. However, this issue is very important, since if any individual is asked about the symbol of the Nazi party, it will know what it is, but most will not know the history of the same, or its meaning;This is why it is important to investigate this issue. In addition, this issue is essential for Jewish history, since this symbol when visualized by any Jew will represent any type of negative feeling, for the background that the swastika possesses as a symbol of those inhuman causing the extermination of 6 million of their religion.

The Nazi swastika symbol, also known as the Swasti root is one of the mostly recognized worldwide symbols, and anyone could think that it was only a symbol created in order to represent a political party, however it was not created for that;This symbol existed five thousand years before the Nazi party is founded.

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In many ancient cultures symbols similar to Nazi swastika (a hook -shaped cross) were used (a hook -shaped cross). The main cultures that used this symbol were: in some pagan cultures of Europe, in the Christian religion, in the Buddhist religion, in the Hindu religion, in a Hindu doctrine called Jainism;Therefore, they are still present in certain temples of these cultures, geologists have also found different similarities to excavate in different geographical areas. However, these geographical differences or cultural ideologies do not imply in the meaning that the swastika possessed in each of these cultures. According to Cardero: “It is true that there is neither horde, nor a tribe nor any human population, that does not express, in one way or another, a deep concern for their dead and that they, as a whole, are for human beings for aimmense significance, exercising on the living an essential interaction. Signs such as swastika has played an equally essential role in the marking and regulation of these interactions at the time.". The swastika was always a good thing, which also literally translates the name to well -being or good fortune. All that gave utility to this symbol, whether spiritually or for anything else, was for something that was impossible that morally or physically harms someone, all this changed until the party founded by Adolf Hitler adopted this symbol in 1920 forHis party.

The following two appointments prove that there are and still cultures that use that symbol in a peaceful way within their societies.“In Hindu mythology, the swastika is the symbol of Agni, the god of the sun, of fire and creation. It goes without saying that Hitler, the Nazis and their precursors were strongly influenced by the secret doctrine, to the point that, in 1880, a magazine edited in Germany by an American society was the first German publication that showed the swastika inIts roof. That happened long before the German initiatory societies themselves, such as the Thule Society, the order of the weapons, the Vril, the Ont (order of the new Templars), autumn, etc. The founder of that mysterious American society was Madame Blavatsky. So that. It was the followers of Russian mysticism who first introduced the mysterious doctrine of the Aryan race, which is the central creed of the Nazi faith in Germany and Austria.". “Today we have the religion of the cosmic Raelians who have as its goal the creation of a new world order and claim that it is the aliens who have been the elaborators of a peace plan for the world. On the other hand, Earth’s rulers discard the Gospel and seek their lighting in what these "spiritual guides" tend to promise for the world. It would be strange that these so -called cosmic Raelians who follow UFO lighting, exhibit the swastika as an emblem or power symbol? It is clear that the so -called cosmic Raelians do so. These are clear indications of the terrifying future that these philosophies will bring on the human race. When men discard the only door to eternity which is Jesus Christ, that is the time when Lucifer proposes false doors as an alternative."

From the events mentioned above, the history of the swastika was about to change. In the Nazi party the use of swastika began as a simple social representation of the political end that this party presented. However, the Nazi party was not the first to use this symbol for socio -political situations, since before it was used in the Nazi party, it was used by German nationalist movements, but they also gave it ascetic use (this gives some justification toits use).

The following appointment supports what was mentioned above “through contact with spirits would propose the evolution of men towards the gods. Blavatsky drank from the occult sources of the Tibetans and ancestors Aridos. It is from Tibet that arises a version of the swastika which turns to the right, however, Hitler would create his own version of the symbol but turning left. The spasic monogram represented for Asians the alleged idea of luck and wealth, on the other hand, Hitler would give him another meaning like the "trail of the left". The swastika corresponds to the version used by the Freemasonry of the "G" of Gaia and Geometry. Often, the Masonic symbols camouflage themselves with different meanings and varying depending on the degrees. As taken from science fiction, the horrendous Vril society still influences today’s secret places associated with neo -Nazis that have infiltrated the governments of the earth. On the other hand, in modern times the so -called Vrilology Church of the United States whose founder is Robert Blumetti states that his goals are different from those of previous groups following the road to light.".

The Thule Society also had a swastika as a symbol, and this group was related to the Nazi party (this society also had racist thoughts) and this inspired Hitler to also use this symbol, but they were not equal (see Annex 1 and 2). Hitler designed the Nazi flag, and subsequently asked a member of the Thule Society to design a new flag, which was very similar to that designed by Hitler previously. At the end of designing the swastika and integrating it into the flag, they taught it to the followers of the game in Mein Kampf, where Hitler states that the flag is perfect for the proportions it is possessed (the red color tone, the size of the circleWhite, the size of the swastika, its inclination and width). Reaching proportional perfection in his flag was not easy, Adolf Hitler in his book "My fight" explained this;“The question of our flag, that is, related to appearance, we worried us at the time very intensely. We received well -intentioned suggestions everywhere, but lacking practical value. For my part I pronounced myself for the conservation of ancient colors, not only because, as a soldier, they are for me the most sacred of life, but also for their aesthetic effect since better than any other combination they harmonize with my own way of feeling. I myself, after countless trials, managed to specify a definitive form: on a red background, a white disc and in the center of it, the cross in black. Likewise, after long experiences, I could find an appropriate relationship between the dimension of the Flag and that of the disc and between the shape and size of the swastika. And so it was. Immediately they were sent to make bracelets of the same combination for our order troops, that is, a red bracelet on which the white disc and the black swastika appears. Also the badge of the party was created following the same guidelines." 

After the above, the swastika was part of the Nazi party, it is wideAnd the means of transport also had the flag in their structure. This is why the swastika also takes an important role within Nazi propaganda;since the Germans felt identified with the flag, while the enemies of the Germans did not feel identified with the flag and also felt fear when observing the same.

To conclude, it can be affirmed that the swastik. The process of preparing this symbol was extensive, which in the end concluded as expected. The gestation period of this project was also complicated, peculiar and interesting.

In addition a possible reason why Hitler specifically selected that symbol to represent his party, is because of the fact that when looking for a Germany composed only of the Aryan race, he chose to select this symbol for the positive literal meaning mentioned above. He is associating his political party and the Aryan population as a group identified with a good or comfort state;So being mixed with people who are not found in a condition according to their criteria, affects the comfort or well -being of the Aryans.

In this investigation in addition to demonstrating an unknown history of the swastika within Germany, it also sought to inform about little known facts about the mythical origins of this symbol and verify that a variety of meanings that it is possessed in history, which I consider that they can correspondto the reason why Adolf Hitler wants to contrast his party with the swastika. I also consider that the research question was an answer for synthesized arguments of the writings of the sources that appear as the bibliographic references of this research, also the objectives of this work were effectively completed. 

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