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The Human Being, Problem For Nature Or Living Being That Tries To Survive Using It


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The human being, problem for nature or living being that tries to survive using it

Since the emergence of life on Earth there have been different species that in their struggle to survive in a certain medium have ended the life of another species to which it could be considered as a lower organism that serves as food to a higher organism. In this way the consolidated nature of the food chain, which is a cycle that shows that the strongest living beings feed on the weakest, thus creating the basis for Darwin’s natural selection theory in which it makes knownthat only the most suitable species survives in an ecosystem where there is a constant struggle of survival.

The human being is a living being considered the greatest predator that can be found in nature, this due to an advantage that carries mostly living organism on earth that is reasoning. Reason has allowed man to devise, destroy and create implements that facilitate his life, using nature, placing himself in a plane greater than all living organisms and also considering himself as the greatest destroyer of the biosphere. But the human being exploits nature for reasons of survival or for something more like unnecessary comfort and power?

While it is true that the human being extracts resources from nature for reasons whether economic, food, clothing or another kind of services, it is evident that they also abuse them unnecessaryly. An example of this is the excessive logging of trees for the elaboration of paper and furniture.

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And not only is there an abuse of resources but also the contamination of these, as is the case of water and the excess inorganic matter that is launched to this.

The contamination and exploitation of natural resources is also a problem caused by governments and people of power as is the case of oil and mining exploitation which causes a devastation of nature and produces sound pollution. We can also include here the creation of abundant factories and industries of serial production which pollute the environment through the emanation of toxic gases without any remorse, this with the only purpose of enrichment and a selfish satisfaction of needs.

These problems are mainly caused by a form of social organization that has to do with the eagerness of the human being to achieve power, by a capitalist and fighting way of all against all against all against all. But all this that has been imposed on us is nothing more than an illusion that makes us believe that in order to live, luxuries and comfort are needed. But perhaps possible to change this?

It may be difficult since we live in a world where we all fear change, since it implies more responsibilities, but it is possible as long as every human being realizes that it is an essential part of nature and that this is foundservice allowing you to meet basic needs. So you should not reach an expropriation abuse of the resources that it gives you either by simple economic desire, of power or comfort. 

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