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The Image Of The Woman Affected By Advertising


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The image of the woman affected by advertising


Advertising is based on the art of persuading. To achieve this, use semiotics as a main resource, creating pleasant signs or symbols. As a result, advertising has managed to spread the idea of how women should be in all parts of the world in terms of their attitude, personality and physical appearance, thus creating a stereotype or image accepted and given as valid by society (realSpanish Academy, 2019). This stereotype has become the nightmare of many women around the world, because they are judged and compared to the unattainable standards that this image establishes about how a woman should be. All this problem is based on an image that is not real.

The existence of female stereotypes present in advertising negatively and deeply affects the lives of women in different areas of their personal life. Within this essay, why this happens, through which factors this situation is encouraged and, then, the different social disadvantages will be addressed that women face as a result of these stereotypes.

This essay is intended to publicize and assimilate, in the condition of advertising students, the great responsibility and power that entails the exercise of our future profession. It also aims to raise awareness about the importance of the content we consume day by day and how we apply it in our personal life.

¨The image of the woman affected by advertising "

With the help of semiotics and the scope of mass media, stereotypes or social constructions that condition individuals’ expectations about an idea or concept have emerged from advertising.

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One of the most remarkable cases is the current stereotype of what it is to be a beautiful and competent woman. This conception is based on non -realistic and unattainable qualities that force women to deal daily with the high expectations established by it, since they are judged and criticized through the comparison of their essence as an individual and the essence that society thinksThey should have. They are pressed for their way of seeing each other, being, feeling and even becoming questioned about their skills, skills and talents.

Within advertising, there are two main and basic images on which this social consensus is founded. The woman is used as a symbol in two ways. First, there is the ideal image that is normally used as a symbol of femininity and beauty. This is represented by the image of a young woman, of light skin, usually blond hair always straight and long, a stare figure of abdomen defined with breasts and notorious buttocks that could until they become disproportionals to her own body and a stature not very muchlow but not so high as to overcome that of an average man. Skin without spots, wrinkles or other imperfection such as stretch marks or pimples. This is accompanied by a seductive, daring and very self-confidence look and attitude, so it usually wears a tight clothing or that leaves much to do with. It is common for the ability to attract all kinds of man, be irresistible. Usually this type of image is used in perfume commercials, clothing stores or any other industry that is related to beauty or personal image.

The second image is used to refer to the abilities and competences that supposedly, according to the social imaginary, are those of a woman. It is represented by the housewife whose fun and only function is to keep your home clean and in order, always in a good mood. Despite sharing features with the stereotype of beauty, such as skin tone and straight hair, this woman is not considered attractive and her clothing is not striking. Within advertising, it is always in the background, your person is not given so much importance, but to what as "mutjer", you can contribute to your home. It is a common human being who is there to clean dishes and take care of their children. This image is never represented by a male figure and is usually used in cleaning products, mosquito repellent or any other product related to children and home.

This fictitious conception of women, adopted globally through the media, promotes a social imbalance based on gender inequality, misogyny and discrimination. These are reflected in prejudices and injustices that women must face within their personal life day by day, because society expects them to act in a certain way that does not necessarily agree with their individuality and real abilities. The presence of this social construction alters the perception that others have of them, and even those that they have about themselves.

What are these prejudices against women founded? They are based on the qualities that denote the stereotyped images used in advertising. In other words, the descriptive dimension of the stereotype. (Burgess and Borgida, 1999) (García Beaudoux, gender stereotypes and female leadership., 2014)

Descriptive dimension of female stereotypes:

Image no. 1: stereotype used in beauty products:

  • Sexual
  • Provocative
  • Safe
  • Handsome
  • Young man

Image no. 2: stereotype used in cleaning products and home:

  • Gentile
  • Maternal
  • Sweet
  • Quiet
  • Cleaning
  • Simple

These two images seem to describe two totally different women, however, society reproves and judges every woman who does not possess all these qualities at the same time, and, as we can see, none of these refers to a strong and independent woman, butA woman who is always providing something to others, whether something to do or do. This is one of the main reasons why the woman begins to find unpleasant obstacles and situations within her daily activities. Some of the personal fields that are negatively affected by stereotypes are work, couple coexistence and self – esteem.

Within the workplace:

Women’s work activity is affected by both images. As we can see, almost none of the qualities denoted by the descriptive dimension refers to competences that can be considered as value within the professional field, consequently women are not usually valued within this.

According to studies conducted by Catalyst (2019), non -profit organization dedicated to the research and growth of female participation within the labor market, during the second third of 2018 the 46.2% (the minority) of the employees of the European Union was represented by the female sex, however, in terms of leaders women women only represented 27%. These percentages are corresponding to statistics from developed countries, and still the female presence in the labor field is low compared to the male. We can clearly observe that there is a remarkable preference to men for the allocation of high jobs.

Also, in 2014, the public opinion center of the University of Belgrano carried out a survey in the city of Buenos Aires, specifically with the purpose of confirming the existing gender preference in the labor field. In this one surveyed 620 people of legal age. The results shown that 90% prefer to get on a plane piloted by a man, 96% expressed feeling more confidence in a male engineer, 76% preferred male police officers about female and finally, 98% said they would chooseA woman rather than a man to take care of her children. An alarming fact resulting from this survey is that most of the responses that preferred the male sex in the different jobs were women (García Beaudoux, gender stereotypes and female leadership., 2014).

Normally in this area women are related to kindness and little competitiveness or ambition. This idea is so entrenched within society that their abilities are questioned. When carrying out activities of great difficulty and mental effort, they are not taken into account, however, it is indicated to carry out activities of a housewife. This influences why women do not have so much participation in leading positions. The rejection that arises before the image of women shows indications of misogyny and macho thinking.

Another negative aspect present within the field is the sexual harassment that occurs within the work space. Like women, men suffer sexual harassment, however, according to the International Labor Organization (ILO) women are victims in most cases. Normally men suffering from harassment are homosexual young people who are part of racial minorities. (International Labor Organization, 2013)

The levels of this type of harassment in women are alarming. A report carried out by Catalyst comments that almost 85% of women used in the United States have experienced sexual harassment within their work spaces (Daley, Travis, & Shaffer, 2018)

One of the causes for which this problem has more impact on women than in men, is the meaning that stereotyped image gives to women as a symbol or sexual object. Unjustly, this social construction creates an obstacle to women when looking for economic support, simply for being born a woman. Another unpleasant but very common situation is the questioning of their decisions regarding work and motherhood.

 In the coexistence of a couple:

In couple relationships, when becoming more serious, both men and women usually assume different roles when living together and forming a family. It is very common to see that women are pressed by the people around them, and mainly by their partner, so that full time is dedicated to the care of their children because the stereotype establishes that women are defined by being a sweet beingand maternal, which is not necessarily true for all women.

This was proven in a study by María Antonieta Covarrubias, a doctor in anthropology of gender relations, within which she analyzed the situation of different middle -class couples residents of Mexico City. Among the data collection processes he interviewed mothers about the factors that influenced their decision to pause their career and take care of their children. Some of the women interviewed expressed that they were influenced by the opinions and attitudes of their husbands, who were inclined to the decision that they would renounce their jobs to take care of the children, because, as the analysis says ¨ they tendTo value that their wives, by tradition or ‘nature’, are responsible for the care of children, while resolving at the same time domestic and parenting tasks, and with it they maintain the organization standards to which they have beenaccustomed. The opinions of these husbands reflect a micromachismo¨. They point out that these women were forced to pretend happiness and satisfaction to fulfill their traditional values and beliefs of what a woman should do. (Covarrubias, 2012)

In self-love:

The perception that women have of themselves is altered by the stereotyped image of beauty present in advertising. The ¨Devotion¨ of society to this image causes women, from an early age, feelings and negative emotions towards their body, since they do not consider themselves attractive for not complying with the high standards and beauty requirements that haveraised society. The characteristics attributed to the stereotype are unreal, so most of the time women resort to aesthetic and even surgical procedures that allow them to achieve these attributes that cannot be obtained naturally.

Within our society, this image is a sign of power, which puts pressure on women’s shoulders. This social construction conditions us to think that we look like this idea of beauty present in advertising will guarantee us to be socially accepted. (Cabrera García, 2010)

In adolescents it is common to see that they seek to modify their body in the only way they can: through food. ¨The figures show that between 85 and 90% of cases of eating disorders are presented in women. ¨ (Cabrera García, 2010). According to interviews conducted to 12 young people from Madrid between 15 and 19, the self-concept of these is directly affected by the comparison they make of themselves and the beauty ideal, and therefore, the more distant they are perceived from thisimage, lower is your self – esteem. However, the 12 young people agreed to be aware that the origin of this image came from what advertising raises as beauty. (Llovet Rodríguez & Díaz-Bustamante, 2019) This comparison is one of the main factors that lead to competition and rivalry between women.

The a little more mature females are affected by aging, because unlike the conception of the male image, the presence of gray hair and some wrinkles is not considered an attractive aspect, but the woman to be considered¨ It must always be intact and with a neat appearance.

On the other hand, attachment to these standards can trigger discrimination scenarios, since, a person does not have the necessary physical aspects is disabled compared to people who do have them. It can also be derived in racial discrimination, since the stereotype simply shows the light skin tone, straight hair and (generally) blond, but within the ethnic and cultural wealth of our poster there are many combinations of color, texture, size that does notThey adapt to this conception.


As we could see, the existence of female stereotypes present in advertising negatively and deeply affects the lives of women in different areas of their personal life, since through the media advertising has spread a weak and value idea of whatWhat does it mean to be a woman. Consequently, activities of the daily life of women as working, coexistence in a couple and the practice of self-estethat these images establish in society. As we could see through the use of statistical data, women always represented within the studies of the problems raised the vast majority that was harmed. The simple use of an image has had the ability to trigger situations of discrimination, misogyny and machismo. The woman is poorly seen and unduly treated with inequality, the result of social construction that advertising has helped perpetuate.

As we have seen, the presence of female stereotypes within advertising campaigns if they have a serious impact within the life of women, and although advertising is not the only means responsible for their perpetuation in the social imaginary,If it influences in a considerably, then they relate the different images directly to their purpose (the product and the meaning of this seeks to transmit) which creates a more solid relationship of ideas in the minds of consumers, unlike cinema and television.

These stereotypes portray women as a being who is always at the mercy and disposition of what others need her, not as someone who can contribute good and brilliant ideas, as is commonly seen the male image. If there are the stereotype of man, however most of these images revolve around the idea that man is an intelligent, competent and bold being that has what is needed to be an entity of development and leadership, as we could see in theResults of the studies presented in the development of the essay. Thus creating in society the custom that women can be treated as they please at the time, and no man, he is the one who has the last word.

Despite having analyzed and mentioned only three affected areas of the personal life of women there are many other injustices that are discussed in the name of these social conceptions.

It is appropriate to emphasize that these ideas, due how disseminated that they are and the seriousness with which they have been assumed by today’s society, is a fact that cannot be changed this way of thinking of the collective. The solution falls to those people who see themselves in the position of creating a better content for future generations and that they grow with values and ideas that mitigate the effect of negative prejudices and practices committed today against the female image, that is,, part of responsibility falls to us, future publicists.

After knowing this information we have the responsibility of establishing new stereotypes, where women are a view like what it is: a competitive and independent being. 

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