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The Importance And True Purpose Of Journalism


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The importance and true purpose of journalism

Journalism is an activity whose purpose is to collect, synthesize, hierarchize and publish information related to events of the present, of the past and/or the future, that is, it has as the main function to inform based on safe and verifiable sources;However, in Peru in recent years it has ceased to be journalism and has become a system of expression of opinions as well as a tool for use by our country’s governments to influence public opinion, and sometimesEven to distort the truth. It is said that journalism is the fourth power of the State, but the manipulation of these media by political power makes it the fourth power of corruption.

During the Fujimori government the press was sold to the political power to inform only what was convenient for the Fujimori regime to become a society that lived a farce, which thanks to some videos we could just give us accounts of our true reality, but this revelation onlyIt was temporary since journalism has continued to be manipulated by the threads of corruption, it is enough to only see many national importance problems that the press does not want to cover, just to distract the population for the benefit of political authorities.

The majority of journalists who work today in Peru only think, but do not investigate, do not cross data, do not relativize their own, do not go in search of new angles, do not inform themselves, their only source is the internet and it has not been long for a long timeRead books of history, economics, anthropology or philosophy.

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Actually, many of our journalists should read almost anything (Vich, 2016, P.1)

As citizens we all have the right to comment, but a journalist must be more than their own ideas, a journalist is someone who must show reality from their different angles but should not manipulate it in favor of their political interests.

A quite widespread phenomenon in the world, that of the journalist owner of media. It is a professional hybrid in which freedom of the press with freedom of business is confused. It will balance in the same person the interest of profit with the eagerness of truth seems a difficult task, since they are in permanent tension (Roldós, 2000, P.two).

The press in Peru is a business, not a profession, this should not affect us, the problem is that it omits cases of corruption that is not published, so almost the entire Peruvian population does not know of the shameless robberies by the authorities of the authorities of thecondition. Lying is corruption, slandering is corruption, apart from crime, relating without someone more with terrorism, is corruption.

Most journalists would not be if bribes and illegal charges are understood as corruption, so difficult to prove. But there is also corruption of journalistic function in the consequences of lack of independence. That is why we distrust journalism and its role in a society that is said democratic but where politics invades everything and civil society are very weak (Richart, 2014, p.1).

The same as politicians, businessmen, judges, officials and corrupt bishops, there are corrupt journalists. But who denounces these and writing it? None. Among the entire journalistic community, their corrupt acts overlap, this is also journalistic corruption.

However, not all journalists belong to the ranks of corruption, since there are those who are still subject to their professional ethics who perform their work in entire.

Journalists and the media play a "fundamental" role to end corruption, a scourge that affects Latin America "complicatedly". Well, in this fight, serious and investigation journalism has shown that it is they who discover most corruption cases and have become an institution that “monitors, discovers and analyzes” these cases, so an allianceWith them it is "natural". (Ugaz, 2018, P.3)

If the press would act as it should, being an equanimous, ethical, truthful, responsible and innovative medium, it would fulfill a fundamental role in democracy and the fight against corruption, since from the beginning its primary purpose is to report legitimately and legitimately tothe population about the events that occur in the social, political environment, among others.

It is true that many cases of corruption have been uncovered thanks to the participation of journalists committed to the search for truth, which in a social and civil interpretation of the journalist’s exercise have reaffirmed the value of journalism as a public service.

This journalistic performance is not isolated, since it is part of a citizen reaction, made up of social actors and new media that ask as part of their claims social changes and justice. Reported journalists and citizens that, in most cases, speak and write from the alternative and reality of people, in the face of the inoperance and passivity of authorities and institutions.

Journalism is then the way in which all kinds of information reach our homes, recounting events such as tragedies and accidents that can be happening both in a regional level close to our place of residence, as well as other parts of the world. (Gorriti, 2009, P.112)

We conclude that journalism is important as a historical record, as an expression of society, as the development of knowledge and because it bases the freedom of people and societies, but the best known reason for the importance of journalism is that, by serving as an expression channelFrom society, it promotes changes in history. Each of its information has a potential for change that, when activated, prints a dynamic of development to social life, however, it is necessary that it is always subject to its ethical values, demonstrating responsibility and commitment to the information it provides toThe population, without selling to political interests, we cannot rescue the Peruvian press as a source free of corruption because it is known that it has long been corrupted. Therefore, the population expects that with these new uncovering where journalism remains as the fourth power of corruption, rectify and go to its true work. 

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