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The Importance Of Decriminalization Of Abortion And Possible Objections


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The importance of decriminalization of abortion and possible objections


This research refers to the issue of abortion as we know well today in the time in which we find humanity is full of unprecedented changes, it is enough to look around and discover that the evolution in which we are wrapped has been transcendental. For example, in the field of medicine day by day new and brilliant perspectives that will help improve the quality of life of the human being, but, unfavorably, advances are also generated that, for some, are unfavorable, such is the caseof the subject of this work.

Previously the practice on abortions was a method that was carried out in a general way for birth control. Then it was prevented or prohibited by a large number of religions, but an illegal action was considered until the nineteenth century.

And this is how this issue over time has gained a lot of importance, due to the high ethical content that it entails, in addition that it was recently classified as a public health problem when the third cause of death in Mexico City was considered.

For this reason, during the development of this research topic, it will be known directly linked to abortion, but also some topics that are related, such as contraceptive methods and sex education, since we have considered that they are the most important ways to helpto reduce the problems that are causing among our population the great demand for abortions.

Various definitions on the term of abortion and their classification will be included, so that the reader knows what types of abortion they are practiced and can realize that most of these are a great risk to the life and health of women.

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In accordance with legislative provisions, abortion can be considered legal when caused for reasons recognized by law.

It is important to remember that we all have the freedom to chooseThey will find various opinions.


The short answer about whether I am in favor or against abortion is that I am in favor. But this requires several explanations, it is not so simple, so I continue … (in what would be the long answer)

  • Obviously I do not think that abortion is a good or cheerful thing, it is proven that it is the most traumatic thing and that a large part of those who do it then regret. A person who becomes an abortion with joy or carefreeness seems to me that something wrong in the head should have. However, who does it out of necessity (not having money to maintain a child, not have maturity or will to raise that child, have been raped, etc.) I respect her.
  • It seems excellent for people who have specific moral or religious convictions. Or who recommends not aborting or campaigning against abortion. What they do not have the right is to be the continuation of the illegality of abortion. There are people who do not have to share their moral or religious convictions. Of course, to be consistent with what is preached, that more than a lady of tradition, family and property or opus dei must have a couple of abortions under your credit.
  • I do not get tired of repeating that for people who have money, abortion is legal a while ago. It goes to a private clinic, 2000 pesos are paid and voila. They even give you antibiotics, a gynecologist is followed by you and everything. No one finds out and everything goes more than piola. ‘Abortion is the basis of fortune’ said a pretty old medical joke. (Visual, 1999)

Moreover, there may even be the doctor who puts his hook and publicly certifies that it is dangerous.

Consequently, the prohibition of abortion is – in practice – the prohibition of abortion of poor women. That they have to go there to make a clandestine abortion with a knitted needle for 30 pesos. It was already said, this kills not only the fetus, but the mother. For avoiding the death of a nonato, the nonato dies and the one already born a while ago.

  • Despite being a man, I’m going to betray the guild for a while: men are usually alive who go for life throwing children. Women cannot sometimes forget a passenger affair with the same ease as a man because they have a consequence with which they alone have to load. It seems fair to equate the rights of each other. As well as I think that, if the woman chooses to have it, she is supported and helped.
  • Together with the legalization of abortion, it seems to me that the primary is a policy that allows access and information on contraceptive methods. One is amazed by knowing the number of people who have unprotected sex and without wanting pregnancy either. Much better if the need to abort is not even generated.

Possible objection: But it would not be like legalizing the murder?

Is not the same. No one argues that a person is a person and killing it is a homicide. But when it comes to fetuses, for a part of society we are talking about a person (product of their introjected values -Respeitive-) and for the other part we still do not talk about a human being as such, but of a human being not yetformed (product of their introjected and also respectable values). (Werss, July 2006 213 pages.) (Trujillo, July 2006 216 pages.)

Each of the parties will discuss your reasons until death. And laws are made about the values that support a given society. On the homicide we all agree with the fact that human life is a value and killing is wrong. Many years ago if a duel ended with the death of one of the duelists, this was a perfectly legal thing and today it would be a homicide.

On abortion there is no consensus that exists today with smooth and plain homicide, opinions are divided.

Consequently, taking into account that carrying out pregnancy or not carrying it is a decision that has to do exclusively with the values that the pregnant woman supports, it seems excellent that if she is against abortion that does not abort and that if she is in favor, it is given the possibility to do so legally.

In Argentina, in the last 30 days, all the media have mainly focused on a single issue: treatment in the Chamber of Deputies and Senators of the Nation of the Draft Law on the decriminalization and legalization of abortion. Despite seeming a very current issue, we must remember that it has interdisciplinary debates for more than 15 to 20 years in our society, but for different causes, generally the difficulty that the issue has in its treatment, has made thePolitical agenda, he always wanted.

It is undoubtedly a huge responsibility that Parliament has today, because it must be a debate with great depth and seriousness, very respectful of the different currents, where all political glimpses should be set aside so as not to be influenced by any party interest.

It is noteworthy that it is not a minor issue, nor that it can go unnoticed, on the contrary, its content is complex and controversial, at the same time that touches the most intimate fibers of the human being, since its sensitivity cannotGo unnoticed, which will take different nuances in the confrontation of the different opinions, with strong arguments to be able to sustain the defense or take -out of the choice of the dissimilar positions. Undoubtedly, for this, numerous arguments will be outlined, perhaps not all with a specific and clear logic but each and every one of them respected, since their treatment should never fall into the disqualification of what each one can expose, no matter how much that more thanothers seem inappropriate. (Vargas, S.A de c.V.,Av, Col del Valle, 300 pages.) (General, Col del Valle, 306 pages.)

Numerous may be the currents of opinions, one and perhaps the greatest responsibility will be from the perspective of public health, since the position of legalization of pregnancy interruption is directly linked to the large number of complications that this practice generates,With figures that are ashamed of all members of this country, since they, knowing that they are not exactly the real ones, due to the difficulties of the subject, could reach around 450.000 to 500.000 abortions per year, directly related to almost 20 % of all maternal deaths that are informed in Argentina, and from them a very high percentage are linked to an insecure abortion, being the most important cause of this scourge

In such a way that the role of those responsible for public health acquires relevance and in this search for solutions, they come to consider that the debate of this very serious problem could have a part of a solution in the legalization of abortion, since in this wayinsecure abortions would decrease, and equity between different social strata, not only would it decrease the risks of maternal mortality but also put all our women in reproductive age in balance and equal conditions.

This only means that every woman who takes the difficult, complex and desperateIn safe conditions, without life risk, free of charge and with adequate emotional containment.

The different statistics offered, in the problem of abortion, many of them vitiated by the clandestinity of the interventions, hence their truth discussed, always includes the younger and generally poorer women, age group with greater vulnerability, and unintentionally borderingWith discrimination.

Undoubtedly, the decision to legalize and/or decriminalize abortion, it will not be enough to give a consistent solution to the interruption of pregnancy, since the appropriate and effective actions must begin at earlier stages sustained in staggered, ordered and orderly actionsprogressive order:

  1. Sexual education and responsible paternity
  2. Unwanted prevention
  3. Attention and containment of the pregnant patient

But for this to be a reality, not only a desire, a coordinated action of the different systems of the State is essential, including 1) education 2) health and 3) justice, but they will not be enough, if they do not go to them from theHand deep cultural changes, the essential guarantee of easy and universal access to public medical care services, appropriate and time and form of sexual and reproductive health offices, which will lead to the easy access ofdifferent contraceptive methods, chosen as far as possible, and advised by an ideal professional, and at the same time that the continuous and free provision of the different methods can be ensured, and of course the certain possibility of sustained monitoring of the use of the use of thesame, through an adequate monitoring system to ensure compliance with the chosen practice. And above the whole thing, not to miss the great opportunity to develop all this organization chart, mainly after the obstetric event;Whatever the same, childbirth, caesarean section or abortion, since wasting that moment would encompass us in the item of the lost opportunities, which in themselves are numerous, by the hand of the current shortcomings of the different health centers.

The sensitivity of the people on the subject exists and in everyone’s mouth is the slogan of some groups where they say:

  • Sex education to decide
  • Contraceptive for not aborting
  • Legal abortion not to die

It is not a small thing, on the contrary it is a desperate social shout that the issue is vital, the decision of its treatment should be made, due to its size, it cannot be treated lightly, all positions must be heard,analyzed and justified, and above all things whateplaces with the necessary means to attend the complications that can be detached from the medical act, we will always be at risk of them, and they must also legislate on them, so that there are no legal spaces without treatment and that decisions, today made, madedo not lead to get out of a problem to enter another. (Campos, Cpág.: 297.)


  • The lack of communications of the parents with the children prevents them from having enough information for the prevention of a pregnancy.
  • The lack of money often leads women to make the decision to abort.
  • The abortion caused implies serious risks against the life of women
  • The sell "that will say" of society will never be missing, that society that judges you without knowing the reasons and that many times leads them to make wrong decisions.
  • Sexual abuse causes traumatic effects for many of its victims. That lead you to make the decision not to have an unwanted creature.
  • For not truncating their career they decide abort by their own convenience.
  • The lack of immaturity at the time of making a decision on a clutch leads them to their only solution "abortion"
  • Respect for the life of a being who is not to blame for anything has shown us that we are worth less and less as human beings.
  • A caused abortion is against the moral and religion of the person while natural abortion is accepted.


  • Campos, l. d. (CPAG.: 297.). First edition, November 1997. . Colonia del Valle de México ,: Cover design: .
  • General, •. G. (Col del Valle, 306 pages.). S.A de c.V.,AV University 767: Santillan General Editions.
  • Great encyclopedic dictionary ’, u. V. (s.F.).
  • Trujillo, s. V. (July 2006 216 pages.). ‘I teenage clear answers to my big doubts’. MEXICO: Twenty -Seventh reprint.
  • Vargas, g. (S.A de c.V.,Av, Col del Valle, 300 pages.). Quiubole. University 767: Santillan General Editions.
  • Visual, g. D. (1999 edition). Printed on Carvajal S. To Colombia. 538 pages.: Visual Educational Program.
  • Werss, p. d. (July 2006 213 pages.). I teenage clear answers to my big doubts. Arial Mexico: Twenty seventh reprint .

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