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The Importance Of English In Metallurgical Engineering


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The importance of English in Metallurgical Engineering

In a globalized world in which we are important it is important Languages ​​is English since some say is the universal language with which most speak and communicates with the different cultures that exist throughout the world so we have to talk about the importance of English in metallurgical engineering, since there are More facilities in the search for precise information for the fulfillment of some tasks, the research works are all in English and only few are in Spanish, that generates that the student limits himself from good information that could be extracted from the internet this is One of the advantages that may exist if you learn and take more interest in learning the English language more than all for engineering a position that is related to the world, but if there is no knowledge of the language, many jobs can be lost and find more competent people, but the question would be,

Why English? And the answer is more than simple, it is estimated that approximately 20% of the world’s population, whatever the nationality it has or their mother tongue, speaks English. This is an idea of everything, in 2006 a study was carried out that it is detailed that 13% of the European Union speaks English as a native language, while another 38% of European citizens have enough dominance and fluidity of English toto converse.

Learn most languages as you can. Dominate them will strengthen your life in multiple aspects, personal and professionals.

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(Alanís, 2018) The first advantage or rather is like an obligation to learn English in the future engineer to obtain Bachelor’s academic degree since in the current statute of the National University of San Agustín, says so.

Article 86 clarifies that undergraduate studies, research work (thesis), knowledge of a foreign language of preferably English, and the other requirements specified in the Regulation (Statute, 2016) is required

This is indispensable by the new university law approved by Congress provides that students who end a career must prove that they know English or a native language to be able to graduate, a willingness to generate resistances of student associations. (Multimedia, 2014)

After successfully finished baccalaureate, the new graduated engineer must speak and understand English fluently, this will facilitate entry into any position.

It will grow in the professional field, since they also demand at the university and will form you as a good professional who will face new challenges around his career and serve society by instilling new learning by knowing a language and good management of it canopen large doors to international levels.

The second advantage is that it is known that in various technical manuals of machines and tools directed in metallurgical engineering such as crushers and pressing more than anything in mining it is essential to have a preparation of the new machines acquired by the company some failure in them It could generate various losses of money and even many deaths but most of the acquisitions of the products are foreign brand and the manuals are in English that generates great confusion in the professional if they do not know the language since in the manual they are basic ideas such as how operation, assembly and adequate maintenance of machines, in addition to express The best understanding of the process of correct use of machines.

Since the vast majority of technology and machine processing with the everyone we work is more than everything comes from the US. UU., Canada more than in other countries, although there are countries that are being developed in the industrial field for this same reason the machinery manuals are in different languages and among that we highlight that of English (Solop, 2017)

The third advantage is that English is a tool to perform fully in the labor field the importance of this is that it is the best known language throughout the world and that facilitates being able to communicate. Worldwide to transfer borders between different professionals, so it is necessary for an engineer to know about some language and among the most important is the English since most companies, large firms and corporations require in employee curricula, the domain of English, both a degree in Mathematics, journalist, engineer, social communicator or an architect, need this language.

The professional can reach a vast culture because he will know customs and traditions and thus enter international businesses. Upon knowing English, you will have the opportunity to interrelate better with other people and thus enter into unknown knowledge for him and his career, such as learning new methods that will facilitate him in the work he performs. (Mirian x. Chávez-Zambano, 2017)

Either in international congresses where the language that predominates in most of them is English and research projects that most of the information are in English and if it is in Spanish the information is outdated.

In conclusion, we must know that learning English is very indispensable for the end of our career since to get our title of metallurgical engineers we must know two maternal and 1 foreign languages, English is preferred since it is international language. It will also facilitate the understanding of the machines with which we will work since most of the machine are foreign brand and to understand its operation we must handle English since that would not allow us to understand well and give good use to that machines in the environmentpractical.It will serve us a lot since UNSA has agreements with foreign countries and this will serve us in case we go to those countries and also for the accreditation process that is going through the faculty will allow us our title to be worth internationally and it would be very indispensable to be able to speak theEnglish well.


  1. Alanís, b. (April 18, 2018). UNITEC. Obtained from Unitec Blog: https: // blogs.UNITEC.MX/Vida-University/El-Ingles-in-the-Ingenieria-Requisito-Indispensable
  2. STATUTE. (2016). statute. In a. AND. Statute, Statute (p. 22). Arequipa.
  3. Mirian x. Chávez-Zambano, m. A.-V.-D. (2017). The importance of learning and knowledge of the English language in teaching. Domain of Sciences, 768.
  4. Multimedia, r. (October 22, 2014). mail newspaper. Obtained from Diariocorreo.com: https: // diariocorreo.PE/PERU/UNIVERSITARIO-SABER-EN-O-UN-UDIOMA-23523/
  5. Solop, n. (August 13, 2017). Nicolas Solop Technology and Business. Obtained from Nicolas Solop Technology and Business: http: // Nicolassolop.com/Employment_it/la-importance-of-to-at-in-system/


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