The Influence Of Childhood In The Determination Of Personality
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DownloadThe influence of childhood in the determination of personality
Childhood is the basis for the future of the individual during all stages of his life, it is also very important to determine the structure of the personality, but what happens if there is no good childhood? What factors influence? How does it affect adult life? It is very important to note that the first years of life are decisive for the formation of our personality, tailored to how children acquire experiences and develop conflicts.
This essay aims to convince about the importance of childhood in the development of our personality. For this, sources such as Daniel Vervona’s theoretical and research book have been used in addition a Diane Psychology Book.AND. Padilla, articles and virtual sources.
For Park (2004) "One of the most important factors is the influence of the family" (1) because they convey feelings according to their way of being, if they are warm and loving, they will enjoy their own autonomy in the future,But if they are hostile and cold, they can generate traumas in the child where they cause a pattern of behavior that affects the development of their personality, however, there are currently other factors such as culture, social class and friends that influencebehavior.
On the other hand we have the attachment theory of John Bowlby where he tells us that the state of anxiety or security that a child experiences is mainly determined by the degree of response of an adult with which he establishes an affective bond (2).
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This means that the child will react to his environment according to the attachment he has with the environment in which he is, managing to generate in the child aggressive or passive behavior. In fact, one of the most important discoveries in the area of evolutionary psychology is that without moments of caresses, direct physical contact and visual contact, children grow up with serious cognitive, affective and behavioral problems. Not only does it need food, security and shelter;It is also indispensable at all costs love.
And finally, to better understand how the stage of childhood forges our personality Bandura (1977) shows us an experiment in which children tend to imitate actions of people who are in their environment, this is known as learningSocial (3) Where the “Doll Bobo” experiment was conducted the one that consists of a study to several children where they were placed a video in which violence towards an object is observed, later they placed these children in a situation similar to that of thevideo and they began to imitate the behavior they observed. In this experiment the weight of the environment with our learning was evidenced, since we are imitators and therefore it is reflected in the behavior of each person.
In conclusion, the main factors to determine personality are three: the attachment theory which demonstrates how the person manifests their behavior according to the link that has been established, imitation learning according to Bandura where it is indicated that since childhood we are imitators influencingOur behavior and finally the intervention of the family where Park ensures that it is one of the important factors to determine our personality.
- Daniel Vervone and Lawrence. Pervin, (1963). Personality Theory and Research 2nd Edition. Colombia: Editorial The Modern Manual.
- Soler, g.(2015).Affective Development. Retrieved at https: //
- Diane e. Papalia. (2003). Psychology. Madrid. China: McGraw Hill Education.
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