The Influence Of Logistics On The Success Of A Company
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It is not a mystery that today there are many companies that their success and renown has been managed by a group of people specialized in good management, efficiency and development of an excellent logistics system of their resources. In other words, highly trained engineers who seek to accuratebusiness. On the other hand, there are companies and companies in different parts of the world that do not know and ignore that maintainexercise their work;As a consequence, they fail and go bankrupt because of their bad organization and disorder.
There are many labor methodologies and philosophies with which efficient logistics management and company operation can be organized. We will use the case of Japan, a developed country that has one of the best economies in the world. Sousa (2014) explains that after World War II, where the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were devastated by the launch of nuclear bombs, the Japanese with the help of the Americans created an industrial productivity model called Kaizen a basic system that improves ourWorking field, within this model “the five eses” is mentioned. This work philosophy, which began in the successful Toyota car manufacturer, aims to achieve a more orderly, organized, permanently clean workplace to achieve greater productivity, such as its impact on the business fieldIt was very successful, many companies worldwide have adopted it in their labor system which brings them more production and higher income.
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In this work our goal seeks to illustrate future professionals, businessmen and Peruvian engineers about the importance of efficient business logistics management. Since in our country there are few companies that have an optimal organization system that allows them to maximize their commercial and economic success, which is currently reflected in the economic and social of our country.
The objective of the 5’s according to Sousa (2014) is to implement the order and discipline in the workplaces to allow an improvement in equipment maintenance, decrease in garbage and accidents thanks to the space that is gained;thus achieving an efficient increase in time savings and costs. Each S has a meaning in Spanish: Seiri, classification;Seiton, order;Seiso, cleaning;Seiketsu, visual control;Shitsuke, maintain discipline.
- Seiri: This stage concentrates us in separating and organizing the things that are useful to us from those who do not, not to waste time when looking for them.
- Seiton: The things that are not useful are thrown in the trash and we organize with posters or signals the organization of our work tools to get them accessible, winning time.
- Seiso: a cleaning of workplaces is made daily and the causes of dirt is identified to try to reduce them and then eliminate them.
- SEIKETSU: Maintain order and cleanliness and that this is not altered by workers, you can put rules and signs that reinforce this step.
- Shitsuke: Final phase in which the review of the previous steps is carried out in order to improve efficiency and seek that all employees comply daily with the 5’S procedure.
This method, in addition to being used in companies to improve job operation and maximize time and costs. Its use in schools, medical centers;In these places they are very useful as in companies because these centers need to have an order, care and progress to keep everything working correctly and in optimal conditions.
This technique greatly influenced the productivity that all Japanese companies began to have since it helped save time and money and obtain greater profits. Today many companies seeing the effectiveness and profits that they can obtain thanks to the 5S method use it throughout its company. One of the Peruvian companies that I use this method is the Aceros Arequipa S Company.A.C and that, in 2011, he put them into practice in their workplaces of Pisco and Arequipa. This was influenced by the increase in profits, since according to the digital magazine of business America Economy (2013) the company Aceros Arequipa contracted sales of an approximate of 769.3 million dollars in 2013, being the most successful metallurgical company in our country. Given this, it can be evidence.
The most common improvements according to the Euskalit Organization (2014) who evidence is: lower production defects, less movement in vain, greater teamwork, greater commitment and responsibility with tasks, greater fluidity in our work space.
According to Bortolotti (2014). The Pilar company of this method was the Japanese company Toyota since in the 60s’ it was the one who created the method to increase its productivity and its profits, today Japan has as a fundamental rule in most large companies this methodembodied from 5 s. This method is also used in schools, medical centers;Here they are very useful in every company because these centers need to have an order, care and progress to maintain everything working correctly and in optimal conditions since they cannot be drifting from losses or waste because it would be fatal and harmful toThese national and private centers.
This technique greatly influenced productivity that began to have all Japanese companies since it helped save time, money, avoid waste of materials and obtain greater profits. At present, many entrepreneurs who studied the effectiveness of this method put it into practice in their companies.
According to the Euskalit organization and its brochure methodology of the 5 s greater productivity better workplace S.A (s.A) It tells us that the most common improvements and benefits when using this system as effective as 5 S are: lower defects in production, reduction of movement, increase in teamwork as well as fluidity in our work space,More commitment and responsibility to tasks.
An important feature that has the 5 S system is that within them there are more factors that help to be more effective such as Just in Time (JIT), slender operations and total Quality Management (TQM) butHow do they help improve the system?
Heizer and Render (2009). They tell us that JIT is a strategy to improve operations using the forced resolution of problems and approaches to rapid production and inventory reduction. This means that JIT is focused on eliminating all the waste that can be had in companies by having a mass production. With JIT we can raise our quality level in our products a little more and also increase our production with low stock levels.
The same authors also conference us on slender operations since it is another factor that helps the 5 S system, these operations are practically based on the needs that the client has and is based on meeting and satisfying the needs of the client and it isThat is why they also eliminate waste but through an exact approach to the client, they provide the client what they want when they want it without waste and with a continuous improvement, that is why the whole system that the Japanese company that Toyota created was gaining greaterEffectiveness because they are based on what the customer sought and needs as well as the quality of the product. (Cited in summary of chapter 16 ‘Jit and slender operations’ of the book ‘Principles of Operations Management’)
According to Pairazaman (2013) it tells us that the total Quality Management (TQM) or in Spanish Total Quality Management is a global method of management of companies related to the responses that are concentrated in the client’s needs. In other words, TQM is a total quality that exists in the production that a company has, the importance that this method has is that it is thought about customer satisfaction, currently in Peru there is no company that has achieved total quality but allThey have their own quality level. Its main objective of this method is to have a continuous quality improvement thus the product received by consumers or customers is always in optimal conditions and with a high quality margin thus customers prefer our products because they know their quality and prefer to acquire whatours and this will generate greater income to the company and for such a greater production.
In conclusion, there are many factors that are taken into account in the success of the world’s largest companies, but it is impossible to deny that one of the most important is the use of a good labor management system in these because withoutThese are lost the meaning of the organization, cleaning and efficacy necessary for the progress of a company.
The best examples of logistics systems that lead to good work performance are 5’s, Just in Time and the total Quality Management, already proven by various companies in the world but mainly by Toyota Corporation considered the main promoter of these.
If more Peruvian companies focus on improving the work environment of their work, this would create a culture of development in our country that would bring us improvements to all Peruvians, promoting our economy that is currently stagnant.
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