The Influence Of Malaria On The Most Affected Population
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DownloadThe influence of malaria on the most affected population
According to the data provided by a study carried out by UNICEF1 there were 216 million cases in 2016, a carafal amount, which meant an increase of 5 million in 2015 . It is evident that although malaria remains a homogeneous problem scattered by Africa, it is especially the rural areas that are affected, since in the first place they are more exposed to the parasite and secondly do not have the means to treat malaria onceContraded.
Malaria is a disease that can be treated especially when detected in the early stages. The main objective of its treatment is to eliminate the parasite that is transmitted as quickly and efficiently as possible since the longer the system is in the system, it is related to a rapid increase in the deterioration of the main organs.
The WHO organization highlights artemisin treatment as the best cure against malaria caused by P.Falciparum. The artican binds to indiscriminate proteins of the parasite that are key in the biochemical routes that it performs when infecting an organism.An effective cure if it is properly consumed. The new problem we are faced is that the mosquito has become immune to a large multitude of insecticides and one of the cheapest versions of treatment, chloroquine5. Therefore, new treatments have been created in the last 20 years such as MEFLoquina, Halofantrina, Artemisinine but we still dispense with a treatment that is equally effective, affordable and safe as chloroquine.
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The new current of ideas about possible priests against malaria is currently focusing mainly on the creation of a vaccine, currently known as Mosquirix. At the moment it only provides partial protection against malaria, and is being focused mainly for children since they are the most affected group. It is at this time the most promising advance we have seen in terms of treatments after a period in which hope was gradually disappearing.
However, many of the leading research centers have opted for new alternatives to fight this disease using new technologies, technologies and knowledge that the scientific sector has accumulated. One of them has been focusing on the study of genome and the modification of such. Having sequenced the human genome opens the door to determine the genes that give resistance to malaria. If we add to this the decoding of the parasite genome and how this affects the human genome could be the key to finally understanding and eradicating the metabolism and interaction of this parasite with guest organisms. If this is applied to malaria, the intention is to have the ability to reduce the transmission of the disease, something increasingly important since the resistance to present treatments require a new vector that we can control.
One of the researchers leading this battle is Pedro Alonso, a Spaniard who not only works as a researcher but also works in the World Health Organization as director of the World Malaria Program. The two most important contributions of this Spanish researcher are the mosquiteras impregnated with insecticide and a great contribution to the Mosquirix vaccine investigation. These two contributions that have become the most important pillars regarding the eradication of malaria, prevention and cure.
There are more and more organizations that fight against malaria since it is increasingly clear that it is one of the diseases with more devastating effects. More and more people bind to the fight against malaria strengthening any field either helping with research, distribution, collection providing essential solutions. Therefore, although they all deserve recognition personally, I would like to highlight an organization composed of people willing to eliminate malaria joining the inexhaustible efforts of people around the world. They created in 2016 a strategy that they put as a title “World technical strategy against malaria 2016-2030” is an action plan, the eldest ever created, to manage to control and eliminate in all countries where malaria is endemic. The strategy detailed the lack of basic treatments for groups that are more at risk and highlights the importance of coordinating data obtained to study each case and perform large -scale analysis. Areas are detailed where novel and revolutionary solutions are especially in need to meet the objective of eradicating malaria by 2030. They are an organization that not only speak or discuss among them the importance of the two previously mentioned pillars but really have an effective action plan and have truly managed to save millions of people, give them personally a future and as a consequence to Africa inYour set.
It is also essential. Those who push with more force towards that new era are u.S. National Institute of Health, Aggregate Industry, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Foundations like these are committed to research and above all revolutionary research. All have different methods do not close any idea but all have a common goal to save the lives of millions.
Having lived in Nigeria and South Africa so many years has allowed me to see firsthand that the help we can contribute as individuals to society is not as necessary here in Spain as it is there. I do not want to take importance to the problems or diseases that we face here in Europe but for us it has ceased to be a reality or normality to face death, or above all that as a society our children are so exposed to it. Until Africa do not stop being normal for a child to die before arriving at five.
Now in the situation in which I am and the skills I have as a first degree student of biomedicines I do not give me to create a cure that eradicate malaria forever would be like trying to catch all the ocean water with my two hands. Faced with this impotence, I turn to a group of people who together are causing the mortality of malaria. It is important to remember that a grain of sand changes something but a mountain ago many more. I propose to give each of the students of this university (Francisco de Vitoria) to put their grain of sand. If each student donates only 1 euro to organizations such as "Against Malaria Foundation" or "Christian Aid" as a whole we could save the lives of thousands of children. It would be relatively simple, I would put a piggy bank in each class where any member of this university could donate how much I wanted.
It is a project that cannot be imposed would be a project that would be based mainly on the goodness and moral responsibility that each one feels towards this issue and the intensity with which each individual believes to be called to help in this fight. The beautiful thing about this project would be that with each one we could do very little we could change a lot since the effort of each one would be added exponentially. These organizations help strengthen the health sector, specifically help improve malaria treatments and facilitate their access to society together with great campaigns that aim to prevention of this disease. What they do specifically is to provide access to networks treated with insecticide since prevention is one of the fundamental pillars in the battle against malaria. They also cover the second pillar providing treatments and improving chains and modes of acquiring medicines.
I have personally worked with these organizations and I have seen how with very little they do unimaginable things. I have seen how much sub Saharan populations can suffer in my case especially Nigerian, Senegalesa, and South African and, that little exposed we are here in Spain. I intend to be the bridge that these two societies to improve each other. I can’t take all biomedicine students to Africa but at the moment we can help all the people who are fighting for something that we all should do and since one day we may be.
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