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The Inner Self, Conflict Resolution


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The inner self, conflict resolution

In the work "The Knight of the rusty armor" by Robert Fischer (1987), more specifically in the chapter: the Castle of Knowledge, we observe how the gentleman begins to meet the same as he leaves the darkness, not onlyHe also did not know, but the people who were around him began to value leaving behind his rebellion and ambition that existed in his heart, he also began to understand that he was the one who had put the barriers between him and the people to the people to thethat he blamed his unhappiness were innocent, he learned that if he did not feel love for it, he would not value and love others.

Let’s start by giving an example, in many families there is so much discord because things are thrown in the face, because they do not want to accept their responsibilities and begin to put barriers between them and the people around them, here we can see that the saying of the bookFrom the guilt of the cow of the author Jaime Lopera and Marta Bernal, as we do not find a culprit of the things that happen to us we are able to hold an animal responsible in order not to compromise and accept our mistakes, it is possible to ask then our ego is insuch a high level? that we have difficult to accept that we are failing as people or we have our moral so lost.

There is no doubt that as people we are failing but in spite of everything we continue doing things the same, because of this we always live in conflict with others and even with oursBut in spite of everything when we fall into account of our mistakes we are not able to correct our actions, so where we are going to, it will be necessary that we get to turn background to react or get out of that coma where we are, without understanding or falling an account allThe social problems we are living.

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Let’s see what is the context of the inner self. Our internal self is one that allows us to know our values, motivations, fears, virtues, skills and weaknesses. Everything you think in this life. While connecting with it may seem simple, it is not easy to achieve and it is often a process of discovery that never ends (Antonacci, 2005), said the above, if the inner self is based on aspects and virtues, why do we live inso many conflicts? Not only with ourselves but with our environment in general.

This is also affected since being in discord with oursInformation and possible aids if the ambition in our mind is stronger than the ambition of our heart, being so we will never live in peace, because we will always be wanting more and more regardless of who we hurt, because many times they areImportant people for us, but we just don’t realize this when we have already fallen into error, then it is worth asking, is it necessary?

Likewise, Maria Ibañes, 2015) personal conflicts condition the relationship with others, family, friends, co -workers … and it is not possible. Of course, the environment influences, favoring or harming, in the physical and psychological well -being of people, although change must arise from each individual. How many more happy people are there, the easier it will be that others are too, trying to force others to change and generate their own and other people’s discomfort.

Taking into account the above we can say that the peace we so long for does not depend on others or is a treasure that is hidden somewhere in the world that no one has been able to find, it is only inside us even if it is difficult for us to recognize due to so much ambition, selfishness, evil, among others that we have in our hearts and our mind, because we think that we deserve everything and that the neighbor does not deserve anything, although we live in conflict with our self, we are always said, I first, I second, I second andI always, in this way we can say that we are person people with lost moral.

That said it should be concluded that we live in society full of conflicts, generated by ourselves, without wanting to accept our responsibility, let’s start by saying that values are fundamental and this problem starts since we are children and the type of upbringing that our parents give us, although many times not all part in the environment that we greet us but of the motivations we have in life, starting first of what we feel in our heart and then the goals we have in mind either in the short, medium or long term, also taking into account the methods we use to achieve what we yearn for.

It is necessary to emphasize that if we want to be at peace with ourselves, we must start by recognizing in aspects we are failing as a person and looking for the necessary aids to, but first of all committing not only to ourselves but also with all those who at some pointWe assault them and not physically, if not verbally because I have heard people say that the word hurt more than a few blows because those words mark you for a lifetime, to end I have learned that the conflict lives in us and to improveStart with us cleaning our interior.

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