The Interpretation Of Facts And The Search For Truth
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The word interpretation comes from the Latin "interpretatio" which means understanding the situation, event or text based on the available information and the person’s experience about what you want to interpret. Commonly the interpreting verb is used more when a text is translated, but this essay has a greater focus on the interpretation of events.
In a way, the interpretation seeks to understand the reality of the event, which tends to be relative, because it depends on the point of view of the person, the environment, and the knowledge of the individual about the event, involving witnesses and various factors. It is generally linked to the first impression of people, therefore hurried conclusions, with only the first impression is equivocal. If you really want to approach an absolute truth, it is necessary to take into account the different interpretations. It is also necessary to think about the social and political context of individuals since both influence the interpretation of the facts.
Some concepts, facts, knowledge are considered close to absolute truth when they can be proven through repetitive experiments that throw in each repetition the same result. As is the case with exact sciences, where universal principles exist as the laws of physics or the fundamental theorem of calculation. The same does not happen in the case of social sciences where the central figure is the human being.
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The actions and reactions of human beings usually cause controversies, as in this case when some authority applies a sanction to an individual or group of individuals. All individuals make different interpretations. Plato already explained it with his allegory of the cave. This allegory begins by counting on prisoners who have been chained from hands and feet from birth, in the same way they have to constantly see towards one of the walls of the cave. Just about his heads is a fire, just at the entrance of the cave. There are parading men and women carrying objects. As a result the prisoners would only see the projected shadows, playing these as their truth. However, if one became released, he will realize his mistake. That his old reality is relative
The relative truth is plausible until it meets another and is based mainly on the points of view of individuals. For example, in a controversial issue there are always different points of view and usually limit an opinion in favor or against this issue.. When it is mentioned that the truth is relative, what is normally meaning is that it is not totally attached to the absolute truth. Which can be true for those who affirm it and lie for another, it is simply a matter of interpretations. It is also important to consider that interpretations are influenced by convictions and beliefs, for example standards of beauty, religions, social group to which it belongs..
In addition, the interpretation or relative truth is usually not permanent, because people are susceptible to change their truth when they are questioned or questioned about it, for example in the event that their reputation can be affected, or Exercise pressure to change it by affecting others, you can completely change your interpretation even several times.. Many times when witnesses of a controversial or controversial event it is common for witnesses involved to change their version of the events that occurred. Robbly elaborate an interpretation of those who seek to protect someone, develop a different interpretation once the tension decreases., In cases such as investigation of criminal acts or when seeking to clarify an accident, it is sought that whoever investigates the facts have a huge ability to interpret what the person says, to know whether or not, or even interpret physical gestures. It should even be considered that people are more likely to believe what is more related to their person, therefore if the witness lies about what happened and the interpreter believes it because he associates it with the truth based on his criteria could conceive an erroneous interpretation of the situation .
On the other hand, the interpretation of an event based on the relative truth of the person, only formulated by the information collected from the environment and the experience of the person about situations that contain similarities can cause an erroneous interpretation of the truth since it was not in The moment in which the event occurred.
The interpretation closest to the truth or the facts that really occurred without being an eye and present witness when they occurred, can be obtained when speaking with those involved in the situation and carefully analyzing the environment, taking into account every detail in addition to relating it With some experiences on similar situations obtained above. On the other hand, when it is present, the interpretation of the event is usually clearer although the perspective of the event is different from that of someone else, such as when a waterfall is observed, on the one hand you can see a wall of water draining releasing breeze, breeze, splashing and from the point of view of the other person you can see a river that stops abruptly flowing violently into a deep abyss.
Analyzing a situation is relatively difficult since some people prejudice to situations and are not willing to change their interpretation although sometimes it can be wrong. This means that reaching an absolute truth is complicated, because to get to this or not involved it is necessary to know the different points of view of those present, in order to create a better view of the panorama and facilitate the understanding of what was declared For witnesses, continue with the analysis of the environment taking into account important details that could influence the event and have been mentioned by those involved so as not to misunderstand the situation, by implying environmental factors that did not influence the event, this breaks Absolute truth and thus becomes a relative truth, that although it sounds reasonable, it is not totally attached to the facts.
The truth is a unique, omnipresent consequence that once manifested completely satisfies who is looking for her.. The truth always ends up beating the hard layers of stubbornness, she is there, she lives to beat, she is nowhere because everything occupies it, it is natural that humans make her repulse with the insignificant knowledge and ingenious self-deceased that unique we achieve is to delay its presence.
In conclusion, the relative truth is mainly related to the concepts, values and ethics of a person, to the particular beliefs of it (religion, lifestyles, beauty standards, rules of behavior). The absolute truth is the obvious demonstration of an irrefutable concept as the aforementioned example of gravity is a concept that no matter how much you want to deny or hide this will be undeniable for the daily evidence we have at every moment of life.
The search for truth has been one of the main engines that have advanced humanity in scientific, philosophical and all kind. The human being knows that the truth can be found under several layers that can hide it, as is the case of interpretations. It is the destiny of man to pursue that utopian dream of absolute truth that is rarely achieved or believed to be achieved, because since its origins humanity has been taken as absolute truth that: "The truth will make you free"
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