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The Largest Famines Of The Nineteenth And Twentieth Century


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The largest famines of the nineteenth and twentieth century


Hambruna is a social phenomenon, which always affects a large or significant group of people, of which they can be natural or caused by man. The consequences are generally very fatal because the agency suffers from a bad nutrition, thus causing malnutrition, which ends in death for many of the people, especially for those of limited resources or refugees who, not having to eat they undress (Salazar andChegue, 2010).

The crisis process suffered by a nation is the product of a government that does not care about its inhabitants, also about the ambition that corrupts the hearts of several people, this is how a nation can be destroyed in second. As we mentioned, famine can seriously affect the organism ending in death for those who do not have good luck.

In many historical events, it is recounted as famine has been part of society, one of the largest hungry can be seen in the nineteenth centuries that begins in 1800 and ends in 1900 and the twentieth century between the years 1901 to 2000where the different wars were the keys for the famine. Within this writing we will explain how the famine was given and why wars had something to do with this.


Irish genocide

In the middle of the nineteenth century Ireland suffered a great famine. By 1845 before World War I, the Irish population reached almost 8.5 million people, of which most of these were farmers.

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Thus, the majority lived only from agriculture, but it was not much time when a plague made this place flooded by a very horrible famine, which caused people to migrate in search of food.

The plague we are talking about caused the farmers. The explanation is that a fungus from North America called Roya which destroyfamine.

World War I (1914-1918)

This war was given by two world powers, the triple alarBritish block to Germany in order to overthrow them, for this reason he had to use underwater war to fight them, but what does this have to do with famine? How could this be the cause of the death of several people? (Salazar and Seville, 2013)

To explain it, it can be said that this war produced the closure of several transport channels such as the maritime, there were several sectors that were affected such as agriculture and food distribution, since it needed some inputs such as cattle for work, machinery, machinery,etc. Thus leaving without possibilities to collect the crops normally.

The consequences of food shortages caused some countries like Britain to create some rules some of these were: not eating more than two or three foods a day, if people did not comply they had to pay a fine, in the same way they tried to controlThe value of the food, in addition some cards that tried to ration were delivered, so that the food can be distributed for all the inhabitants, although it is thought that this was the last event that of a great famineSeveral times that follow in which there is a greater chaos.

The Russian Revolution (1917)

Russia was a very poor and inequitable society. At the beginning of the 20th century, 125 and 140 million inhabitants had a population of which 80% were peasants in misery. Agriculture was traditional and yields, low. The bourgeois and workers’ class was minimal, that is, at this time the people were unemployed, the few peasant and workers who existed did not have enough work to survive.

Tired of suffering all these scarce attention of the government, they decide. After this Zar event promised to convene a Duma or Assembly, in order to respect rights and promulgate a constitution.

Despite the intention, Tsar never fulfilled and continued his reign, the DumNo group of society. From this, several parties were formed in order to overthrow the government of Nicolás Zar II, in the end this was given to overthrow the dictator of Tsar II.

For the famine the peasants, they had no choice but to practice cannibalism in order to satisfy their hunger, in other words, people were dedicated to unearthing the dead and cooking them in order to satisfy the hunger that Tsar II did not see. According to Salazar and Seville, strikes, claims, and disturbances are situations generally caused by a government with authoritarian attitudes. The only thing the Russians asked Tsar was more attention to their needs, but he responded with more repression.

Kerensky and Luov who were representatives of the parties that were formed managed. Once the reign of Tsóviets or assembly members composed of workers, soldiers and peasants were ended in order to declare freedom of the press, meeting, association and strike;A general amnesty was granted and general elections were held. (Salazar and Seville, 2013)

The Bolshevik government retired to Russia of war, due to the discontent of the population since the problems of workers, peasants, etc. The first mandate of this government was to distribute the land among the peasants, controlled the workers and recognized equality between the nations that formed the Russian Empire. From this moment the social sectors had lost their privileges organized a civil front that sought to restore the monarchy.

Then there was another civil war where the social sectors organized a front that sought to restore the monarchy, in which the State confiscated part of the crops to distribute them between the urban population and the soldiers of the Red Bolshevik army, this in order to returnto the other sectors what had been removed. This war broke out in 1921 and is known as war communism. (Salazar and Seville, 2013)

World Crisis of 1929/ The Great Depression

After the First World War Europe was demoralized and shattered materially, to this was added that food production and essential goods were in crisis. Reconstruction tasks were undertaken that promoted the economy, thanks this emerged a time called "Los Locos 20", this name arose because a certain group of people liked excesses. However, workers and peasants had serious problems that still did not solve it. (Salazar and Seville, 2013)

The persecutions of the great depression were felt all over the world in Europe and Latin America. The main causes are: the United States reduced their imports, in other words, raw material producers in Latin America lost market and many people were left without work, foods were damaged, because they did not have those who export.

At this time it was the beginning of a great crisis worldwide, because if we go a few years ago we can remember that the world suffered several wars between them the First World War that I leave without money, or food to several parts of society. So several countries chose to ask for money internationally to exceed the crisis that had already left several social groups without food, thus causing a famine, what they never imagined happened, this is another crisis, this was the fall of theBag in the United States (New York), which affected several fields from agriculture to other professions.

Crisis of 1930/ The Great Depression

At this time many of the countries after the war suffer from a deficit in their accounts due to the fall of the New York Stock Exchange in the United States. These are Latin America and Australia that were in a price decrease of various products produced by these. This was caused by the fact that the countries that acquired their products did not have enough money to buy it for the sudden purpose of the loans that the United States was doing.

What I caused in Latin America was a vertiginous price fall, the bankruptcy of several landowners, bankers, industrialists and merchants;the reduction of wages;unemployment and hatching of social movements: strikes of workers, student demonstrations and peasant rebellions. This era caused a large wave of famine in those countries that had a vulnerable deficit in the transaction balance.

In addition to the fall of the stock market in some parts of the United States there was a great drought bringing strong winds and powders, which caused the death of several people, cattle and crops. After a few months the situation becomes aggravated by questioning investors thus demanding cash deposits, which forces banks to liquidate loans.

Due to the closure of several banks in the United States, many people from Vienna began to get all their money from the banks for the fear of a crisis, this was infected throughout Europe, causing a bank intervention, which ended up bankruptcy, leaving this way withoutPayments to Italy, Hungary, among other countries. The food was scarce, the people were dying, did not enter or out -of -necessity products, a chaos began around the world.

In mid -1930 the stock market began to stabilize, but this is not stabilized until the arrival of World War II, instead in Latin America, after they did not have foreign products that bought chose to establish the textile and construction industry, to continuePetroleum refining, production of processed products, preserves and pasta, thus managing to overcome this crisis.

World War II (1939-1945)

World War II was the most destructive conflict of all humanity, this left 70 million dead. This war not only penetrated the city too with the fields. One of the causes for this headquarters to advance the crisis that had already been giving in 1929, in which banks broke, unemployment was generalized, industrial production, exports fell and prices reached incompressible figures. (Salazar and Seville, 2013)

Within this war we can get two very great figures Hitler a Nazista who hated the Jews and Benito Mussolini an Italian that I believe the Italian social republic, which were in charge that this war was the most powerful and destructive in history. In this war many sectors were helpless, others could not offer their products, the war was so great that entire cities were destroyed, for this cause many people chose to migrate to different countries, and thousands lost their jobs.

Hitler had an ambition to gain territories that managed to convince the people of the city, in addition to thousands of peasants, especially a man to join the army, his ambition was very large that carelessness to the inmates thus causing a very large famine, whatthat made Germany a place not very sure to live. In addition, Hitler hated the Jews very much so I decided. Then I choose to exterminate them by introducing them in one of these fields where they were subjected to a camera that contained pepper gas, until the gas acts and the mate, this time in history ended with the death of Hitler and Mussolini, whose deaths remainuncertain.

Hungry in Ethiopia

The famine is not only caused by wars, it can be naturally caused as we have already said. Africa is one of the countries that suffers from a famine naturally. In the 1970s Ethiopia suffered a great lack of food this ended the life of 300,000 people, a situation caused by the lack of water, which resulted in very strong foods of food.

Ethiopia did not yet recover from the famine of 1970, when at the beginning 1980 another one that was produced by the lack of water, although several people migrated to other cities looking for a better life did not achieve, because they never imagined that those citiesThey were going through a much worse drought, which I charge a balance of 1000,000 deaths, that is, 700,000 more than those reported in the year of 1970. (Salazar and Chegue, 2010).

The phenomenon that was happening in Africa was so great that it moved several artists like Michael Jackson who composed a song and dedicated it to the areas most affected by the drought that Africa was happening, this was dedicated to one of his concerts. Africa I cannot overcome this problem due to the lack of government capacity to face drought and economy crisis, which occurred in less than 20 years. (Salazar and Chegue, 2010)

Famine in Spain

Although Spain did not enter World War II, this lived a civil war that lasted approximately 6 years, where it is estimated that about 200,000 people died from the extensive famine that arose. This had no help from other countries because they were busy with World War II. The Franco regime hidden during all these years the famine that the country was happening.

In Spain, a form of ration was created in which they were responsible for distributing the raw material to produce food, from here it was how a black market was created where only the population with more money was what could achieve several foods, in addition the rationIt was very irregular that all basic food that most people needed was not distributed.

The genocide

This era was the beginning of the concentration camps because this was where one of the greatest catastrophes in history was observed, as several Jews were killed, others were taken to live in Ghettos so that they could not enter Germany again, Armenians were expelled and massacred by the Ottoman Empire. Many of these were prohibited from food, and human rights were not valid, that is, the famine seized this poor people, what they wanted to look for was that they leave.

The Jews had to migrate due to slavery that was lived at that time. What they did not count on was that by 1941 they were forced to carry out forced labor those that were not paid, in addition to this they had to carry David’s star as an indicative that they were Jews, in addition they could not enter any public place, orEnroll in higher schools, in the same way the Jews who were already in Germany ceased to be citizens, this happened during World War II, which means that this was also a group that suffered discrimination, a very strong famine.


In conclusion, the various events that were lived were the most terrible that it has been seen in history, in which it could observe how war, governments, and natural causes such as a drought can cause a whole population to have not toEating, or a worse reaching the point of cannibalism. But of the good things that can be recounted from this is that, some countries especially in Latin America realized the different fields in which they could also venture. At present, the problem of famine has not yet been solved, since there are several groups that have not yet overcome this problem one of these is Africa, but independently these events were part of a very dark great past that caused the death of millions of millions ofpeople.


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